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Show WM. M. ROYLANCE k COl WHOLESALE Fruits, Prod uceEggs,Poulry & Grain Cash Paid For Et?gs Poultry and Grain. WRITE US FOR PRICES Sl'WKGVlLLE,- ' . .' - . . UTAH rrGRANDEV ICWESTERN w&w; , l.tX'Al. TIME TAI1LK So. 5 No-6 Pass- .siATlDXrf. - l a eoeer enXer D l r U. iV 6 00 Ar Ugen -I" 800 6 32 Lsyton - 6 27 Kaysville f S 5 14 J, ike Shore M u 00 U'oofVd Cross 6 lli i; B-ttou ft ITo 4 81 ' Frankiyn 9 22 4 21 Bingham iuuctlon 9 29 4 13 Draper 9 39 4 03 Jordan Narrows 9 48 3 52 Halstead 10 01 3 51 Lehi 10 02 3 45 American Fork 10 in 3 39 Battle Creek W 18 3 30 Proro JO1' 8 09 Sprlrigvllle Junction 10 51 3 00 Miploton 1100 2 4s Castella Springs 11 15 2 25 Thistle Junction 1125 2 19 Asphalt 11 P. M 2 02 Nebo 12 04 1 40 Indianola 12 25 I 13 Hill T.p 12 SI t i2 Milbtirn 102 12 47 Fiii'ew I16 12 2-S Mi. Pieaaut 1 34 12 12 6.iiu Cify 1 4U A II 43 Ec hra'm 2 Id 1123 MANTI 2 35 11 t bttf'lUig 2oti 10 53 Gunnison 3 05 10 37 vviilow Creek 3 20 10 20 Lv Salin Ar 3 40 D.C.DODGE. A. E. WELBY, Gen'l. ilgr. Gen'l. Sapt. J. H. BENNETT, G. P AT A HI. KOPP. Manufacturer of FINE CANDIES, 84 W. Second South St., SALT LAKE CITY. Special Attention . .. to tbe 3obbing Gi-aoe. iOOK OUT! FOR OUR TUTTiE & 0Q MANTI TIN SHOP. ROBERT WITMER, PROP. fiftanufaeturer of Zn ano Copper IQare, IRoofing, . an& (Buttering, etc. Soloering anb IReparing Done on SbortlRottee KEEPS OS HAND A FULL LINE OF TINWARE and CUTLERY, OF EVERY DISCIRPTION. roers flDaU promptly Btteno. to. MAIN STREET - - - MANTI. THE MANTI Mercantile Institution. Invit 3 attention to thoir latge and varied assortment of ladies Hats, Boneis Trimmirigs, Ribbons and Notions Misses and Chlldrens' Rtraw Hats and s nmmer Apparel of ail Descriptions. Mens' and Boys Humoier suitiugs, stow liabjjoofe and shoes, Hose, Gloves, Silks, Zephyrs, Caliccs, Plain and Fancy Cashmeres in Great 4-inoh all-wool Saltings at 60 cenfa per yard; Cashmefes from 25 cents to 1 1.25 per yard. g peciar 30 Dayss Sale. " T303E CONTEMPLATING BUILDING SHOtLD CALL ON THE MANTI LUMBER YARD THEY WILL For the nest thirty days 20,0CO feet Oregon Flooring, 20,000 it-Oregon it-Oregon Rustic a ad 20,000 feet Wain scot ting, moulding3 an( Base. They also have a large supply 0f Lath, Sash Doors, Shingles Etc., mid alio the celehratf'rt Combination fence. John Grier, Charles Tennant Prop. Agent. ; ' anl ilfoebidnes at tbe Ift Bcuo Stove. Young Bros. Co. 68 Main Street, Salt La k?. City. -Whoeeale and Retail Dealers In Domestic Sewing flBacbf.nesl Gbase JBreg. pian'os, Jpacfter& Organs. fTDusrcal xTDercbanMse. SENS PCS OUh . LIST OF I CN CENT SHEET MUSIC. MANTI CITY SiffiilBB'Biffi Capital Siock - $50,000 ScBPLrs - - I10.COO -DL1ECT0HS L. T. Tcitle, President, H, J. CHaiST;iEK, Vlce-I'jsst. Albeut Tutile, Cashier, Fetch Dtbeng Ast Cashier J. B. Maibeu. Raines Crawfurd Jr.. Wm. G. Crawford, Ja. Metcalf. Transacts a dmn Backlog Business. Beceivos dej oslts payable on demand. Five per cut paid on caving deposits. Fireproof Vault, hk Absolutely Burglar Prof. Honey to loan on Real Kolale, City and Farm Property and otlisr approved te-nrlty. & THE REPORTER Sa.OO PKR YEAU F MIP IN APVANCE. |