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Show name of the German peac delegation to move that the conien ts of the intended notes be regarded as having already been made the subject of discussion in writing and that the requisite time be granted to us for a more detailed exposition. "Accept, sir, the assurance of my highest high-est esteem, (Signed) "EROCKDORFF-RAUTZAU." To this M. Clemenceiiu replied as follows: fol-lows: "May 20, 1919. "Sir T beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of Xlay 20 stating that the subjects on which the German delegation wishes to offer suggestions are so complicated com-plicated that the memoranda of the German Ger-man delegation cannot be completed within the fifteen days granted on the 7th instant, and asking in consequence for an extension of the time limit. "In reply. I beg to inform your excellency ex-cellency that the allied and associated governments ore willing to pranl aa extension ex-tension until Thursday, May 29." TEXT OF GERMAN PLEA FOR MORE TIME FOR ACTION PARIS, May 21. (By the Associated I press.) The text of the request of the German delegation for an extension of time follows: "Versailles, May 20. "To His Excellency, tho President of the Peace Conference, M. Clemenceau: ".Sir The German peace delegation intends in-tends during the next few days to submit communications to the allied and associated asso-ciated governments on the following poll i us, which, in the eyes of the delegation, delega-tion, fall under the definition of suggestions sugges-tions of a practical nature: ''First, a noto concerning territorial questions in the east; second, a note concerning con-cerning Alsace-Lorraine: third, a note concerning the occupied territories ; fourth, a note concerning the extent and discharge of the obligation undertaken by Germany in view of re para, t ion; f if I h, a note concerning the further practical treatment of the question of labor laws; ! six th. a note concerning the treatment of German privaLO property in enemy countries. "Elides this, a syllabus Is being prepared pre-pared of the observations which are called for from the German government by the draft of the treaty of peace in its detailed de-tailed provisions. Ihe problems hereby involved in-volved being in part of a very compl i-cated i-cated na lure, and it having been necessary neces-sary to discuss them extensively with tno ex per is in Versa illes-. as well as with tho.-e in Berlin, it -.vill not be possible to dispose of them within the time limit of fifteen days notified by your excellency on the 7th instant, although the delegation delega-tion will take pains to transmit aa many nots as possible within the limit. "Having regard to this. I beg in. th |