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Show NOTICU TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled proposals will he rr , oi .-d nt '.ll..l KulMimr. salt I. ; ,:?r ",-t '" , "" i'-: - , - nviitlnn.Nl. un;il ,, ,,, M. .. cement ,',,,tm,. ,; i,.i,s ,,, s ,., : . " on Hi,. I',, II, ,ivH; 'n,,,, ,..,, "llll''s V.!,!"i;:;:;;v;1:; P';.r:Z ,V,C w,,""y- L",iii'- ..T"7 l'"n" "m,,h ""-.! milfs from ttii' i no ,.f the present p-im,,.; :,t Mi.LMo s i.t 1ifc,. coiinix , I t;. I;. K, , n, t. 1 tall, rx.-lml!,,,; the tily v ; a distance of 11.12 miles ;;. t'rnm tin. south city limits or 1 Imkimi orovo lo tho north eitv innila of rovo, 1 tab coumy, Utah, a clisuuic or i.2J miles. (. Knuii tho Pint of die present pricing, pric-ing, which is apiroxiinat.-lv no ln north of the i-inh Hot UprlniBS. to tho south ,-,ty limits of l'.rlgham Citv. Box-cloer Box-cloer eonnty, rtali. excluding thai por-iM'l'v por-iM'l'v tlu'y '-'lv0li- 11 distance of S.DS Instructions to bidders, together with Plans and specifications, form of contract and bond, may lK oMutnv.1 at the otlieo ot the state Road Coinmitsioii upon du-po?itint: du-po?itint: ? o . 0 0 per sel. Tho State Ki.ad Cononlssicn lias and lieteliy retains tho rtfsSit to re-j.vt at.y and all hids or to aeeept anv bid . hieh it ueems best :;nd wane minor defn;-! STATE DO.r COJUUSfilON.' L1:..' Ira K. Brownlnp. Secrettirv. y;;::9i |