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Show "';: .' Obituary, f -; At about f o'clock Wednesday mom-' ing. Sister ..Catherine Crawford quietly" passed awayifrcrn this, earth and - has g3ne to a better world where pain,; AIt ness or suffering; ,U unknown where al is joy and gladnes3."She had sitfiered great pain a'shbfl'lifne previous to her tfe"atn;'biit when the end cam, it was quite.an'tl painless. " v '.t i-.-i-, . . Sister Catherine Thompson Crawford was born at. Arhraoth, Scotland!, Pecenv-ber Pecenv-ber 1821, joined the ckurch in her native city eajir ,in the spticg of '1S48 and emigrated to Utah in the fall of the' same year. She has been a . cripple for over thirteen years, suffering great pain from a dislocated hip, which had Wfti been properly treaied. Early in. April of the .present year siie fell down in front of stove, again injuring jiet.Jiibw and., was compelled .to remain,-in that painful position for thirty minutes suffering untold un-told agcmiesiSttime that'lime nevet for one moment has she been tree from pam till thengle of death' "Cnie; 5nC released her from her sufferings.: Sister Crawford Craw-ford was a faithful Latter-day Saint"; endured en-dured untold ipaih 'and suffering, and never once wavered in the ' belief " that God sees.and kTfTbwsaIlrJand-lf "4t-was His wlllrhat e-. suffer:theh;. hft His wilt be done-' erdeath,c(tp.e;- result Vf hfer in jtiries) was jioi a sut ptis tr her fiiends, and, alt hPghjdd4ndSiIfh'"the"' thought ol parting, all-feel - thankful that she bas'gone to a belter yvorld and. that her paitf and suffering is bfef." ', " v David Crawidrd,- ber son, who has been away- fot -sojrie- time,' ivyas - iele graphed for Wit arriye4 tqo jaTe" fit jd his mother a fait eanhly. "(at ewell.. . .:- The funeral services. were held inl the tabernacle pesterday afternoon. A large number of people were presei;t and listened lis-tened to the truthful .words of, praise spoken of ihe deceased. .After the ser-i vices the remains, sollowed by" relatives and friends, were fallen lq tjtf. eetiietery and piaced, in.t.heirJat.Testingplac-e, |