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Show A Dress Parade for the Columbia Exposition. $12,000 Given away in Premiums. The Greatest Exhibit of I' tab's Wonderful Resort 8. Showing her Homo Manufactures, Minerals, Mechanism, Agriculture, Hortlcol-tnre, Hortlcol-tnre, Floirirullnre, Pedigreed Live Siock, Art Collection by Local Artists, and Industrial Enterprises. It is arranged to hare ; NEW AND NOVEL PROGRAM Each Mm pi. Itcludlng Educational Contests. Ba. Beaaty and Sheep-Sheailn CotofirtiUons; Balloon Aacemlona and Parachute Jumps; a Baby Show and a Sensational Pudolc Wedding; a Colored Quartette Contest a new and novel (allure i: Ercyale Bace and other Contests, ,5 EZpQSITia:; BXJ I LD1 NG -G ALT LAKE CITY, j OCTOBER 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th, 1892. THE DESEBET AGHIGCITCBAt AND MANCFAGTCEING SOCIETY. H. M. WELLS. Secretary- .,.'.".. CURTIS P. MASON, President- THE DESERET MUSEUM ' Will be Arranged and Claslfled at the Expedition Building, and the WORLD'S FAIR COLLECTIONS Vf ill be Exhibited There-ESFTHE There-ESFTHE BEST MUSIC THE TERRITORY AFFORDS t Will be Constantly in Attendance. Special Railroad Rates oa all Exhibits. '.V Send foe Piwiiim Lkts to GEO, D. PIPER, Box 620, Sait Lake City. Tfieifta piiunbing pupplij Go., -' ' .'.jn;.i-' " Jobbers arid Wholesale Dealers in Plamibing. Gas Fitting, and Steam Goods. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO IRON & SEWER PIPE. 164. WEST- TEMPLE STREET;' SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. H, C. JAMES). MANAGER. " j IMPOETANT! When in the City take your meals at aO IVOaTtl H.!St. l.X'lia tH. THE Saddlerock, No. 129, AND- Arcade No. 127 Main St. JBcveta Ioan & Co., props. SALT LAKE CITY, - - -. LrTAH. PAINE & LYNeI - Dealers in v"tl Growers' tSli applies. . AGENTS for hazard powder and cooper sheep dip, Ail! all other Sheep Dipping Material..' 151 FIRST EAST STREET (State Road), SALT LAKE CITY, T O. Armstrong, Jiv I.eading Wholesale Jobber of Seeds,Hay Grain, Flour k Feed; . 47 2, m mm south street, salt lake cut, utah. Storage for . the accommodation of Farmers, telephone no. e i' On li Oi Ui ifti f - Looking for the. ejy People's Equitable Coop Assn. g j-s, (next to Zion's Savings Bank) -. "cS" . THAT'S THE PLAGE TO BUY ' J Clothing, Mens?? Ladies' I & Childrens Shoes J , n 1 M 1 iS Complete Assortment of I W(Y S00D, l0TI0Ig 5 "qj Do not fail to visit them when in Salt Lake City. Their price". are aways down. Prices furnished on application. t. g H. J. Foulger, Supt. r- Glark, Eldredge and Co Wholesale Dealers In GROCERIES Hardware,. Glassware, -Tinware, Woodenware5. Crockery, Etc., Etc. 141 and 143 First South Street, SALT LAKE CITY, - - - UTAH. John Hnry Smith, Prest. Abraham H. Cannan, Vice-Prest. THE CO-OP No. 11 & 13 Main St. north of Z. C. Ai. I. Salt Lake. MOM 0GT.1, TO TIE 15, V.'e will offsr Carpets, .funuturc &c At special low prices. Couferance visitors are invited to examine onr goods and prises before baying. X5U IB. XatlUsm0f Supt. |