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Show Han. Samwl R. Thurman- We were pleased to meet our old (rlend, Hon. 8. B. Thurman, who has ' lately returned from a mission to Europe He f&ya he waa delighted to And the political statns of things In Utah and as be tersely pnta it "democracy In the ascendency." Ur. Thurman will work with renewed energy In the legal field In which he was considered one ot the brightest lights. He was eertalnly well known as a keen, aggressive lawyer In car coonty, having as he did a very extensive ex-tensive practice. He has associated him self with with the Hon. Geo. Sutherland, Suther-land, a yonng man who Is considered to be at the top ronnd ot the profession end la prominently spoken of a successor success-or to Judge Blackburn on the judicial bench of the flr.t district. We certain ly refer our friends to this firm for their legal work of high order. |