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Show RECENT WEATHER F AV 0 11SJJ VEST D C K Moisture Needed in Several Counties of Southern Utah. The past wc:Ic, aeconlin to the report of J. Cecil Alter, misteoruloKist of the local wea t her bureau, has t.tv:n generally favorable fa-vorable for livestock ami flic r;j hhs, although al-though moisture; and feel are diminishing over the principal western and ti'-mtheast-errt ranges. iMuiatun; is also badly needed in Juab county, and northern Millard, Iron and Grand counties. In Uintah and Bo elder counties cond It ions arc reported to he somevvha t bet t .ir. . The following reports from a r ions y-or- t inns have been received and will prove valuable for sheep raisers in ranging their flocks: Black Ttock Highest temperature 42 decrees, lowest 1 decrees below zero, no precipitation, 1 Inch snow on ground, 2 ineho.H on ranges; sheep excellent. Castle Pale Highest temperature 49 de-fjrees, de-fjrees, lowest 1 dejrep. helow zero, no precipitation, pre-cipitation, about 1 inch snow on winter ranges; livestock excellent. Ueseret Miyhest temperature 44 decrees, de-crees, lowest ; decrees, no precipitation, no .snow on ground on ra ngea ; Hheep fair; about 175,000 to UOO.UUO sheep and S"i0 catt le on surround ing ranges. No snow in fish Spriims country, but animals there arf; doing fairly well. Kelton Highest temperature 43 degrees, lowest U degrees helow zero, precipitation t race, snow tall half an inch, snow on ground 2 to 4 Indies; ranges good, livestock live-stock fine. Mil ford Highest temperature 4!) degrees, de-grees, lowest 7 degrees, precipitation 0.01 Inch, snowfall 0.3 inch, none on ground; ranges better, livestock good. Modena H ghost temperature 50 degrees, de-grees, lowest 4 degrees, no precipitation, ground hare in valley, some snow in hills yet; livestock in good condition. Salt Lake City Highest temperature 3S degrees, lowest 15 degrees, precipitation 0.77 Inch, snowfall fj. 2 inches, on ground 10. U inches. Thompsons Highest temperature 38 de-greoH, de-greoH, lowest 1 degree, no precipitation, trace of snow on ground and on ranges; feed poor, stock fair. Watson Highest temperature, 37 degrees, de-grees, lowest 1 degree below zero, precipitation pre-cipitation 0.32 inch, snowfall 3.1 inches, snow on ground 2.7 inches, on range 6 Inches; sheep and feed good. |