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Show 01 MUNICIPAL DADS. Special Mm Meeting WATRKWORKS COM-M ITT EE Report Several Leaki Water Sap-ply Sap-ply Will not be Increased Other Business. Conncil met lu special session Taea. day niE;ht Mayor Shoeciiaker' presiding. I Roll call absent. Councilor Wintoh. The mayor stated (he object of tbe meeting, viz. Hearing the report of the committee on waterworks in regard to estimated eost of bringing water from Birch creek springs to the tank and an; other business which might come before tbe meeting in regard to water works. The committee reported that the; had estimated the cost of bringing the water three miles from the springs to tbe tank wonld be $2,772.. Report accepted. Chairman Lake by the way of explana tlon, stated that there were two routes surveyed, the shortest, over the mountains, moun-tains, being 2 miles and 6 rods. Members of the committee reported that certain developments have baen made la the waterworks system which warrants an investigation prior to incurring in-curring expense for a greater supply. Leaks bare been observed one not far from the tank, one near Jas. Markers residence, Cist. No. 4. The Temple saw mills is nsing water extravagantly, and a number of other instances of wasting water were referred to. On motion action in the matter of Increasing In-creasing the water supply was defered for the present. On motion the superintendent of waterworks was instructed to make a thorough Investigation of the system as regards leaks and to instruct parties nsing the water from said system to use same for culinary purposes only. On motion Councilor Reid was appointed ap-pointed to visit the Temple saw mills for the purpose ot learning to what ex. tent the water is being nsed and to report at the next meeting for information of the city council. On motion the matter of saw dust befouling be-fouling the waters in City creek was referred to the city . attorney as to whether or no Manti city has any jurisdiction juris-diction over the said stream. To re port at the next meeting. On motion council adjourned. . - Benediction by Councilor Mnnk. . |