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Show . NEWS NOTES. . The Ftah Commission met Tuesday ' Chicago. " .. . " Frank Slay an iiaa offered to fight Sullivan. ' "J." J.' " Z " ' Robert W, Forrest, the first mayor, of Spokane, Washington, is dead. Cholera has broken . all previous records re-cords in it ravages In Hambnrg.' . . Ik kinlpy poke Tuesday at the dedication dedi-cation ot a tin-plate milt at Etwood Iud. - Cabin passengers from .the "Norman-nta" "Norman-nta" were landed on Jfire Island Tuesday. . Sir Edwin Arnold denies that bis conduct con-duct in Japan was sometimes indiscrete. ; On Tuesday the Empress ef-.-Germany gave birth to a daughter,': tbe .seventh child. , ' " ; " '-- T. K. Collins was' ndmlnatea Taesday' by the democrats for -governor . of Montana. . .' .'" .Forty-live new cases Of " cholera and twenty' -Mx deaths." svere, reported Jn Paris Tuesday.. :-, - , '1 ; .'-: Edwardlvings was Wednesday nominated nomi-nated for governor of Wjomliig by the republicans. . - Tammany is said- to' have been the caose of the recent uprising of - Bsymen on Fire Island. ' "' . -. . " "." 1 : - ; iT. P. Towns of PJriUdBlphiai. Ve'dnai-dayinlght Ve'dnai-dayinlght was -'eieeted sur!enfl JqsUce Ol the tron tall. " ; ; ;;..; . .Cleveland, ri fcsaid, does Qcj.cLUoroub, ly iriors.-th8 ttrriaHab $4. iJetnci .brutlc platform..,' T'J ? y V v- " Hew Tcrk. bealth Wedr- Bay reported that live daathg-frorh sAohaa had'ocenrred ia the city. - - : . Tbe exaininaiion of witnesses -for the iPJQseestion ..was contianed Wednesday in th? miners trial ftt'CuBard'ATebe. " . Mrs. ffarison ir 8a3itloa' Is : con-s'H'arldefcj'mliCal, con-s'H'arldefcj'mliCal, .althangb 8; Slight-Improvement Slight-Improvement waf8 inotea Tue'sday.'.. ' ClevBlacd , ..emocfats -.in .; Cfiiorada; -.tflsdsy norainatedrJ.'-H.tM.anpin; "for gorertor, - - Ties Weaver faction adjourn-ei adjourn-ei wiihont making any nominations' " -' - American Inventus, :re protesting; Tigorcnsly.' against .the : acUoo, al th gaiftii arms. board to rreOTmaiendliig the adoption or A foreign rlaa' .for nsa o; fe'd'eraT and state troops. v.u ;,;V |