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Show Our Jitney Offer Tills and 5c DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, nu'loso with 5c and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chi-eitRo, Chi-eitRo, writing your name and ad dress clearly. You will receive in return re-turn a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs colds" and croup; Foley Kidnov Pills' for paiu in sides and buck; rheumatism' backache, kidney and bladder ailments' and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome whole-some and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, cathar-tic, for constipation, biliousness, head-acre head-acre aud sluggish bowels. Sehramm-Johnson, Sehramm-Johnson, Drugs. (Advertisement.) Centurv Printing Co., Salt Lake's printers, '231-35 Kdison street. (Adv.) J Crisp, Dainty, Delicious tfi n-h, Pr I Oolfii 1 3 I pfi ; j f At I :" BlSCUiS f "-SV-1-'"-1 iir' '',t' The punt Bison" Company BAXT LAKE CITT. U. s. Food Administration License No. ( B-13S37. t z i S '1 I Are you aware that opportunity in OIL knocks at your door today ? That good, I legitimate oil operators are looking for capital to uncover the untold areas in Utah, j I Wyoming and surrounding states, whieb are impregnated with this wealth-producing - I Liquid Gold? " ' 11 1 I But how are you to determine which of these hundreds of oil companies are legiti- I mate, honest, upright and conscientious in their intentions to develop these untold j regions which abound in wealth. I Get behind Salt Lake's new OIL EXCHANGE AND loAKD OF TRADE, which I j will shortly open its doors to the public of Salt Lake City. ! I This is not a new concern in this intermountain country, but a branch of the Denver I .Oil Exchange and Board of Trade, located in the Albany Hotel building of that city, I t I which is backed by Denver's leading bankers, brokers, newspapers, hotel and restau- 1 I I rant keepers, and, in fact, business men ?.n all walks of life, and where hundreds of I I thousands of dollars have changed hands already. j I All of which has helped the wheels of progress along -and made Denver today the metropolis of this big industry. You realize what this exchange has done for ; Denver. . . ' if I :. SALT LAKE CITY HAS THE SAME OPPORTUNITY. ' j Salt Lake City Is the Gateway I . to These Oil Fields ; j Transactions in OIL will be just as plentiful here as in Denver. Utah capital will 9 ; be interested if shown that only honest and legitimate concerns will be listed on ' this exchange. 1 . ; I I WE WANT TWO HUNDRED BUSINESS MEN . AND BROKERS WITH US j ! A seat and membership on this exchange will only cost $50.00. We want to elect a i ! board of governors out of this membership who will have the interests of the buying ; j public at heart, who shall dictate the class of stocks that shall be listed, and with I J our large clientele and mailing list, as well as with the large mailing lists of brokers, j I bankers and oil operators who have already declared their intentions to join with us, " we are confident we can help to develop Utah's wonderful resources as well as the ; ( undeveloped regions of Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada and Colorado. . ' j Are Yon Witli Us, Mr. Businessman, Mr. Banker' and Mr. Broker? ; j II If so, call and see our representative, ! MR. W. G. McirsJTYRE Suite 526 Utah Hotel whose letters of reference from Denver's leading financial houses, from newspapers ' and business firms, will convince you that you will make no mistake if you care i 1 to join this exchange. , ! a ' ' 1 1 3 LiM---gg-aa U |