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Show j The JotDnon Dramatic ennirmny Wed-j Wed-j n es '.ay and Tfmrsilay. j The Sunday schools ti.-.vc iii) fi.'iustan j 10 Funk's like to-day. Sirs. Crawford, who has been visiting vuh relatives bete, returned to her home in Ortiii:revill! to-dity. iiisa Annie Selaon, wiiohabbeonutiil. ir.g with friends aud relatives tn Castle Valley fur the pat two weeks, returned i home yesterday. j Jjhnsou Eros Diacu atlc comnanv wil ! appear at Grier'a hall Wednesday and Ihursday nt-st. They will id&y "T&9 Hawing Bowl" and "Leah the Forsak-eo Forsak-eo " The ne wspairs say that .the company com-pany is better this season than ever before. be-fore. Mr. Oisar BUHugs and Mis3 Maggie Fielding were man ied in the Tempie Thursday last and in tne evening the reception in honor of the event was held at the residence of the bridegroom's paiauts. A large number of friends wore present and all did ample justice to the deiieions wedding feast. It is a pUy that ye scribe cannot walk up the street without some sa ssy individual indi-vidual shouting: "Hello whiskers I where yer taking da kid?" or '"'Say whiskers, what tune doe9 the wind whistle?" The latter causes ns to sigh and wish wo conld answer for-tune, bnt it seems to us more like "I owe ten dollars to O'Grady." David Breniiao, charged with horse stealing, had a hearing before JasUce Alex . Tonnant on Tuesday and was bound over to awaittho aotlon of the grand jury. Erannan la charged with stealing a horse from parties living near Millburn, this county. Be was arrested near Price last Monday by Sheriff Burns and bronght to this city for trial with the above result. The fact of the Rio Grande Western having piled 100 car loads of 58 pound rails at Asphaltnm switch, and are still piling- is significant and either means an eztentioa or 1 replacing of heavier rails with the 30 pound now in use on thiq line Tn f.ifhf-r inH Bxtnntlnn is . LOCAL ERiiFS- j City council Monthly nicht. Focle George Snow w-ut to Salt T.ske Tuesday last. A new line of ladies' eimes at the Chicago store. J. M, Walker, of Salt Luke, was -hi this city Monday and Tuesday last. Joseph S. Taylor, of S ilt Lube was In this city Wednesday and Thursday. Walt Stringham, the genial and origi nal Walt, spent Thursday in Ephraim. J. F. Teasdell, a Wyoming cattleman' Is breathing the pure air of the Temple City. Mrs. M. E. Minnium went to Salt Lake Sunday and returned home Bgain yesterday. Lnther Tottla left for Albnquertiue, N. M., to attend thn Wool Congress, Monday last . If this dry weather keeps up prospect8 for a good damp spring and summer will be rather slim. Sheriff Burns has been Quite ill for the past week but at last account he was slowly improving. Colonel Ward Stevenson was over from Ephraim Tuesday. Cow again always glad to see you. Will Ellingsford, formerly of Lind-, say's Dramatic company, was in town during the week. D. S. Taggart was in town Tuesday and Wednesday in the interests of the Uuion Pacific Railway company. most probable na the present weight used certaiuly answer its purpose and were they not contemplating business they wonld not be hauling rails three miles this side of thistle were they not for our end of the load. Mi's PAvit.a yonng lady of St. George, whii has been blind for twenty-six yeara. recently placed herserf under the care of Dr. Hosford of this city. One eye was entirely gone and of course nothing could be done with it. Oa Thursday the doctor performed an operation oper-ation on the other eye and succeeded in res iorina the sight. The young lady is now able to see for the first time In twenty-six years and to say that she is happy wonld be putting it mildly, As yet her eya is tery weak but it will not S. P. Liddell, representing the King Mercantile company, of Ogden was in Manti on basiness during the week. A democratic hat, beneath which conld be discerned the grinning phiz of D. P. Felt, was seen on onr streets Wednesday. Wed-nesday. "Smiling Bob" Cunningham, representing repre-senting the McDonald CandCo., and the Utah cracker factory, was in town Tuesday Tues-day bustling trade. Sam Wilde, representihg Simon Bros., of Salt Lake, was in tha Temple city drumming np trade in the millinery line on Wednesday. Mrs. L B". Brunei is receiving miliin-ary miliin-ary goods direct from the east in all the latest styles and novelties for the cohr ba loiig before it will ba snffl&UnUy ,a'ro;g to permit h-r to read. The Rev. B. Fay Mills, an evangelist, co-operp.t'ng with the evangelical pastors pas-tors of Salt Lake, op3iie3 services in a large teut at the rear of the Kuutsford hotel Sunday morning last-Mr. last-Mr. Mills preaches the gospel with great simplicity and directness, without the least appearance of sensationalism. The people attend in crowds, and listen a3 if for life. Tsvo services per day are held dnring the week days and three on j Sunday. SumSars have expressed a de-, termination to live the christian life. As many as six'y have given expression to a dt-siro to forsake the ways .of the world in a single, evening, The pros- pector from tha mountains, ths traveling travel-ing talesman, the victim of the drink habit, the young man and the young woman in school, and the youth and the chil l are" all heard testifying to the wonderful power of Jesna Christ to break the hard and sinful heart, through gospel truth. On Wednesday the business busi-ness honsea of Sail Lake closed for the ing season, ti immed hats a specialty. I Emmet " JIason, representing the National Tobacco Co., of Lon'svllle Fy was in town Wednesday drumming np a Irade for-Sewsboy"and"Fiperheidsieck" chewlugjobacco. Ferdinand Erickson, of Mt. Pleajant, "was a visitor at this office yesterday He went from here to Salt Lsko to attend" at-tend" the meeting of ths territorial board of equalization. Just arrived at the "Cheap Cash Store" opposite the tabernacle, a complete line of gents, furnishing goods, groceries, ladles hose etc., which will be sold cheap as the cheapest. S. B. Atwood Prop, tf . Call and see Mrs. I. B. Brunei's beautiful beauti-ful Vtlvets and dress trimming?, also ladies and gents kid gloves and raits for the cold weather and judge for yourselves your-selves the prices and quality. - Miss Ada" John . of Provo, who i i going go-ing to tesch school in Ephraim this winter, called at this office Monday and smiled at what she termed "our f.ice in & mauniflpflnt. frnmA of TClilslrura " day and ',he tent was crowded to its utmost capacity. .Vex Mann, representing the Sherwood Sher-wood ITall Nursery flo ,of San Francisco, was iu ibis city Tuesday. He strayed Into onr office and we chatted pleasantly for some time. During the conversa tion ho feelingly referred to, as he said, "the appetizing climate" of Sanpete county. He said that oyery time he strikes this county his appetite increases and his health improves wonderfully. " Whj " he exclaimed In a dramatlo man ner pecnlilarly his own, "the people of this country shonld be able to eat, digest ar.d live upon rocks taken fresh from the mountains. I believe lean eat a rock here as easily as I Can a potato in San Francisco." We didn't doubt his ability to eat rocks and tried hard to pursna.le him to prolong his stay in onr city and feast off our streets, but it was no go. He had his business to attend to and he bid na adieu, leaving early the nest morning for the south. Mr. Mann is well known throneh this connty as a first-cksR salesman, and those who have any dealings with him will find him a man. We hope, however, that tha hotel keepers of this region will not infer that because he can eat a rock that be has a fondness for them and try to pass off a batch on him lor California potatoes. A large line ot ladles' winter drcs goods, buttons and trimmings, g!ove3, shawls, ties, underwear, overshirts, and a large variety of jewelry and notions will be opened at the Ohicago store abont September 17th. Rol Taysum, city editor of the Salt Lake Herald was in this Wednesday, He called at this office and crossed paims with ye scribe. In the evening he went to Funk's lake and we daresay when.dis vacation is o'er lie will need a rest. Mr. Lindsay's new American play "Under one Flag," proved snch a decided success, last night, and met with snch flattermg approval from the press and public, that he has wisely decided to repeat the it this evening. It merits a f nil house. Salt l ake Tribune. The Salt Lake Scandinavian Dramatic . company gave two creditable perfor-fonnances perfor-fonnances at Grier's Hall Saturday and Monday last. We were not conversant with the language, but judging from the frequent applause the andience was well satisfied ihe yonng ladies of this city have or. ganized a dreBS reform society, and will go In for snspenders, linen collars, etc. This is a good move but we ar e sorry for their brothers, who will have to keep a close watch on their snspenders or wear a belt. Mr. Johnson, the a dvauce agent for the John 3. Lindsay Dramatic company, was in Manti this week billing the town for his company which appears at Grier's hBll on the 2Cth, 27th and 23th of this month. Ths first night they jtvill play "Under one Fag," the second .night "The Octoroon," and the third night they will probably repeat,"l'uder .one Flag." This company is so well .known here that tbe mere announcement announce-ment of their appearance is all that is required to assure them a good attend-ance attend-ance for each performance. |