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Show Scandinavian Nates. . I'lie lsare unions iu Sweden claim now a mlal membership of 2, 0o. Hie nest scsnrtlnavUn philological congress will bo held at ChrtHana, Norway. The uaiue of the lirsl O ld Fellow lodge orgauiznd at Stockholm is John Kricssou. The Crown Priueess of Swed n and N-jrway, one of the most enthusistic of amateur photographers, took about three thousand pictures while on a recent journey.. Otherwise she Is a very taking tak-ing yonng lady . Tuor liogberg, a young, Swedish student stu-dent who was persuing philological studies In Franca, was recently arrested twice In that country on the charge of being a German spy. The sseond time he had great difficulty in proving tils character before he was released. Most of the Scandinavian ambassadors ambassa-dors to foreign powoia are busy trying to turn the tide of publlcopinion abroad against reoalcitraat Utile Norway. Must of the articles against the Left in the press of the great powers have been inspired by the same parties. - It is expected that 125 families, representing repre-senting 568 persons oi the lire sufferers of Ctirisliaussand, Norway, will be without with-out a roof over their beads next fail, and extraordinary measures will have to be taken to provide for them. One plan wnicb prubaoly will be acted upon Is to get some old man-ot-w r hulks towed to iua cil to be used as lodgings during tue winter. j . The Norwegian liberals are much ex-cited ex-cited over lav charge made through a oou-ervauve organ U the effect that Kiiisiau money Is being used to influence influ-ence the aciiou of liberal organizations and publio men. The paper making the charge is published at Thruudnjem by a Caetain Hoitomt ot the army, and a strong effort will be made to call him to account for his nttrances. The last we hare seen ot Bjornsjsrene Bjornson, writes The North, is a letter ntbeVeJerns Gang, in which he requests re-quests 1 ind people to render aid to a criminal, who was serving a term In the penitentiary, and who Is so degraded and despised that he must "resort to falsehood false-hood and swindle as soon as hs Is re' leased." B. oloses the letter with the following touching reminiscence: "I once saw Ole Bull give a besotted musl. clan a handsome sum of money. The man wanted to go to his native town. 'Bat dear, me, says I 'don't yon see he drinks?' 'lea' Ole Ball said with his most beantlfnl smile, 'there are enough of those who help the worthy; some one mast help the unworthy, too:' " |