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Show Tilt DANCE E-srSii Enjoyed Themiei vs A cOil Time Generally. ... list leaf year ball given utMt-r tbt 'auSplces i,C the Young Lidies Mtvtoal Iiiifirc.vtuienl Association, ltst. night proved to be the most successful and en-joyoble en-joyoble entertainment of Its kind ever given in 1 hia city The dancers began to arrii about 5 o'clock and a steady nia.'i-U was kept up .4111 8:15. Abont (If ly eonnles were present and when the at mle started erodes large ' and sweat emmgh (0 be -photographed, tot. giins, ..were visible on.iite faces of th$ .popular young then. 1 he ladies looked charm-tng charm-tng and lovable as ihsy tripp&l around the hsll to Beltut their partner, Snroe of the iadiM were, a little shy at "first j bntihis eodii torft' End ail joIriei fn I thpieaiur8cf.the es&ing with con-! siderable vim. ilic ; lronis "Kelieri liia'uaeed the ttoor iu a ciennsr that ' pleased eierybody.' She endeayore.l to have all enjoy themselres and fo'cay that she wa3 enccesafal wonld be expressing ex-pressing it very .mildly, Tiie fan was kept np till the sma' hnnrs snd when the last dance was.annjuuMd all ieimei , reluctant to leave: . Thu Joaiuittee who : had the afitiir in . hand, oeseryed . great credit for the commeQilable maimer, in which the affair wss Arranged - and conducted. - -mi--. :. . |