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Show TKE iVIATI GROCERY .. , -,''' . ' .' : 1 ., ; , t AND ' ' '". Fjams For Sale . .... "'War id 'a Colombian Kxpoaitton'. V U. S. Department of Agriculture. Officer of the committee on the wool exhibit. ... J. H. Skely.-t "" ... (- . - Sir;: Permit m to? acknowledg re ceipl of the wool samples sect by you and to thank yon therefore. Ewe i grades No. 1 or. Vj blood; clothing. Buck " x " 94 " dilaine. A beslrable buck to bread from. Both samples are a credit to yonr eou&ty. Vonrs truly, '; , '.I'P"WJD A. fKEF., Chairman" . of . coiiirnitte'e"--on r.wonl exhibit. . . P , Vi a have on hand a number of French thoroughbreds a4 grades, of the claw rafered to above. . .. . ' Skf - Jt .luRWN, Mt.'Pisasatrt:- iifiiliiliiliM ; Headquarters Fur ;. v Utah antl California "... 'r &i Fruits and-VelahlEGil;;-. """"' " Free Delivery to any Part of the City . ' -' Sentinel '.RMoctv, Manti"'' -.... Utah. . Pavou kuowranytiilng? - Do yon do anything? Dirt yon ever doAny thin j V (lava fiu seen anything V , Have yon heard, anything? Have yuu been, any where.? Is there an increase In yonr family " Are yon going to rob a bank? Are you going to get married? ; Are you going to advertise? Are yon going to enbaerlbe?. .Are you going to elope? ' - - It so . -, i '. " ' ;. ' ' iis know. " '. Eggs wanted at the Mantl Grocery. THE MANTt ROLLER MjLLS " .. j- r.. . r. , '" ;-. ' " ' ' - ' . . .' . M M Vti II KKli UK . " '--.!. " - - - . - -: - - - - ... ."- " .. ; : ' - . THE. BEST GRADES; OF, f LOU R. "" orders and Corre.'iioTiilenBe'SpHcTte.l-"' dustosp i. Wo rk a Specialty; 'f . CRIER'S HALL Sept. 2 7 nnd VHth, The aecom plistred HerogAtor.' JOHN 34S, LINBJSAf - In his original patriotic play in 5 acts, revised and rewritten, entitled CNDES 0N FLAG, -OR- . . LOVE AND WAH. MOHDAY EVENING SEPT. 26th, Cast of Characters. GenT La Clair ..Luke Cogravi Doctor Worth W. 0. Feltw Hugh Newcomb.. ........ Win. (hear Dds Ralph Vernon JOHN 8. LIKD9A1 ('apt. True George Bast Jake Bolter 0. L. Dutchei Zeke (colored boy) ,.,.Sedley Reaoto Lo i:'8 La C.kir Pearl Elthu Dare Gnrdan .'...Edith LXndsey Mrs. Vernon Lourene UausQeld Courers, Federal aud Confederals : soldiers. If',' THEOGTOBOON Tuesday evening September, 2'tth. Tickets for sale at the usual 'place. A 4'f-thtf n-outH of sis mile 'Canyom-1. . ' : Sbef&nle "jKeou in Central "Qtao j. " where ths people can participate in the grand sport aud pieasuresof . &0ATIhJG, " BATHING, r'- : r. I BISHINQ and J . DANCING, - . Base Ball Grounds! Race Track! Jirab Claas Ibotel 2tccommoDatioii5. ,'-..- Special Rates to Camping partes, tr" J. Fielding will run aconveyance ; ; ..ahd from the lake. " Ask Yonr y- -. 1 - - Provo Woolqrr Goodsu Cbee are tbe'beet in tbe market. ' , Johji T.. Cutler Orate Are agents, for the Wills at No. 86 Main Streetalt fake City. H0HSL1T 80 CO , Manufacturers of .'t We make iho bejt CJUALITI of Brick sooth of Provo and are prepared to lill Orders at any time and any quantity. Da. ing the Season, Orders Received at Kiln. Three miles sonth of Manti on connty road. PR STEAM LADNDY. - FELT & GREGORY Agenls. 'flS&tt WofR S)elt?ere& at - 'provo. prices.-;; ; sy" MANTI, ; - ". - -.'".UTAH. "' Sent business conducted for Moderate Ftts. i X Our orricc 1a Opposite U. S. patcnt Omct ; 5 and we can secure patent in leas time tban thusej , , S remote from Washington. ... ' Send mpdel, drawing or photo., wita descnp-J , Stion. We advise, il patentable or not, tree 015 5 caaree. Ourf ee not due till patent is secured. 1 W a pamphlet. "HowtoObtain Patents" with'; IcostoS same io the U.S. and foreign countries;, a sent free. Address. ' - , C.A.SNOW&CO. |