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Show SPRING CITY NOTES The weather la warm through the day. Nights ate cool, - - James C. Allred, a son of hg: Allred, leaves to-day for Aon Arbor tontlnue his law studies. , ';- . Robert Blaln, of the Co- op,- went to Provo yesterday on business. Oar city now rejoices (?) in the possession pos-session ot a pool table. That piece of furniture having been, added to the. saloon this wek. , . f ' ..'"" Should the presen t dry weateer- ieonr tinne much longer, the.mounteia will not be as well prepared" to . keep .-what snow may tall during the.winte; as. they were laat jfall-; It U to be hope that' a change -mit take phxte soon '8nfl tbftj' we may have somtfj dampness,".. X-i- The republicans of Spring 'City heid; a meeting on. Monday ; night.; There ! were abonf forty voters "peseniAsapnb.-ilcans "peseniAsapnb.-ilcans and democrats. Jadge .Johnson was the speaker.- s "eemetl.;;ip" 'gtye' most of hlsstfsntion -lh3doiings.;.of 1 the last legislature. The. county court of Sanpete, he : said, was .aoirjjpinlte. werh-itbongh one Jfanlt- war to Jbs 'totidS with thaf..bpa.' ; it .wit'"lpr; paying to Manti ibe ts.fi)r watsr used laihe-:ounty laihe-:ounty court- house. Snonltt.thb nn-. necessaryfexpanse ba dUionlXnuel, the county court wonld bs 0. K-. Tha members mem-bers of the - legislature, according to Judge Johnson, shonld be cOhQaed -is the lunatic asylum. -This was the main; sabstance of : the -speech, - - Although ' many- became dlSgjstsd anil left be'tore the close, the address' was fairly-good for an amateur. ';' SouMiMiti.' -. spring oity, spt. utraspe'1 7 |