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Show PROBATE NOTICE, - In the Probate Court of the county ol Sanpete, San-pete, 'territory ot Uiah. In tha matter ot tna .state ot Francis H. Jol-ley, Jol-ley, deceased. Order to show cause Tray order of sale of real e9tae should not tie made. Luther T. Turtle the aamlstrator of the estate of Francis M. Oolley deceased, having flled his petition herein praying for an order of sale ot a part of the real estate, of said decedent, de-cedent, forthe purposes therein set forth. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the judge of aald court, that all persons interested la the estate of said deceased, appear before th. said probate court on Monday, the loth day of Ooiobor 18aii, at y. o'clok In the forenoon of said day , at the courtroom of said Probate Court at the court house In Maatl city, county of Sanpete to show causa why an order should not b granted to the said administrator to sell so much of the real estate ot the said deceased de-ceased as shall be necessary. And that a copy ot this order bepuMlahed at least four successive weeks lit the &EroaiEB a weekly newspaper printed and published Is said Mautl city county ot Sanpete Jacob joh.kson. Judge of the Probate Court. Dated September 6lh UW. Territory ot Utah i . ss Stnpete County. I. John Held Olerk of the Probate Court In and lor Sanpete county, Utah territory, hereby certify that the foregoing Is a full, true and correct copy of the "order to show cause whv order ot saie of real estate should not be made1' In tha matter of the .state of Francis M. Jolley deceased, a? It appears on file and of record in my office. Witness my hand and official seal this 6th day of September, im. Johh Brio, seal clerk. Win. T. Eeld, attornsy for estate. |