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Show Kofiw""ft. so.niiai'sipser to the Vom-en' Vom-en' deiartciejit. of tie 'world's fair is Miss Jsl 2$iei3QQ, of Chriatiaia. 1?Ui efeiititi of tis'palctcr's branch of the woajen'a' dlviaibn of Vce worid's congress auSiUary,. of', -tie feoluribian, expositie,n ieMrs. . h. S. Atia3. - " LESiBtntt,- Va., has selected, si the most ianUf' woaa in tfii state to represent, it as one ;of. the origiEal thirteen thir-teen states at .tte. Columbian exposition exposi-tion Mias Xiilii IJarriSon.? . ; .'Ojte Of the ladies preseEted at the drawing, room In- Lqndonv;on' last" Wedne3ttay by Stre.-' Eobert Lincoln Waa Mrs." Potter Pabper, the popular president of the lady managers Of the Colambiaii exposition. ' , .' 6Sx of the vice presidonts of the board of lady manaijfrrTaTSIiss Kate Miner,, a .newspaper . woman- of experience, ex-perience, who writes sonie. Of the best' editorials whichappear In the southern papers. Mlsa' Jfiter also .euccessfaily ;mahagf s - a " 'sagat plantation 'of five thotuand' acfii. . ... . Eacs etate- & aiked to contribute a special- exhibit for the women's build? ' leg at the world's'- fair, and Illinois has decided upon a model .hospital, to be conducted entirely by women, and three roori and the stun of six; thousand dollars dol-lars have been set apart, for its maintenance. main-tenance. - |