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Show Wimtn'i Suffrage Convention- The Fourth Annual convention of tbe Woman's Suffrage association of Utah will be held In the Fourteenth ward assembly as-sembly hall, Salt Lake city, on Wednes day, October 5, 1892, for the. purpose of electing officers and transacting other business. An executive session will be held at 10 a. m . The afternoon sesslon.wIU be devoted to business, to reports by" cforfnty delegates and general Instruction. Connty associations are requested to send written reports of work done to corresponding secretary, . Julia Taylor, First street, corner of C, and send list of membership .with membership does to the treasurer, Maggie Dwyer, 162 W North Temple street; at the arliesl practical 3c, te. '' . " ". -. It is earnestly desired that onr - report for 1892 shall be equal or eiceed. Utah's former creditable record, f hirwlll be compiled with the World's fair report of 1892, and thus become an Item of permanent per-manent " history. Our pride shonld prompt ns fo the requisite exertion to make Utah's report compare favorably with the states and territories. Sabab M. Kimball, President, Ada Cboabll Cannon, Secretary. |