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Show THE WATER SUPPLY- At the meeiing of the city eoun-council eoun-council Tuesday night it was decided de-cided to defer sciioa in the mailer til inci easing the water supply. This means" that the matter has been settled until spring and our water supply will remain as it is. This is to be regretted. We need all the water we can possibly ob- tain and the more pure, water we have the imre healthful will be onr . city. With water so near. iiS iSi . pity that we do riot ; Utilise i Jl.' Ifa .?"'-'( the water . from" ihfif 'Krohi--5r)t sprint; waa'dedto,' the; pi'espnt.i sjipjily there' would : he" " an . tibim-Zi-'&netrtoT all puipose,.itnd:aH those who so desire could neve a lawn' "" rahd fiow'er garden in the-froiii. yard . - and the city could he'msthVto bios : : som as the rose. ,jk .The- Water supply, 'oc :hourse, i - Should be as large as possible, but it wouldcost about three ''thousand dollars to bring the water, from the Birch :; creek ..Sgring Vlo the .-taiik Hud as the cfty as just put in a waterworks system, it is hardly prepared expend that amount of mot ey xtov cira. niore njorewUer, e'p'eeially-when 31 is - kn.nwn that there sufficient. water' . ' in the pfeeent system . 0 supply tht wants of alL.if properly n-ed; but alas, we 'fear there a nunibtr of Water-takers who do not use the water tor culinary purposes alone but lso for sprinkling and in some inSf-nciF irrigating ' The council has ipp.0Ht-d ,f a " coramiitee ..to look iu.tik the hiii.tte'r uf .leaks ' apd XtraaBant use. of water- and .jthet report is.arraited witlitutreit.' f : |