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Show Mt Plant: ltem" A new city -hall is, being'tiikeSrOfc'-.-.- The creamery will beginr bperations iii the near future. C. W, Sorensen, ope of- our Seeding , young men, shortly leaves. on admission. Four competent teachers are '.engaged in the distriot tchools, and for-this-sea-: son of the year quite a large unrriber of children are in attendance", . The Mt. Pleasant Seminary-opens next week with George Christerisen as principal. princi-pal. ' The people are "to ' be congratulated congratu-lated in securing so able a taacher. ' v Thatanother election is' approaching ;s plainly indicated frorri tb? rrumber of campaign hats aipd badges, seea Upon our active " politicians. . By many. Mt, Pleasant is considered a doubtful city the parties being quite equally divided.' It is now almost an . established- feet that the woolen factory aviil be established estab-lished here as upwards of lio.ooo have already been subscribed and the suf-; rounding cities areexpected 'to" add to. that sunl "sufficient to 'mike" up 'the deficiency.; - ; : ':."-; '- - Considerable : "money has' beeu.lex-., pehded during the slrmmei in -beautify?; ing our cemetery. Tbe.brirslv weeds and rocks "have been removed drives ;s quite a pleasing . 'contrast cbrnpared with last spring, iu the- appearance iof. the city of our dead.; '-'"'.' ' The electric plants of which soj miich was heard a short time ago, doesn't" as yet reflect much light upon our pathway. The grantees of the frahchise wiiLhave to get a move on themselves otherwise our city fathers will be constrained to pass a resolution revoking it. We are at present witnessing a great buildiqg boom. : Many substantial :tesi dences are now in -course of erectiop, which, when comple'ted, .wilt materially add to the beauty of the pity. - Some very durable .and handsome business bouses are also Jtcpg built. |