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Show Newspapers of Vienna Reappear and Trouble Appears to Have Been Settled for the Time Being; Some Conces-sions Conces-sions Made by the Government to the Workers. GERMANS SHOW SOME CONCERN Vorwaerts Takes a Gloomy View of the Future as the Fruit of Pan - German Propaganda; Propa-ganda; Washington Officials See Signs of More Trouble in Austria. Aus-tria. VIENNA, Jan. 23, via Amsterdam. The newspapers of Vienna reappeared today and the workmen in a majority of the factories resumed work. AMSTERDAM, Jan. 23. The strike in A ia. according to a dispatch from ienna printed in the Vossische Zeitung of Berlin, was started by a workman named Schorefelder, who induced a eou-L eou-L p!c of hundred of his comrades at the rjnler Motor works in Wiener-Nensfadt, thirteen miles south of Vienna, to walk out. The strike .spread rapidly and on Thursday of last week ail the munition works and factories were forced io close. Hundreds of thousands of persons gath ered In the streets. No soups were suriB .111. 1 mi hauliers were down, the dispatch says, threats, grumbling and demands only hciiitf hear,. The trades people joined in the strike and all shops were closed. The printiuK of newspapers was stopped ;md Vienna was without a news-Paper news-Paper for three days. |