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Show j sea of journalisai this week as a j sinion pure organ cf democracy j with Colonel Ward Stevenson at the helm.' (The Colonel earned his ' title in a' political campaign ) We take great pleasure in extending our good wishes' to the ' fag, rind predict for the tame a susceriful future. The Spanish Fork Sun' is fighting fight-ing far the abolition of the s'criE and the credit systepas and for 'the- j adoption and nse of '?i.sh'irid fash ! only, as the medium. of circulation-' land xohnge,-,''.We .'tW paper will win the fightortheijjse of scrip and store, orders. is-:detHinentatV legitimate busine6and; progfe,? .and keeps the ypujig : meif .he (iaranjrinitfBtwHic lt iis' us1 from; "Vettinjj ahead in the-wprM .V v MA t lait a suitable f"prefessioii'.' has been-'suggested to vus , which beforift, a s "doubt would :pr oH..; a Success to the "man in .-the 1 'iftooa; It is tnis: ...That he get some show Bati to p'utbim in a.&oxnaifc'.iip tbahox. let hisfeet hang '6.ut,'and-give- - ?isitors the privilege""' guessing at bis. weight from ihe-, size of his feet Brigam City .-.fie-; port." . . ;: : KDlTOltlAL PABAGrtAPittir - A great raauy people are wondering wonder-ing why curiew.is rung, . ? . . What are we going to do. towa?i celebraVtiDg Colmpbus day? - The Kefoeter $2.00 a year if C ASH is paid m adyauce. pearly every oity' ia the Union is maltiag. pieparatioos tr celebrata' Columbus dar. It Mantt in liue? Citizen Do you think our taxes will be raised 25 per cent. ' Committee Com-mittee in chorus Not if we can prevent it. Perhaps the heated arguments indulged in by the politicians have something to rlo with th continued contin-ued hot weatfif. The Epiiam Enteral iie eouieth not tiBto our sanctum this week and we would like to know whv uad wherefaro we were slighted. On and after Oct. I, J92, Ths Reporter will be sent to any address, ad-dress, One Year for $2,00 CASH ADVANCE. If not paid in advance ad-vance 12 SO An exchange says 'The people's party is sweeping through the country like a cyclone.." and doing about a3 much good. Wonder if it stops long en injEh to make any conyerta. Come ye knights of the quill and join the excursion lo Castilla on the 24th. 7ou will meet a large number num-ber of brother knights and besides have an opportunity to take your - annua bath. The Ephriam Enterprise spread canvass and sails out on the rough j |