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Show IN" THE DISTRICT CCL'RT OF THE I'niied States for t he district o: I'taii. In the matter of Robert A. Dean, voluntary volun-tary bankrupt. hi bankruptcy. No. 4:K-?. To the creditors of Robert A. Dean of Salt Lake Ciiy, in ht: countv of C-il: Lake and district rsforesaid. a l.-ankruDt: Notice is hereby given that on tho .j'uh day of Noverr. rei 117, t'ne said Robert A. Dean was duly adjudicated l ankrucu: nr.'i tl::it tho firM mt-et:n of his creditors cred-itors will -e held at. my o;h:ce in the Continental Con-tinental b'0''W. Sell Lake City. Vta'.l. on 'he 4:h Lty o: h-';ar-. l r-1 . ar in 15 o'clock a. ni.. aL which T:;vo l!.c .-aid crciilfrs may al'.end. voce ti.-i- clai-as. api'Oml a trustee. exannno t::e hank-rapt, hank-rapt, iin.l transit such r.th1'- business as R.ar i-rppt-rly .vn before c-ai.i nieelihi;. c'lATU.ES BAI.l'.'WIN. n-e'e-co in I ,1,1,:- ;nic--Sail r.-akc Cpy, Jrnuar" 'h 1 f i n . |