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Show bunds th-.t- will bo in the city. Prof. Soiien. lute leader o the V. S. Marine band, vriil !i? tho conductor. from the Capital. - WkatTliey Think of Har-sou's Har-sou's Letter. THE G. A. R. ENCAMPMENT. One Thoosand Nebraska .Veterans Cannot Secure Free Lodgings The People's Pari-. The letters of Presideu Harrison, Mr Blaine and Senator Sherman have, this week, warmed up things political on the republican side of the fence, and added interest to politics on all sides. President Presi-dent Harrison's letter was leceived with astonishment by everybody; it was fo different from its predecessors had been. It was more like a message to Congress than a letter accepting the nomination of his party for the presidency; it was dignified, and yet it was partisan to the core and as open in its. bid for votes as the average stnmp speaker. Its boldness bold-ness in taking up questions that might have been left alone without exciting serlons comment was unquestionably a political novelty with which Mr. Elaine was not altogether in sympathy, or he would not, In his letter, have advised the republicans to stick to threo issues protection, reciprocity, and the currencyduring cur-rencyduring the campaign. The opinion is general, among, pien of all political beliefs is that Mr. Harrison's letter is one of the ablest and most skilfully skil-fully written documents of its "kind ever pit before the public; he has made the best statement of the accomplishments accomplish-ments of his administration yet put in print; he has tickled the Rlaiue men by giving the entire credit for the reciprocity recipro-city policy to the ex-Secretary, and he has pleased the large number of republicans repub-licans who wsre bitterly opposed to the Federal election bill, more familiar as tie "Force" bill, by the clever manner i u wUli-li lip lias lumieJ tbu unbjut t;J advocacy of a non-partisan commission to consider arrd report upon the question to congress. In short, whether one agrees or disagrees with tho deductions drawn by him, all are compelled to acknowledge ac-knowledge that as a writer of political literature Mr Harrison has few, If any superiors. Notwithstanding the cholera scare bids under the advertisements issued by the post office department last f-priug for carrying ocean mails were opened Ihls week. A number of bids were re eeived and as far as they go they are satisfactory to Mr. Wanamaker and nearly if not all of them will be accept .ed. All of the lines bidding will run ont of New York, and the foreign ports to be tonched at aro in Cuba, Central and South America, England, France and Belgium. Mr. Wanamaker expected bids from lines sailing from southern ports and says he regrets that there were none, bnt that he did all he eonld do when he included them in the advertisements adver-tisements for bids. "Is the people's party gaining or loosing loos-ing gronnJ in the south?" I hear that question asked a dozen times every day. Democrats from the.south Insist that the "Force bill" issue is taking democrats away from the peoples party in that seotloa every day, and that it will elect fewer members of the next House than it has in the present Honse. At the headquarters head-quarters of the people's party they smile when asked about the truth of this, and say: "Yait nntil the returns are in; we haven't the support of auy of the big j newspapers, but we'il get votes enough to earprise those who believe every t ing they see in the papers that are interested inter-ested in belittling the third party movement. move-ment. We will largely increase our representation In the House, from the south, and we'll get a respectable number num-ber of electoral votes, too." It Is perfectly per-fectly evident from these widely differing differ-ing statements that a great big surprise is In store tor store for somebody. The citizens committee in chargo of the C, A. R. encampment arrangements vers compelled this week, much against . their wll, to turn down an r.pplioation tor free sleeping quarter for 1,000 men from Xebrasks. The committee rgerets this all the more because the number of applications from Nebraska has been smaller than from any other state, cx .eepijng, of course, the sooth, hut it waB simply iropoeiible to furnish the ac?o jnodations, all having been allotted that ! were at the disposal of the committee Months ago notice was sent to every post In the United States that " ao; lica-ations lica-ations for free quarters must be in Washington by Sept. 1, and all received ,np to that time were honored, although there were several thousand more of them than were expected or originally provided for. The latest novel feature agreed npon for encampment week is a monster outdoor concert, to be partici. ted In all of the 150 or more brass |