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Show SIXTEEN IK OUT MIE St. Paul Workmen Act in Sympathy With Common Com-mon Laborers. T. PACL, Minn., May 21. Ifembera of p::; tut; ii different labor unions if": re went 'in strike at h a. in. today in syrn-l"i'i.r syrn-l"i'i.r ii wl r h rommoi! laborer:!, who are on htriktj (i.;rn;,,n'lin'-j 5'i r;nts an hour, a r;:i:-j of 1'j cf.uia an inir, witn a nine-hour nine-hour (J.ty and rj"Ogniion of the'.r union. 0,M'l,A.'I), rr.l.. May 2!. The Pacific Coa.-it M-tM Trad'-i o:iruhI has d'-oided Ki call a 'tMi'Tal Mrike unless a satisfactory satisfac-tory agrc mit.'' lit to tnl.o tlm place of the Ma - y u v r c u n i r n t 1 u I w .- e n t h u h i p b U 1 1 d -Mf:i of th-j 1'firilic and tliA conned has Kfin ra-'h-M hy a. ;n., July tl. It was ;:r. iioniiiil iiT: t i-l;tv, (";. 1'. lir-jv, pr-:ld-:it, and A. TC. Birth, sr-c-.-tarv (A Wm: .-uiiiicil, which r:;ire-:je;'.r;i r:;ire-:je;'.r;i a jpi ox (mat -y ''00 sh i ; woriU'C.s and m'jn employed in allied rrnfis on the T ' co.j sr. made the announcement. The cull ui.il recent iy rioted a convention hero. Tim agreement which 1he council will a.sk thd employers to sign provides for Hit) hfKir forty-Tour-hour week, HO cents per lioui' horizontal increase in wnges for n II era f: s. piot rvdlon for the safety of workers and sanitary conditions, the elimination elim-ination of ail overtime except to protect li ft; ." id property, and class i Meal ion of Hi'1 various trades lo be standardized. Ucf.rdu Hons pii sued by the council Indorsed In-dorsed iiu .six-hour workday, the Mooney .strike propu.nit inn and the setting true of al! polit iea! prisoners. |