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Show No. K95, DESERT LAND, FINAL PROOF ' ' NOTICE TOt FTJELICATTON land Office at aalt Laie Cltr Augas CS. 1S95. Kotlceia bereby gtveD that Lars il. C. Ciiris CeESen of Gunnison, Sanpete countv tftan, has filed notice of Intention to make proof on hla Desert Land claim No. 2852 for the N W ii Sec. S Tp. 19 south of Range i west, before the Clerk of the County Court of Sanpete county Utah at Htmi Utah, on Saturday, the 15:h day of Ucteber 1832. He nauiea the following witnesses no prove the complete Irrigation and reclamation of said land, viz: Benber ChrUtenscn, Wltllam ifetcnlf, Niels C. Sorensen and James C. Sorensen ail of Gunnison, Sanpete conntv Utah. Bird ft Lowe, - Fsasz D. Eosbs, Atty's fordalment Register . 8 1l |