Show VOLCANOES ACTIVE QUAKE THE CAUSE Streams of Lava Pour From Long Long- Long Extinct Extinct Craters in Central America San Francisco Frncisco Feb F b 7 The The ear earthquake earth tIm tIm- quake which brought ought such devastation ion tion to the he island of uC Jamaica on January 15 is supposed to have havo ca caus caused catis- catis s- s ed cd tho extinct volcanoes of or Central America to burst bum bUst forth Into activity The Pacific Mall Mail Mal company's steamer steam r San Juan which arrived a rl here to today brought tho lie n news ws that on leaving heaving the thc Central American countries the volcAnoes vol- vol 11 cAnoes In active eruption but up to lo the time of or her sailing saing for this port t there was no report of loss of life or property The rho Information brought hero by bylie bythe bythe the lie steamer San Sami Juan states stales that thal the the- the Izalco volcano volano which is 11 located near Acajutla San Sami Salvador started to 0 spout smoke e omit and Himo flames After being Inactive fur for over o er a month and the tw Santa Max Marla volcano In Guatemala which lid did such destruction several years ears a ago o and nd has been quiet since that thai disturbance awoke about the time tho the earthquake at Jamaica took tool place and poured forth furth lava with such tom force that tho the natives nat es became greatly reat alarmed After several sc erl lla days days' s eruption and amid as there were no serious seri Sen trl- trl ous results the thc natives became calm |