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Show . . . CITY FIRE' SERVICE. Bonou'a lit parlmenl Costs the Most and Lonrioa"the i.cat. . The f-fvi'ti-at fice ...l.riga'de of Chicago ' has' recently bcejr furnished with two of the largest "and lnost powerful land fire, engine's in the world. They are con-'struc,1(l con-'struc,1(l to -woi-lc six sets' of hose throwing throw-ing 10 .tons of water per minute. . Paris has a very extensive fire establishment, estab-lishment, the largest in the world "Mi engines and 1.3(W ihvmi;n. I.ondon h as engines of all deseripr tions, and employs 707 officers and men: The number of jqurneys -made by the fire engines and hose vans of the Metri-polit'an Metri-polit'an brigade last year was Si, 795. and the total distanee run Or., 800 miles, 'these figures not including hose carts or the esctpes. which are run ljy hand. ,Tlie London 'brigade uses 17,000,000 gallons of w;ater yearly, that is, i4 gallops gal-lops Der inhabitant,, or 8,500 gallons for each fire. ' " The New York brigade consumes 32. -000,000 gallons yearly, that is, 25 gallons gal-lons per inhabitant, or 18,000- per fire. The most expensive brigade is that of Boston, which .cost Es, 7d. per head of population to maintain; that of London Lon-don costs the least, 5d. per head. |