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Show Co. 1459.; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Land OfBce a! Salt Like Ctty.Utah. August IStib, IfciJ. Notice is heieby given that ihe following-named following-named settler has fi led notice of hla intention to maae final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof 111 be made before the Clerk of the County Court of Sanpete countv. Utah, at MantI Utah, on Saturday Oct. 1st, 1892 viz : George D. Peacock Jr., guardian of the Beraon and estate of George p. peacock, innane omestead Entry Mo. 7135, tor the E a S W V and S W M. Of S W V Section 8 Twp, IS S R 2 E. H. names the following wltnessesa to prove hi: continues residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Frasklin W. Snow, Alfred E. Petersen, Vlels C. Chrlstensen, George r-eacock, ail of Sterl Ing, Sanpete county Utah. Bird Lowe, FaiNID. HOBBS, Attys tor applicants Register 7 -t 18. |