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Show 1 t " ' - v ' i -v - ... A Slate It is rnmored that the republicans of this county have already made np the slate for the county ticket and we have it from good authority that it is as follows: fol-lows: County clerk, Louis Anderson; county recorder, W. D.Candland; county, attorney, Jaeob John-son; county sheriff, Rasmus Clawson; count snrveyer, E.' ff. Fox; county selectman Henry Robblna, Gnnnison; MaurltLarson, Spring City; Rees Llewllyn. Fountain Green. We publish this because it was 'giy6n ns by a republican (from' Mt, Fleasant) and we have no reason te doubt but what it Is correct, or neaily so. However, How-ever, time and time alone, will tell the public how near the above comes to be-eorrect, be-eorrect, We do not like lo say anything in the matter, and hope the republican party is nox going !n for machine polotics. The above is published only as an item of news and not with the Intention Inten-tion of in; any way, . balittliii g any party or person. |