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Show 1 1 Extravagance Unnecessary ':; H l-'verv woman, particularly in these times, does not want to indulge I S i extravagance she believes in and practices economy, even in her g 1 W denial work The best in dentistry does not necessarily mean extrav- t y I seance. U Ylieans GOOD JUDGMENT in selecting the dentist. , v S " the UNION DENTAL CO. is the place you have been looking for, ; , I if vm. want tl very best in dentistry at prices that are m harmony a with the spirit of economy. ; 1 ffTTn?iTTnTIWMi ' ONE PRICE I I l TO ALL 5 "ir Vi V4 Gold Crowns .$5.00 ; I rVj.'A Avl Bridge Work .$5.00 - i , - I: $2.00 to $5.00 j ' V?fitf ft?W&i Porcelain Fillings, y4 ?2' to ?2-5 I P ,4T,1fp-4rtc?)V SUver Fillings $1.00 s .1 T ' ' TiY XHV1 Very Best Set t "Union" dentistry is recognized throughout the intermountain conn- j K trv as the best obtainable, being permanent, artistic and unllmitedly ; h L-iiarantecd. Five expert dentists five lady attendants. Sanitation and B t cltardiness strictly observed. KXTRACTIONS POSITIVELY PA1NLLSS. ( I THE OLD RELIABLE '-. j UNION DENTAL COMPANY - V 212 Main St. Phone Was. 1126. Dr. L. J. Dull In Charge. A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas Wonder cures kidney and bladder trouhles, dissolves gravel, cured diabetes, weak and lame back, rheumatism rheu-matism and irregularities of the kidneys and bladder in both men and women wom-en Regulates bladder troubles in children. chil-dren. If not sold by your druggist, will be snt by mail on receipt of $l.0e. One small bottle Is two months' treatment, and seldom falls to perfect a cure. Send for sworn testimonials. Dr. E. W. Hall. 26 Olive St., St. Louis. Mo. Sold by druggists. (Advertisement.) r & F X S .r ltrW? 1 l V Send No Money- Xf H V I Pay Freight-1. Vt Wherever you live in the Western States I II nd you this kJ wnrU famous Columbia GrafonoU with the true Tone Vt-AAnf o! Life" that simply can t be imitated, and your choice of WtA? records from a list of thousands. Place them in your home and use them exactly as though thty w your own, , for 5 days- Enjoy them as much as you like invite the neigh- pfrijf bors hold dances and happy parties. Then if you arm t sZaS. entirely sure you want to keep the outfit, return it at our V ff expense and the trial won't cost you a copper cent. ir-:'$Pr vJg Easiest terms if you do keep it. , AW ' Send coupon for free hooks L-lZZlS j TTj!::i COL JOSEPH J. DAYNES, Jr, Prc.idcnt. fflPSS! ' Dayno-Bceb Mujie Co, SJt Uke City. Utth. Tr. 8? tVt ' Voj mm send me FREE and Postpaid. lx-aulifully illiulnted V "Mitteii fcd J&,'"I'. Cat.locs. slmulne ALL snlcof GKAFONOLAS (in colors' and pvin,! !jf&f& V ' ,- 'i-'r- 'LOWEST FACTORY PRICES ihI Ti-rms. Also Big FREE 1 ! 2i',fc'!jF28EOTacWraU " I Rciord Book and full dcUils of your FREE TRIAL OFFER- Thu dof ByUS 'V 1 ' " 7 '' I Wid'J not obliiral mo in the least ' ' ' ': nr'ini 'i' 1 I ' ; lll Name Bipfiiil , Address lTgSSg LLii'- . Soothe the irritation and you relieve the distress. Do both qnickly and effectively by promptly usinir a dependable remedy SOME CLASS ; : & the glasses we supply. They add distinction to the features as well . , ll Slgnt- After we have determined the kind of glasses ILJ refu"quTe we consider the style best suited to your features. H 1? WE ABE AT YOUR SEBVWB0 m ; ; L . M Highest Quality tftaftA Bifocal Lenses, for "j ftV ."' far and near see. WOW :rj flttea with good, Ing; two pair lenses 1 'yi :t:"flBfr'm' UR BfiS: 'n one. OUR RiJS ! f.y PRICE, complete T " PRICE, pair T ""J , I SCHUBACH OPTICAL CO. iac 1 M OpTOMETRISTS AND MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS FCX THE 3109 soutci'main st. (n t bKn we cn dup.lc.t. your |