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Show Dun & Co's Trade Raview. , R, G- Dau & i'o'i weekly review of-trade of-trade saye: Last week's semi-panic in stocks and gruin has been followed by a more cou -fident feeling about cholera, as it is seen that the pestilence" rsthns far conuned to inenming ships by ual'ional regulaV tions, which all ollicers aro now res-1 pecting. Stocki have advanced about 75e per share on tho whnle, though in other markets tho dullness of last week still continues. The general condition of industries and trade throughout tho country is not only -remarkably good, bnt improving perceptibly" from week to week, although tha exports of merchandise merchan-dise are not yet large enough to prevent soma shipments of-gold. Decided improvement is seen in the line of the iron trade at Pittsburg-Glass Pittsburg-Glass works are resuming and the hardware! hard-ware! trade is good. Prospect-; are excellent ex-cellent at Ciucinati. Business at Cleveland Cleve-land has improved and Is excelient.with larger demands for money. At Detroit business in some lines is 10 and 20 per cent greater than last year and prospects pros-pects are favorable. General trade at Chicago is larger than a year ago, with favorable crop prospects. Receipts of lard, butter and cheese show some increase in-crease over last year, of wheat a sixth, of wool a third and of hides and flour one-half, white in corn a decrease of one third appears and a large decrease in rye and barley, with a small decrease in other articles. Milwaukee trade is fairly good. , At Minneapolis prospects are fair. Lumber is active anil strong and general trade good. At St. Paul trade improves, with brighter prospects, and while average aver-age crops are expected higher, prices are also judged probable. At Omaha trade is active in groceries and dry goods and fair in other- branches, bran-ches, St. Louis reports strong trade and railroads taxed to carry grain. , At Kansas City trade is improving, receipts of cattle and grain being heavy, aud ;at Donver business is good. At Louisville and Nashville, trade improves; At Ne Orleans business har improved, bnt is not up to'expertation.. Sugar is very strong, rice unsteady and money stiff though in ample supply. The iron industry s;rows more active; nearly all works are foil of orders and the output Is now heavy. Kails have advanced ad-vanced Wo per keg, but weakness appears ap-pears in priees of structaral and plate iron. - ..Xcpitei iaUiUCtiiiiuwitUsaliid at UJi cents.' Business in tin has been checked by speculation, and lead is weaker at $4.15. The expected war between the Pennsylvania Penn-sylvania and Reading roads caused dullness iu coal. Boots aud shoes are in great demand. Eastern shipments, according to the Shoe and Leather Reporter, being &l,S2d cases against 78,357 last year. Cattle receipts at Chicago for the year are 13 per cent larger than last year, and re. ceipts of all live stock there in August were nearly 20 per cent larger. All textile works are remarkably busy and indicate a better demand. Better demand for dry goods is seen, and a demand de-mand in excesaof supply for plain wool good, while prices of cottons are very firm, somewhat advancing. Wheat has sold at and except ing In two days in 1SS4 no lowor price has been recorded here. Western receipts re-ceipts have been 5,700,000 bushels in four days, against 1,700,000 Atlantic exports. ex-ports. Oats are s higher, but corn is much lower, with brightening crop pros pacts at the west; and coffee is JaC lower, Cotton has advanced l-16c during the week, although the Financial Chronicle Chron-icle makes the last crop 9,039,000 bales, and the decrease in acreage this year only 12 per cent. With restricted exports of products, at present foreign exchange is very strong-but strong-but the treasury has put cut in new notes 200,000 more than it has added to its stocks of gold and silver, and the money markets throughout the country are farely supplied, while collections in all quarters are very fair for the season. It is expected that some more gold will go ont this week, but no apprehension appears as yet on account of this unusually unusu-ally continued motement, because the supplies of currency available are remarkably re-markably large and the interior markets appear to demand less money from seaboard sea-board centers than is usually demanded at this season. ,Tie busines3 failures occurring throughout the country tho last seven days number for the United States 146 and for Canada 33, or a total of 179, as compared with a total of 176 last week and 180 the week previous to the last. For the corresponding week of last year the figures were 214, representing 185 failures in the United States and 27 in the Dominion of Canada. |