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Show I ' r- J' ,1" ";V ' 3 I in. t- S' I I. I The Stetson White Oxford J;;.; i For cool and comfortable sum- ' Y I mer footwear without sacrific- I iug style and clean-cut appear- : I ance, no shoe can compare with ' f 1 this Stetson White Oxford. ! ' I Made in white buck leather or white jj( i I duck on the stylish Carlton last, with i I I the excellent workmanship character- ! " I istic of a Stetson, it has a distinc- ' I . tiveness and fit that will endure. 6 I Shoes for Men. ; KEEP Luden's at your bedside. Remove C the tickle; purify the Jjj breath; refresh the mouth. ) Many uses. -xL 6 VW til 1 ilLlli JlIu ilu J JIUL.J 111 I , " S ktV,-v4 if - j' 1 , m . ! The chief factor in the enjoy- r , M ment of a vacation is the climate. fef There is no pleasure in visiting l show places in a broiling hot sun ' and in spending sleepless nights after a day's activities. f. i j You avoid both in fpcndm your entire . .; vacation in Oregon, Vashbston and Brit- ; 1 ish Columbia, airudst tho rroc-t gorgeous hU 'j Ecenei-y on the cor.tin.ent and vhere there j , J h every outdoor sport suid recreation. f ' Special summer excursion rates and excel- i--f -srJiri-ac- lent hotel accommodation. ,Ov IliTt'RNAllOMMfl N '.I .PL?V6R.oun:D ' .! Ol i l el 1 l'4"'iV Wri for free) nimtrBlfJ booklet to eny ronv q r1; mercJiJ orjrwiiitttion in Oregon, VniliinETlon 07 ' J i ' J ,j Britith Columbis, or to KvAtri CutfiWt, See- , y rctary, Pari6e Northwct Toaritt Awoeialioo, t ' V " 4 i"iiitiinid by jrevemmen'. fondi to (,'' free f:,(-Aw InfociMticm, U C 5;mib BMZ., V, tr ' 'r-- I 0' . f J ' ft V - A V'-fffit j The Greatest mMJm Message of mllM. Her Life IT -' r-dSWs?- The June bri.lc-to-be Avill '"ff' Sfrfe find at Pembroke's the qual- WSSSf ity of paper worthy to carry ;jWllfr tlo greatest message ot her " life. 'J3 45"- We have an almost unlimited Ar?e&ffiMan- selection of papers specially k vi.--.- - mado for invitations. an- " nouucemeuls and correL-pon- w " deuce. Pembroke's engraved neddin;? B stationery is neat, dinmiuHl and smart in kcepui:; with J I the event it announces. aowte. Now is the best time lo j jfr Sftv make your selection ot stock 4 f (A and eiieravinK to insure de- Jr X livery and mailing at the j fi A proper time. j Come to our store and let us j i I 0 fjj show vou our work very , j I 1 M moderately priced. j ii V i I? Pembroke 's-Stat'toners to IS ij Particular People C- E. BROADWAY -WAS. 2363. iCsed by mothers thpi world otct for balf a cfaitrtry. Free frrris all bnmu'ul iuffrffiients. Tr. Arthur 11. Uiwsrll, of tho Ann! Un Institution, lxn-doit. lxn-doit. En., wruos: "Absolutely frea (rem mcr-nhia mcr-nhia or other aikdloid or constituent of oriu" Thr' Stfrfman'o Toethinj Powders axa farnraU? distJismifliod from U Brailar prep-cratiorLS," prep-cratiorLS," Obervo th trnd-morU, trnd-morU, a irum lancet, i on cery f r ' raclcot and rxwdrr, naze otherwi I I g.Tinft. JSc a pAtVet of nine pow- If dera. Tow dniaffirt h tJioai or i )A-3 can got them for ' 1 t?k. prepared only by: fV" V V'j James H. StedmnnLy . ' J. HoxtoT London, gy'X- Uon't Let It Ungcr. A cough that follows la grippe or any other cotifih that "hanizs on" from winter to cprini; wears down the sufferer suf-ferer leaving him or her in a weakened vtate unable to ward off sickness and iliscasp. .Jo. Gillard, US Fillmore St, Naphville, Tcnn., writes: "I was suffering suf-fering with a dry, hacking cough and a ?n in nw cheat, but since taking l-'oicy's Honov and Tar I have been relieved." It soothes, heals and cures ,-ou rhs, col. Is and croup. Good for wh unpin? couh. i'or sr;lo by Sohramm-.TolinsonDmps. Sohramm-.TolinsonDmps. (Advertisement.) gELL-ANS SsbFOR INDIGESTION, |