Show GALVESTON BILLS r 1 EXPECTED TO PASS j r f ff J f r. r S f Third Reading for Friday A After Hel Helf f- f f i Recons Reconsideration by CornS ComY Com Com- f Y v f S S lJ l- l S t 1 j i At a J joint meeting of oC the senate senateS J S committee on municipal corporations f I. t. t ii mi anti ju Judiciary yesterday afternoon it itS V L waS wn unanimously decided elded to lo report S Nr 1 favorably orbly fu on 01 all n the Galveston Gal lulls hills his m- m 1 liX uc by Senator l X N. X Smith SinIth t hod had been favorably conf con- con V r The Ilie bills i d f ft t i orel V Wednesday lne la and when whon t they le I V- V VV r V Si came me up UJ for pa passage In the senate yes ies- ies t f t i Senator John Y Smith ob ob- ob tir 1 to their passage for Cor the v that not nil all 01 of the members tV of oC 1 committees considered F them S between the tho tey tiet t tie t A A short debate y 1 t r t- t Smiths resulted in tho tho senator from flum ruin t t- t Salt Lake Ike moving mo to tu recommit them S tl St calling cailing a S meeting o of the committees commit commit- j There of or the session for the close tees f t tee from flom the out outside objection J L s- s was no nC j fl e r t members to a favorable report and andI fr T I i tu the th hills bills his will wi be brought up for fOl third 1 There are fourt fourteen toda today I re reading hl el 1 f hills bills lu Iii the tho bunch and they pi in t L. L II tw unc 11 I 3 S a n new cw form feral or of r city government go Y L. L i 0 D |