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Show LOCAL LINES Tomatoes at the Manti Grocery. Fresh Butter at the Manti Grocery. Tbe Chicago store ip selling coal oil at 25c. pergallou- . tf, Coal Oil only 25 cents per galon at John Lowrey& Sons. tf Overalls only 65 eeots per pair at John Lowrey & Sons. tf Ladles' Jersey waists 0O cents each at the Chicago store. Caster Machine Oil Belling at 65 cents at Jolu Lowrey &, Sons. . tf ... Auother car of lath at Manti Lumber lard. Cheaper than ever. tf Highest market price paid for alj kinob 0' produce at the Chicago store... . urc. and boys bats are selling a! way down prices at the Chicago slon. A babe'e high chair and can ot taking . iio-vder for 75cts at tbe Manti Grocery, A variety of cbildrens heavy shoes prices from 60 cents to $1.10, to be bad at the Chicago store. The Manti Co.op Is receiving dally new varieties In dresj goods, clothing, notions, etc., for the fall end winter trade. "Johnnie, what are yoa doing with your sistpr's belt?" 'lain't sloterrs belt, its mine, I give ber my suspenders for It." - C. A. Snow & Co 'a pamphlet, Informs, tion and Advice about Patents, Caveats -trademarks, Copyright?, etc., may be obtained free at this office. Thoe who failed to register in August can do so by calling at the surveyor's office of-fice on Sept, :6. 27 and a8ih. F. rY. Fox, Regisier, If you want bargains In I.omber.Ia b Shingles, Sash, Doors, etc., call on the Manti Lumber Yard before stock taking which will bs on or before Srpt. 1st. ' John Gbieb, P op. Stringhani JL Suing ham have ji s ulled their sample ease with their latest' work. A glimpse at them satisfies as at once that there Is no better work done Id tbe twltory. |