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Show A RtMAKKABLt UAH. A Nebraska Wonuta Wno Drove Her Husband Hus-band to Getting- a ilvorce. . A few days ago William Truesdale, of Beatrice, Neb-., was granted an absolute abso-lute divorce from his wife. The rea-' son he iv-oitcd for, his application to the court were most remarkable. In brief, she was a monumental liar; a regular reg-ular female Muthattan. Truesdale avowed that she told ten thousand lies within the three years of their married life, lie-declared that she could not tell the train; and that her pasrion for tale-tti!iug and gossiping rendered life with her unbearable.' - Anions? .the ' stories that he filed with' the court as coming from hex were such' as "the fbl-. lowing.:;. Abe told hint one day thai his mother-had been -found dead hi bed,'--"mnrdered by-- unknown persdas.'. -On-another occasion she startled him with the . information - that '- their nearest j neighbor, and his personal friend,, had. vmacte: atittnipt t6; jeruninaiij- ass.i'tU:. tier; --jSfii.aectiired flftj.doihirs frosn her;, diusbtfjtfl .ejjme.lb,'Uii'8'i3fttl.ha4 sh'haJ : jiitt . receive a.Jleltei-'.fcrsft' 1aWyeiuforuiiiig' her t'lWit-AbV hail fall-. fceir to a.hyge.iorfuneBJfiii that the ' ian-j'ej; rfetiiired ififty dollars toentre Ki The-belifiviag husbaud" .shlh'd out "rtfino.neir'and the wife bought .WrSelf a,hewdr.eftR with it. Another 'time fehe slartletl him whh the: information lht-. tftefr little boy. had. tumbled into' the: .ViVjt.aidsbwkn.hiVleg.-. What the In-;rifaapVHis In-;rifaapVHis tinei: reyards'as' one. rtl the most heartless Atones that she ere-atediiind ere-atediiind which led to very eerions rc-isiiltj. rc-isiiltj. was to t1te.".ff !ct. that their f.pre'sihej' fiad rioped whh the hired girl, ;Vert-iAg hi&j feifi1. uiid. fire children. jWihniibandi rVipeitf-d.the .story and it .aiitWlra ieien hiihdKJ' e.oilurs, and he arwly.escaged ihuviction for erimi-1 erimi-1 hej libel.' She"was-a dangerouft woman 'ipr-Mr. XrnidaJe, and he determined .Vo.get rid of, her. .The court, after a iiis.il hearing of "the case, graBtedhiman absolnte divorce.. . - : ' Of the entire "amount of money con-'tribnted-for -chari'ty la England last y'e&r, ah amount that reached the great of 118,000,000, two-thirds, or just ilO.eoo.OOO, were given by Baron Eirach. ABCBStSHOP Tfirf AJTD waa educated in France, and. 4mlog hla racent i visit to Paris delivered a two hottrs' address in" French, which has been warmly, received re-ceived . by the' appreciative ''French people. . " . . -" j , -c |