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Show 'Six Corupanje:-,'' fa consolidation of Ch-nosu beu jukut eoeioilBf-)' of San FiHucitco to dbciluv lo adiifworVtttie-quc-sti.wfi of ciiiiin takers. r.i lor ft iliiaui fIctii('f;or, one of the pioneers of lTtali, died at his resideuc-on resideuc-on Eighth ,Soulb street SslUnko. city-Saturday city-Saturday last. - lj. was 77. years of age and leaves a wife and seven children, two sons and five daughters, to mourn, his loan., Tho f uueml. took phiee from, the second ward meeting house a' 1 p. in. Monday, -. ' . ','T ' r" HERE AND THER?. " ; Whittier s funeral toook place Saturday Satur-day at 'Amesbury, Mass. Corbett gave a sparring exhibition in Xew York Monday evening. Mrj. Harrison's condition is very unsatisfactory un-satisfactory to her physicians, Gladstone is draughting Ills Home Bole bill at Hawarden Castle. Admiral Vyalker, in command of the oruiser "Chicago," sailed fot 'Venezulla Sunday. - Corbett will give Sullivan a benedt in Madison square Garden, New York, tonight. to-night. Maine Republlban elected ("heir candidate candi-date for governor Monday by 11,000 majority. The Cleveland delegates in the Colorado Colo-rado democratic convention 'at Pueblo were ousted. . Chauncey Depew says he saw .disastrous .disas-trous effects of the lleJCinlsy bill in Europe. A mob at Fire Island Monday refused to let cabin passengers from cholera-Infected cholera-Infected ships land. I On Monday the Northen Pacific filed notice of Its wilhdrawl from the transcontinental trans-continental association. "' s - ' McEidley, Eeid and Foraker opened, the republican .campaign. In. Otuor Saturday at Island Park. rr' XV. C. gtewart.of Flagstaff was nominated nomi-nated Saturday for delegate to congress, from Arizona by the republicans",.".-,-" The government of Balgium: has" 'refused 're-fused to allow the tnternaliojial moae-. tary conference to convene at.Brius'els..' Sine persons were kllleif .SaUjrda'y nlaht in a collision at West' Ca if) bridge junotion, near Bjston, on tce-Fitchburz" road. "- 'R-jbjrt ilantell, the actor, is the defendant de-fendant in a divorce snli, hii"Wie alleging alleg-ing infidelity and taming Mrp.'BahrenB an actress, as co-respondent, The Chinese have been ordered by. the |