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Show .VIUViM-S OF ALCOHOL. f bm lltiititji Eilaiing lltlu luuull, ami hrouio taabrlstj. Wtiat ie Callcfi tiw jui'i;pnider,ce a ins tirUty iaaricvv drpttiai-ntot mbaico-ifeti. i.'ieace that cft'eie o,ieiii.for eaterU'iu-.ing eaterU'iu-.ing speculaliou, anct tteveljpk- a lievv Eina tatersetmg phasa of tUs rfjuch.;a:scu5Sc4 i iiaor question.- Dr. T. p. .Crether a, edits? of tte Journal ol Inebriety, Ls itarr.itej ; to establish au ideutity between insanity j tAiHi 'alcohoiisai of sufticiently close char ! 1 ioLfef. to rrarrant a radical departure frcin j j:cxiuD judicial metccdi" tn the treatn.! ' ! i.1 criminals tvnose la-.viasus4 is loa.a .1 I tted under the influence of i, ij'.ioi'. lir.oi.jli i disputation over- stcu criminals liaa'o.: curted recently, says the Boston. -itei aid; to Five Dr. Cromer s views tiie mem ui : least of timeliness, ana. throughout t:ic oufitry there are enough bases ot the char aote-r that he treats of pending judicial e cision to make peculiarly interosriug ary si-.pgestioni in the line of a change, of juni aiisi method. -' ' "The three theories" which the' n,e i. a -geetiamsii pointed out in his address j "iledico Legal Problems of Inebrietv'1 ba fore the Massachusetts Medical Soi'ietr as prevailing in the treatment of a!coh4ik criminals are these : The ehlcai 'ana mora view, which holds. that driHikenne ..is.'..' indication of personal" "depravity; that ir d. veiops along the.lina of animal ftrarmcauu: -and that.it should receive the nioit p.-ii:tivi ' censure and- punis'ifmWt of eccie:ai i.-. and lay power. "The legal vJi?.v..Tra rv j cited, as that'wnieh assuoies thdt inrr?i j iTthe manifestation of a ia.jes -initiiie that la essentially hostile , the soirit ci iat and order, and that a's such'lt ought 10 h. uvkrely punislied. The next t iicory, u hi j, js tne one that elicits' Dr. Crotner's appro barton and. aupport, la the scientlric tu-c -medical view which considers the appetiu intoxicants a manifestation or .a coruu,. tutional disorder; which maybe .dub 10 '.multitude of causes for which tl.a'yi: tiit may not In any -sense be reiponsib.e. 1. may be a symptom or a coincident of insar: uy . . -v insanity in turn ma5T. be a symp'otri oj 11 "abriety.: -.Medico le'gally'thia theory tw.i... . reeard tiie drunkard as incanai italcd foi action, involving consecutive ci.sd.rj! effort.of a reasoning itnii reasonable n?.uuv.-.; The acceptance- of this victv wou'd" Prt." lish a hew method of judicial treatmen for drunken criminals or crituinai tvit u tfc, . -flne'a i.aicohoHc ta3te-.-ai.tl 'tnnitoUrt'- .. Ii .would practically abolish the pri4i. juog "ment, which ia often so hard on tue v-ictia of alcohol, and the alcoholic jnaantts- a? wonld be called, .woulcf tio neat cd. on thi-ra . peutie grounds by syuipaihetio a'cic-htLsU rite fundamental spirit of this theory istiia; physical causes are accountable for-the a. coholio habit; Bnd.' tr; -ofil.v by treit " aisat based on physical ' princ-io. can , the '"dread malady "'be. erad-fcai 4. . The insanity" of the vi-n. 6itirinkmastbeassuiiicd, and triiu. diMi : l&ICQt is cn t'nepics&uuon" t j proy.i'itit ih p!isffneir:la "sw.9,- thw.uKi.'uav-i-Si' a... js.u'mftioa bstng.in the opposite diiawi. t;" j t'dien facts' reasonably accurate, tha 'fi.ii -j .tat'etaent that a dru&a, A u a luiiaiio is ii 1 se,if" e'v-idence Ct tne Liua'tLai iav.yis ca I prima facie. Nevertheless, tire sesiin.et . "of the jaaiciai powers is frevueully ,at;i'' feated in ccutradiction 01 tni's tuaa. ana 0 .notabie instance vvceie an aliened inecrut -.Ti3'tiatsod was cited b;; Dr. Crotheia to i. iutrate '"the '-irr.pre'sJion, 'ei-rcnsiOus li-;" 'claimed, that a criminal under aicohciic it.' Bertceis cogaizaut ci.ind. i9ipooioie 10. his misdeedi; ' " .' '" ' . . "' John H. Sift shot his wife J uiy 7- iiv t -Hamot J, -Conn: In DecemOar ci ii. : ameyear he wartried ted sentenced, tc. o-httngei o-httngei a year .later, April , Jijj. it. Jueliiatcre was appealed to to'comniuLi Li secteEse to hie .imprisonment. TiieJu.ii-ciary TiieJu.ii-ciary Committee made an esrhauady .e aminaticn cf ail eridar.ee ana eewtisumy . nyofired, tha reported in favor of cemma tjtada.' .'BotU' nouses ' of the Leiptlatun voted to sustain the report. aL. iiimirt'"' the sentence to life lmpusoumiu.i. .A-ad verse, jvavB sf u'oiia sentiment caused -the . Gavsrcor fo "veto the Eition of the Lejisia tiire, and soinfiueuced the members otcnt. I body that tney faiiea to sustain their forme; ! vote. Hence "isinith vva's hangea April 13 lw9. e was a chronic inebriate, and had been drinking to great excess for weeks be fore the murder. Tha defense claimed tha ' Swift was incapable of deliberation and pre meditation at the time of the crrai. iron the; effect c-S continuous intoxication.'. Hi medicai testimony was called. .'Tfc.s prose fctrtion claimed premeditation, maiice end a fnli comprehension of what he was doing "Dr. Crot'neis cited this case 63 as. instance in-stance ct hereditary alaohoiism S.vift'l father,. -who was an erratic man, baa so : apppleitic seizure at twenty-four- yeais of age. Bwlft's grandfather on Lis xootfesf side wa 8 drinking man. His only.aoa was a chronic inebriate; the other four cniidreir 0twhioh.8wifts mother. was one, wars, a.: eiceedingiy nerfecs ancPsome.pf 'thee hyitericai Swift himself -r.His always i weak chili; had brain fever .in Jniau;;.' carlatiaajhd vloient hasai h'emc;:t?.s-s-. In routh. aa cad bean In the vef ona-schoj t KettdfSi Ccnn,, Kid in manhood was st ?assive drinker. i iJ |