OCR Text |
Show THE SELF DEFENSE 1S LOND EXGHNGE CLAIMED BY DAY of the Alley. | ITS Ratire, ad and : Office gers"and Reg "nr ardingo oO the Made by Negro After Arrest i) In his Se opening ae, after aite against WIth: the: A. Ty Day, made lserve . murder n der - of Attorney Walter ne Se prepared onTAB the tail the or. YW W. to 1 rest Ae ue orace cn and ense. pap and© | tl ea | ‘os D. & ? 1} pie Day in went de- thre - po | COST in ‘the hands ‘tenants. for ap : De Grande | Rio & apartments of. the | REACH "th Vy G ices » Brsurling as 1¢ i) The 24 Colorad feet Provo, THOUSANDS |; team ; Cc 3 Wandling on. Midland Third South, let € = be a Illinois |The ror | to the o pany ee will So in Imme| Which Louls I i es by - mC was ee given the com-| 20 CUUNC: power Ace failed) in his attempt eee lete ITER IEOISIOTIIEHO j wi ike is jiracts were pay nesses for the prosecution, Day's story was Voss attempt to bulldoze him and that threatened to » ot him out of. the alley. He declared his trouble with Bdwards was caused . . oe veral ret Specttul stories that had | Provo Landslide Still Blocks vecn told about him. Fe ee tha . . "es he and Mrs. Yarber w ged to be] ' - | married and that palo > sh We Ir was his Tracks Union Pacific rival These stories, D Says, were Clear o irted to injure hin end oh 1t Weir and a oss and Edwards were résponsible for } them Saw jy ‘Trouble Coming, 2 Ty 1. f , ev's "AnVO act, pack his cloth See dh ( , had him, Hemaatdeneckniew. a er ibeyette but aos leave leave. | i e Pag refi tempted to get "Bob" colored man oO would not be troubl * vr is hie ee club. Dag he his and him h, him bu Ceo fo tee ie a pulled it ; ra him to take CUS an a on of if Out ae eit ya SséSO0 Owe wt asain hre " ene ae a for ri More its ce Mra ith the hi Bay eRe tone will rom'|| SATO GEIaTONS Several OV?! EarProv een evel Weir | freight land es ; at other some eeu niche points : C Oe the hip Pps commercial atraflic tie traflic coal were up.of west west | cae In what opened P|} which is now *" | the direction of 1G ac ines he sa ‘artic Voss threat 1 un him cote ‘eink alley. AOoith:| was sitting "on a trunk In ''the "room: according to Day's statement, and Wale e sna Tron | eity's ys e by they be a crematory which a He is of hacked acke will.guarantee. before the bv the as fair as have The ecu R U. Che amb rlain.. Rose, Evans.. will Louise anaes are Frank e man ee ee ert »+., Hussey pare oe 12; Co. COM Ee of Raleigh § and J. . "Lee! | PLAYS AND pire-Erickson -1,200. and and Triekson.. Slymm,.. Um-] Attendance) ee l u he a hipaa ss Meets L.way, few from popular to be st Jus demand because enough aah ot and in of has secured approval. alcohol ee animate, only but is it opera t Drink Two food ofin Not drink. and Fisher Fis stage by Kirke La Shelle is a oncrazed ‘the crazed building street leading by the as to from most the Virgmmian one, follows his st and j for attempts has GnO ie iareas this niet ordinance ee by Councilman Martin In regard to' keeping boys out of pool and billiard e With Bill Is Commission a Character- | on this s é E : | ized as "Inopportune and BUTCHERS AND wi oan = | IN JOLLY any or it will your f Herd Antlered Here Trains be to your ao, d fl to our a said that Travel (on Special oO uty si "Under Guard. A find nines La SEE, ie ! | Shelle SE esas >] % fathered by tne M : : ina communicates The ace at the meeting their disapproval letter eds Sot sent to embers wir were of the M. & the ul ae M. C. nine La ‘ Lake Salt Dear Sir [ ; City, have an form youy ¢ that 907your January port of to 9 create CITY, by the Ce ee board aa, _ Utal ee on o Pte ; on) of governors Cehie ane 3 . i it the veer at s 4 at o US sole ol 7 aeons { ‘ hele da meeting 1d discussion of the piopaciencnrinn demerits of bey the 5 . ; in ee 13 a inform you ; . have the honor , to to sincere DISHEE r gute "putch' . Three Good . aa tak th the th i ut worth : ait 1} b f pu13 ia ee¥ at ity rr chains aon ta tly ciation, Sho the punch. bowl, at the cement on -the' broke loose % iF canyon. ke Wh ‘ when it : ate nek Vairee WIN in| ) wan City lide. , . up xyht licht me when: l whi wi= line near train the vas was the oe wreckSs The the th derailed ft: track in time through at Olson. bee hitting em: +l was.no in| fo, the head finishes during bs t tive aa 1 nd he i er was the Bonnie Jatter 7 lassified to wa day, Reg, Change It-costs insertion, but Jos favor anot a ite, 5 F.-A. At. 133, the] ad in 19 ¢ ts the. tit a follow show edthat.thatit fat @. crew: sent Lm the ser Injury.): He may get "put teeth, yu |.there.' And sure. the the opoeiaeye : haste pot to let t moor JA. t sO the passenger hy i aie Thursday, i on just by lon't the worry ad eon with 7 On Rings Ma his whooan Smith nes class in- one-half of a-tootba Aye, fining | tur be ‘ oie wa) rotul ‘onielther/ < t MITRE LOSES will ral Thing at I IN Onklund | shovel Ri tide ae js The 1 The It-or ¢ or Se Ex- | ea eh | for Se throug } > ‘ on ht about brough completion be 7:ae force om for ine regwiarly Sani \ & la nd Layton. of ao 2AS0 t line as men a erat between fo soon s Salt 6, romped skin of g Matinees home Provo Waly). Pro | DUDLMCAORvO Lake | tn TLOe Sein Te Bos sclne ‘ Ogden, 1 te n | mac le STRETCH Out |jor, Cotu by >) po LEG the first of 2OF 3rd, 190/188 o 1M) as 13 166 ISS --169- 216 212 se 25 RE, 5 959° Jeubp 7 Gomieg ' -Feb.. the it this' { fir in oe . eee ot Rd TenTe‘oe Ohta mWare ‘ ee te ce n es Yonson and vee admirable ratte singing reg 460 | out -997=2.871! 7 7 | . Van true cto i : pleasing we re: ..224 Norton 17 blic keCet ok. rity i. Du ehy eC oth lal: * OS Se ob. nei J Iss . evvees : 4 Oe SOP PAD es Direct | | | | R. : | to the nacl entire ical' | company |.---++>- mark festival oe rene Thursday given at the by , At in Be 10 A : M. PRICES: at ! 50c, 136, ae $1.00, $1. ' . = West of y . Richards fF races. | | | cago, events. . Street. ; floor surface i. . PREP. : Ladies admitted free mornings and ufternoons. If you Mile be graceful to roller skat oO 19, Open morn ngs, to =, noons 2 to 5, evenings, 7:30, CO; Band at learn aft alter10:30. all sesaions. Manager and LAKE Nevada. CITY. and Cradle = : te McClellan lec tions " on BOCs: Uo fill out »} a‘ finale At played than de- || to to cel d the rorus several se- ce - » ta Ladics > With t ] | Chale Tabernacle FAIR . > GCGRovU?INDSSs. : Change a | i Skates ¥. M. Prices. CENTS Twenty ; tadiesaera admitted : noon : ane COT Wilt Cents free . in the after: . OVOmMnge. Ny ae. ay Game : : ae ae eL ae step and waltzing. Hleld's tand Sunday afternoon and Rehearsal. cal Rarer Salt sake | the taber-|'Festival chorus held in the illar | A.A. auditorium Willard nota Monday oink last in TEN | prosram,' : ctabesnusie i:n Joint 4 n a rehearsal of of Improvements a Also Hallelujah" chorus| S Vv P - | cspecially well ren and Patronage , ADMISSION organ, to and choir the theprogr: The vas was the and Gentlemen. of Management ® OY dered. E } | the more 1 umes . quality and rendition ofit Cease -was change - of the Deep: profundo of reoe of ."The basso i ability. Solicit 5 A = the as a We Largest. were rich in volume His \ in Ai estiva ; ; ars on Concert. Andelin-Clark hundred persons attended the . Will y OMORROW Fa eh hee General Oldest m cane ae same} taber- . Cit IS South. & = se Prof. the ¢ all sporting Wyoming deeper tones n: sun ut dant in In complimen at ‘ ST. DUN SALT vesterday, peraf- ' AT Eastern RUST, The -SE= Yale" yesterda 7 }to al - cCle tleNarim Bauve ea Pate 1 ‘J Th n | or EXCHAN MAIN G. {ie audie nce lieRead recital | | week,| fyHuguenot" sang nce-a with most splendid efafter-| ct, and the he ee critical pe ia hie Five . | Offices in Progress Building, avers organ' TURF Idaho, i OS of "At ol, Prof. J. fine sell : ee THE ENGAGEMENT | Hield's the Sougtgu close of ccs etn the aie matinee At FOR OLGA --------- eee for GEORGE I tarougie| Phe FS and wire ‘veral) "Rocked . to E Second a 203 char- cnatt Introduced play I noon 100On, the| very page| | fol- CLUB ath 4 . C. Cc. L. . sae COLSON, 162 1615 130° 7 re eae 1S WL - - 768.729. Beeveninga 8rd. Tot.| | ES nacle talsacaall| night, It} MANAGER, 0 } : . . Sad ie : S Cc ri ( é Oo tk rehearse nest sac 150 4) Andelin and Miss Arvilla Peas rea ae cay Notas Gnd Taber | We7 Desire to Please. 6 : 1¢ Festival c Ss anc e Te 149-. 426 is ited by , Prof. J. J. 2McClellan | | 0 i= 166- rt i L te A Ne Tele choir. There Was | nacle Pale at the tabernacle next * beri Hees Gan) ‘ pers em wine | Sunday evenin t 8-15 o'clock to study 3) some change in the program, Sue sot he ae ut pee ad work, "Messiah," 1- B14) yy, indisposition of Miss Clark he | bh : sa wore ‘ on | DRUNKENNESS CURED. _-- _ =}. is or es reas red were | which w ye given a 1e music festi- | ; 766 2.943 | SGlos she was to have renderet ms 2a haa Onc FITC EN Gl KidwieGh Beton on) Or A positive and perlomitted, and although she sang aj|v: pe ith April. the chorus parts| manent cure for | duet with Mr. Andelin, and accom-! chestra er 4 pri . ay pascal of drunkenness Ist. 2nd. 3rd, 14 1 156 160. ‘ 181 ES Pe ) 129° 142 49. 127767 148- 190-* a} aos 134- Tot 19 |panied shi was him not in 43215, nessee robbed anS| een Aeon ot st 475 | ak aati rare 1231! With "quality selections in thegood voice, he and Penk the eveningne of one fe fiver: displayed a volce and wondertul bere her|these Sans two vee singing fava of teat ne anizations. ee py Ve | Fe atte ul chorus wil do tht ‘Hia| watha Members of both organ 1izaof|tions ure request ed to bring oe range | coptes 5 of "Messiah" ease he sounded low C and the| west gate for entrance. re Fs and go a 18 ,| = U Og Military evening 2nd. Wh 138 126:, 149 ist. Dam man, qualities : West 1-2 California e the title role of "Tilly''| and Monee of Mp hang etl anc hig Jescos{ The COLUMBIA young specialties the league}formance | oo the |}ternoon, tune} Neither, | alarmingly 1 although ! Lund of, the. score. 2 up one' | }tolow:roll oth <tall-end - Jesco byovictimizing abis o- outclub of ‘aggregation three games any orde or Piaeacthalcbs a REAL AKE tne ae " t Saturday.§ 4 | etic ht hekarace: > Miss. Adelaide ] heart 500) "f 94 8 of onto ne -237- RE674| | bill the rest Saturday of the with continues a family matinee Bowling the top and u for City Property. be} Mycocrrs - young Swedish girl; quaint and odd | Ree Seg: the warm| her actions but with} acteris Harland played Tot"swith grace, o vim Up- 71.-The Commercial si lart for) evening: bowled race ; Victors. ifternoon x pe being } 49¢ 513)*-- - 2nd. y 182. I. 1%) Wednesday a a Specially Ranches " his} He'll valked. ec: : Tteetice be-eligible| Beaten EARS one tyin 29 c WOrkKmerit Drea, to eT aE "MS( nae aay : San. Prancisco, Beb- 7.-The feature 0 the "¢ of M t-Oakland: today. -w the| mn the second*tice after )18 ED " MEN. ‘ ( removed), cutting 191- Ist. - ., ? 76: 162.160 r o hea Orleans. 5 of Duke 7 ; f THOMSON ,e Grand last evening to a} nae The Bish? is a comedy| Utah, sm ons ‘ranpesdnt the . aT" contest nu 159) . NIGUT PRICES, 10, 20 and 30c. MATINEE PRICES, 10 and 20c. e. bf Chicken Stage Manage ari vas d war Gance in the wings, whic ht} Ba 477= IGE. 5 a BUSHRANGERS. , - 7 _,,| | exchange no simulation = 2 wi ae on ey a "4505 ie present ey >» ek : || 2lolme Hane Zekiring: . rt Good W. ‘ ..., ».......BUSINESS nderso class|424 on freshman FTLFill enay Totals 7 | | STARS _--_- hs xo : and | een ; athe 4 Lae Talamantes a THE o. stage | show gh, just as they\ were enough, just as, g ready to ring up for the Edouin-E d= words sketch, in stalked Mr. Edwards |/y059 hic coat aside slowly, got into'his ots SE. a y Ryan Boh yay, | } | Burt tcae an ai | (at wig eA th rian oratorical, any: the decided the ll also treshien |'to of Vu hes plinth, scalp wound 1 he. reaches sermon ditehed, the Milan and) Tih hs enjoyes joyed | *-RYSTALS CRY! en . T ae 8 FRESHMAN iE SS i ot |football « ie fh NUMERALS 1 meeting the lev terd wnafir Bert 200 0g. couples uy l tg eee ay AWARD Za the committec ‘Welght, About s our: : trainno difference was put: back.jupo! to traitc made Oga po Bie las i aid will Sel It-Rent wblicanTh - ,.In; measly then, just 212to a a . to in answer Edeuin Yeste rd; iy May the frenzied queries as to the absence of the comedian said calmly: ‘He has never missed an ‘actin his life: | aecldent, reclatereds oa ceore | stage. anal ek And ie Soine mo fing a } ! Anxcot Kuces, i ay lide having « Iso been of-theheaviest. plunges. of "the |.Baxter andsih : , etk D itre w vas i as cod 24 : . OF £ 1 as 2% at] Ger Glandt to to 1 Feb. 7. oesea Thre. th 16 a purs enort| y that time i } } but thou ds of doll ir }Ol ! rerly 1 Angeles, "| outsiders _- -- . io : via a s Weta ne : Got ‘a ette, In the third.) "ttt Through Sand Ridge. pay : ' Pate Sint { , a af ee ned \ferlingo ane: | Cutting rougxtension Galt nost: time yuk Orlea { en Br 1 ip us good 4 ane 1: to Sy 1, fini: © aoa. | &6 i cood. i how er,.1 i a | { ; at tretch drive rom M ingo Work on the ce has reached four. | 1, oi hy fier. Mitre led {nto ‘thi reteh | Totals. hy'a ehort head Johnstown, the ea) Lake and Ogden 1 =i Beret aarn'| t e r fav : ee by ro eo Hird There wer SES niles beyond Layton, Ww ee Re ie ge Pe clea ebro: 62 donor "Yat Tawollecany YU right, || with hedv'over 225 and 1 dressed- :ByVeT) Wy e org the, supervision of musement - . MES TO the : iawiced 7 ee ¢ B ert : salen, ‘ City ain' en ilo dress¢ the Thocity Park ' First Fir was LenS under neg worl Park: flernoon r pe a : follo . TO Western freight No. : snd extra ran away, down, which e Line Cross sided get '* t tio! Bost tuck Freight day }many, jump 1 } ermany recety | © r fe Ee n, OUTSIDERS Ones er a ID' His an, Wed! ; Rout t tral ‘tra ik. Sane canvon, aric) Lake: dae switching cows laws Pa a branch, a -_-* ( ae GIN." ON A} Germany on Ronaway while an|, and t o Secretary: ARRIS ------_--_-+ >> SHORT : Init. :y pas-} wauid be, at this time, inopportune) ti pawn into the dit ‘h : Dut het : 1 . d. 4 and I wa@ directed $0] With the except and, gs escaped "4 ind ill-advised, mped I a train} Bl traveling: the » Soe . merits Salt of: Mer After 4 char mect- bourd reached the unanimo sion that the creation of a commission for the state © to willl ™ eleht f leave this Kerr. . See fr OFF: AGIN; . 1 Oemeasure th | oes sande conclu-} propos' nf and a baggage ca : Ravboul of the Lo net or agent ifthe bi mission fou a considered| i held Thursday, February ¢, 4s \ as considered an "he queuestion Hoi ofy such : board be made a grave importance ; that ot e aioe special wi ad comm july er s ‘2. ae consisting ‘ anda' diner Th j ngel ers, a diner horrid Ae Se hone ic comm organiza railroad ; \ a Fotis, "No. "a Theatre - 5 UTAH. EATRE®= . Family com- p. m ee i by J. Hy Burtner, dis-| white duck; with a sombrero. on larger! Zehrine established. a cord for the|shows the. difference between. the will be a a ay i than t commodious: vessel from| men of the W. B.C to esllowe As presi-| American and English temperament. a t oh s th ‘Route and Exalted‘Rulhich ‘he served: the: beverage: | ae it of ‘the congre he. feit that he acing t anes . : ~ on Lodge On the evening of Feb. 27 the as-| should show the boys how to move ow : 2 eon "rand. | er Thomas Ho el 7 ' inl ej Hoh will wiv, L Vaudevillt ghiow jand he did tt Anderson came vlong | Pilly Olson at Pine Crane hants'| No 81 met ny : AG nit eep- | which promises to bi the he St vet Thi with 54, and..the: lowest score: of) the "Tilly Olson" a new Swedish dialed ; it midnight, wi . consist wes ‘Rac entertainments ‘eiven -byth ae iza regulars was 555. Scores drama, opened a three nights aoe ara Ay a equesting eaten Lae tae effort| 107, this aU specials. and a dl Only onally a stint al Mere tne i pe ers The ion | ass O. Harris, manage! Manufacturers and ovhe pone fatlo ga Wa@S)| 45) present] .jepeners ae fille follows Mr. == Pe report of the 1d meeting sociation to thal TH Salt Lake's . " ag of THEATRES YRIC AMONG @ @ LAKE e by a Strong. ‘Company. Sunday: LOST IN NEW YORK. a SALT 9 Th 6" a g a she rting go on before Mommen . 1 SAvarmnora cot thel Details for*the start of. 0 Salt Lake! day evening to. enjoy -thé monthly Sate Saad in HAS eee dg Bid hale The board clubof metgovern : Ce . » Los4 Angel dancing party ofthe Retail. Butchers| '2¢.Crown alleyswon Jastthe night. The:CrysCommercial in a special SeS-) Biks on their excursio let ‘ : party nt eraG Nie SOAs | tal almost last gume, but] , . r se of con, Sat ay have b 1 completed tnd Grocers". association sceMmed |) tha wa ele as they ‘ever. got. sion ‘Thursday for the purpose of mi next Saturd N L | te-feel th: y vA sry. | With Writ} iy Zz." te adld s : Stay ee » Nropos ailway com-j-r herd will leave o regular NO to tes lat a good time was due1 them,] our old friend the heavnr Non bill 1 " wn TAtaE tc "pa SA Ze | a sectior Che irst ecuol nd appeared as if they had come to| 4 le of the night. They were falling for] Lela : i legislature isl ul me aS1 bill be th regu tral leaving At) make the collection,» An efficient com-| him, but this was not alone the answer] before the : rea is| ilanye ll i , 7" ranwdan £0 eep-|-mitte vas in charge, and. ifs Doda ito hi 674 total-it was because he Was Me n the Merehants as TONIGHT a i ieeae: mn brated Slr eta Mion GD sane choice Farms and the time for him to inste ad of Fererting | Traveling. Were Men Busine -, en exe yeuné It was certainly a crime. the way. the B rsiness Men slaught ered the poor jollier crowd would be hard to| than that which gathered in Jen-| hall, 21 West: First Sauth, Thurs-| cael Funity-Swelleet aal 1 shoot M. 9 ynic advan- through as Sicht, sig P. Comedy, Ms ‘ tage to look Silver lines. ny are Frank onre noe tt Murson. ‘Wrank Nelson, Harry Ho ay: R. Gilbert, J. Corbin R. Furlong, Mabe aright, Lilian and Eleanor ae t 2:30 Dialect . Triends i d f the pauses, surrenders nateuncon . and tad Dustin Farnum originated BOWLING DANGE SATURDAY, a or ‘ Meee Sa eer Won. We ae eee Battles. GROCERS ELKS' PLANS IS COMPL ETE a ill- Advised. ' ee lana,-but to no. other mineral Manager., ie i! * son on nis p ea| of. it reached in his hip pocket as if to pull The following request for informaHalls It a aaciieddc vt ae thciane H n idit nm revolver, Day fired at Voss‘and then |ijon vegarding public land grants was | are ee mn oo i ae el en New York, Feb. 7.-A cable dispateh | ywitto eridl ary nsani y " t of the house. ue > The Re ilican: i . " ¢ Se To 1 today says Billy Nolan, - "3. rt Walker ad Eucene Green, eol- | Poceve de by he = pul He a ecute the proprietors for any violation Tete toa jon today s Pte son, is patina: @ We need an amendment ored, were ex ' by. the defense: Huntsville, Utah, Feb.. 4, 1907. me the ordinance This is almed at|to arrange a carnival T "he ar te str nony was-i ntrod uced to show implonship "KWditor No May Republican Haste,Edouin, and erat Never inform | cave ral Late. pool halls where a; 0 the schgol Constitution boys| fights Ho proposes toa an ch. Gunner Little who ‘is making Day ud good « iracter and was|me if the government gave 1e -Tailend most of the ir time. It was de-| Moir against an Ame rie ae peepee weight, a . Oo a7 1 this woale J "yp <ge na ste ds are Before the state restna 1y company the mineral land for | Qjaeq th ut Pe veral pool halls will be}| Nelson against the best Eng lish lghtae he, Bac oh ors ; Drea edaie ist ee everal : Cle PI ohibiting mites such ear side oe people of theee line, and ee s oa nea ae witne Un pee were stree ea 1 ae z re enty Wels a v rN a ie and he best ra ue Gar ng os epi ; r retal treet . and irin| eee : r a sign en a erent. the' Y Eg: hus ‘. From Marrying. Shultz, Captai John B. Burbid A) . peo: a 7 et eres a A Sera ee ag : st England n produce, | bane "re re , are : ) eat nore Raleigt Their test ston coal ‘ Taw Ni Ea t stree v be macadamik ie a ee the Sport-| ees > { if you are paying has deposited $5,000 with English, that is, if accent counts for| | eee Se : Ory e-arrest of| 1S : erTow." iz spite the protests of every resi-| {ng Life to cover the matches and to be| anything: They have already REN | Day. and that be id he intendeda=ta GEO} \ dent'south of Eighth South street: Thel used as a side wager If his plans sue-|the sketch in German and are aeat ill i Voss ind went loaded for hit The Tlniteda> -State land. office 10) improvement was discussed hefore the] ceed he ha innounced that he willl engaged in learning it in Freneh ki A ‘ orms The Republican that I t committee and recommenda-|enlarge the side stake to suit any chalshi z 7 Spanish and Italian prior to} You should buy a home ~~ ~ t} 1 ' t} . esponden Nelso ould ~ giv tion Mt ill } be oa made' to the council to ‘ eeg he} stot welson for, Ce asf fteen-round n-roun fulfilling a long engagement oe the ‘fon the ime of the railway,compat sdve e 7 for : the bid The matter has} i pl Oe . 2 . } ‘ leading music halls of London, Paris} 4 in-order) EAS 8 ce : . ; | eddler. Palmer. has: issued BOARD a chal(iF re FOV ERNORS m3 ipa Sco enc»btain~ definite infopmation a } en. under < iscus lon: fo months 7 lence to Nelson for See He en Rave and other Europe Srunice GhMe INSTALMENT PLAN but that if "he nion 3 titio fou nd against have been fled | tye a4 120 pounds... Joe Fletcher has also | ing next May. Mr. id wat faeS, Sah , : compan orthe. Ce ral bags in the city recorder office but gccord: |‘ee illenged. the American fiehter at 133] the stage is addicted to, such expre We cific have Railwa them from company $500 is meant s © |) ing to figures of the city engineer, the] pounds anda side ‘bet of $1,200 and the sions as "jolly fine' ang all that sort 1 ro nent granted to them the Liter protestent lost" b é narrow margin | be t purse that may be offered. of thing, dontcher know? is now on} to $10,900. te sections on either ide of.thell! of frontage a *. his first visit to America | - i for twenty. mil und that the y ar -__-___-_ Incidentally, he daily gives the stage Instalments Same as Rent. é entitled. to.the iron .or ‘coal Loune We | manager a bad attack of the nerves | . ission seats Tbe, COX, o Swedish e 6 Baer Coming ° 1S tne just arms, . Box M. MATINEE enters walk antchi catching who 10c. TONIGHT. ® The the him in the back There are two reports, almost simultaneous, wes be Wedding drunken Trampas falls lifeless. As the crowd gathers, the little Vermont schoolmistress, 25c and : Owen direction, continues Edwards, Richard & Co. Kinodrome A. 256. effective searching another then Hoke bars case = lookout for other. with liquor, reels back from a with liquor, the reels backTrampas, ; from and Fred Emilia Rose Eee 6 and' pa s in "The thy aneperinlar ye ceed Of Sxtrs-a ‘Trampas ion , 1¢ Villainous Seen BOE TE 60c, a valuable rewing "PHONE who have seen this play, there scenes Dowerfer and Beer, a drink for eT Wister's celebrated novel of the same name, will come to the Salt Lake theatre tonight. As is well known to7 5 J many ate. ILLBE, le z 1 adapted today Be tec cats $1.00.. Math We, 2¢e. Hon Box seats fend atinees Daily oun an Sunday and Monday Acts. as begins ee THIS WEEK, Edoulu ° PLAY PEOPLE Great " Sale H. KhernsHarry Nellie sufficient ot t ® 6 May Arthur aviv pia ich but~not strenuous people, at and cafes. Supplied by = e Virginian," "‘Sapho.'' St. Onge Bros. contains a means of animation, a delightful relish, a 4 . oeit is nourishing tonie. a gentle its very the seal of It mae a throa greea oe of moderation. reality a temperance weeks tne this and mildness, be eens "The in and the will not marry tne hero if he persists in his quest of Trampas, enters and, finding her Jover unhur Binks in es con- night ST presented last of Superior A Play That Wins All Hearts. r Tex Attraction action--Wee » 11: Feb. Week Next Olga Nethersole, opening Monday t an a Commerce |! one. "| m 1 Se ALL sing . St an ini Company Excellence. ‘ioclad® Se: Ss nettwal na ‘ al as as i iss if properlyyY satisfied Satis . Virginian, whom he has sworn to kill on sight. Through the darkening RE Te . S 7 aoe acl streets the two are wandering, each 9 Hart- = committee laws also - him, Denver. municipal ee ae demaz d deman ‘ar- will and strongest in the play.is >» other scene ......Osborne Gret reece aeubaeds: -21 ae Rete -rees-Slymm phy- Ctontne Pook. Math & The will | of- been Felt ° ght 1 beneficial 8 é in Blue." selections Supporting and common to all humanity, but under modern - high-pressure chorus of "The Gir Wareace by Paice Miss a Margaret the conditions restorative ht Submit Vi ir eg 7 M. association function will within these a Co. est, the The social : ae called upon to lynch brave-hearted Position Crescents and weak-character Steve, his friena left forward ........Young] and comrade of brighter days. It is rig isa aor ard-,...... -Orr|an intense scene pronounced the The city render meth thtewn ce Ga ‘dinary rooms were and AG everything two was | Bre ous. Greenwood.... right guard a vi times been of under seeks Shelle In Owen Wister's FARNUM Famous Story of days, or La DUSTIN The f desire stimuDs s . for. a fc mild jotie in somes form ass ordinarily, speak of the state has Chamber these business ° at a missionary) farewell party in the Twenty-first ward next Monday evening Miss Grac Mead and Miss Sees. Field goals-Gree nwood, 3:1 Evans, 2; 3 "hriste dats Per eee Young, 3: Orr, 2; ussey, 2. free 1rOows-9 out ; > Tree A will also interest to M. & The the and AL ‘A po aon. 9total, at a Kirke meeting. fejse re freshme nts of the wtthes land- ever nature out vane ee eo Ait invitation ‘am. ; life' in way, with be address "re the by the guests. game | Several the will rorort CSE Chorus of "Girl Members minutes that they was|in_ Blue,") written that | Whitney of this city the aoe, ult basket from the foul line, the Crescents were once again In lead. When the last five minutes of | arrived the Cc rescents lonfed to end of the game and showed that had nearly exhausted themselves, score piled up in their favor, howand the second ets in five years Sao. recorded for the conceded that will Musical and ]given the the satis- counell. to about first seven Illinois aggregation ona qopen ommercial club tot ; ththe mace b ays the | | by referred the of | ¢ Perkins hristense.... Ao was the The | factory service and Place.a ope with the city. (There are now: thre peti|} tions for the he ain of the faa Miers contract, of were dumping lease In "+ the in into s ranged, the | Served for|their' of scen in. Provo The visiting team de-| clared that they had never been treated| be os ) aur raise ie oe eae had¢ noth-} e mr > ‘ ‘TS commenced| private for ae score locals something _It is generally ficials garbage by contract done by, the city; under] the health: department asks the halt "The had Crescents| and things favor assurance be and ‘ present, matters of vital in fastest as:jbeen, re s Grocers' association, & ae 8 pid aad den hea eecopted the first ull the time, the own way game. The the associa- dotae' ao," & > tints. > ago, 2end FsShaachas been received from the sociation, r ar escenn oft his of the second half they ran their score} from 8 to 21, and led the game by one point. ‘Two fouls were called on Provo, 22d all made good at the foul line the furnish referee easily the Crescents| Ga him and the mayor to hear all three : al | PC titions and ft is probable that bids coa ill be asked for, (The other two peti- an en in the pentose Alternate go to and half knew themselves. Bi . fee Nis Se)" ceptance "hrieto . aera , "Locnts snicAaubioleen the play was resumed . experts comto $50] recom-| competency accounts will the and Groc do in‘! fitty strong. J.-M. in Marriott, prasident, and state A."Hudson, /local presof) ‘ ' a , = pea aah ec eae ec In|ident of the Butchers & Grocers' as- the! iPS but pr After the game wae qua. the! at + -___-_ on offers &6~ | company Cacm ars contisci aan q o help the railroac ts tide over the break books of associz ution & The ata"? will Hold a joint "Get Acquaint: = meetir Tuesday eve ae Feb. Feb evening, Tuesday 1eeting An invitation was sent from the 12, his knee} went ame to win, and although Rose will} Bit ‘of the game, the boys showed two weeks. initary committee met and| Hert R: amberger 1 rears "onosi-} erman proposi yarns | ground line the the handling throwing in theProvo. lead; in tion foc: halt enuad: 15 to 8 In LOO IReonie tints | Young were to in tion to handle serious | He : of within The pn,1ea1 "| andand. with pa matter of ‘freight Ogden, i sician 1 5 oe supply. -_ and time | work Ice ic ws ck as agency ce Pac i Wash-! a th ne along 7 ee 7 oe VW hi ! a which Panic wa freight a nes congestion ight | mendations the Mghithatin vata Siti] REGARDING LAND GRANTS a bigs the much on half of the _ When | ecane by Eastern finance ‘committee, wereWester-| Pea fcompanies eeewhich The ae oe made} sv] thougnt) ;gravated the coat snortage, § time -7 jous earners nice! vel | from, this. condition Severa s patos x pay cleared ks porate tem pori a ee be a IS t ‘ of the T been closec met] Oregon Short Line, Yar-j| for some time by le Ant Ee = nutes before king SILLSand Ped * our 5 l eee ee remova line Ee Edwards. While they were]this ie Hote zerban's Lee Day :Xeable Ee eh its in came in, and they all} prevent> andd KE \ Voss : br troualking abont Day's | Senger king "was ia. onus HL. ener be ane SGatieIE the TAN rean incre imed Beer. ere cee ceea On ec nee aUrnlrs) Invited him. yo. : a Welr eeaie Gull a i with in ERG Edwards, | ~&turday th it The clearing Iline vhich : has attempted he ROB eee drink |e ter aske BEG) to make troubie, When Day pulled un Edwards left the house Day v Veir in the house talking to ipl Pete |} required] eat ' ren ircht and da clearing y | countants and ervices of another | the id which Car GOWN) were the lowest The other , ere ont rhe 1 : of earth and roc x panies' bids ranged from $25 al I covering the rack Wi 5 so 2re hat | pel day The commiltee had paar nattipelien z {| that shoet , would a a rats ee ‘had that ‘time, He ordered or Ciba the was this this Aeht Dav vy ued os i- ‘i latv~ha Re a ylockes ae AetratiF ar] oO ~ te * - ae lites By xpenses: would _ be ut down] ie igh had with ‘ ark . = . that his life was threut-| City branch o the Rio Grande W est one pay for the ins tallme nt Of) oS ef peas aie st alpen ake ot Beco OE ee Bids are Opened , v 7 ere ade h Ve an s arooming * . 1m} , before noon\ T hur : sday, . and the _ first 35 i 1 . .s ) z a aeag: +,wine ber 1IOUSE with be half, kept and Crescent con- i city the will by. a score) &'M.. Butchers turned away. At the | CCP% xame Rose of the lo- | Butchers Hussey e es Slymm, Sretly initial Retail crowded t suffocation, bel € to : NEE os = preneeny eue half e j ever startedplayed out |"'The > M:; the] the liveliest and ed" " in Provo.|,, played dis able a by first r teet Its} Butane ' and expense tonight crowded was, Feey se ee a eater, nat bal€ Christensen ‘played es - ; fetatl: iy Sy gts of bookkeep- | ed r 10 a Ben c Sie ce | ind ing, but under the present contract} Se twice that amount will be : quandered.| play It is deciared that the city's depart-| tne ment work is duplicated and that i | they expenses of the different offices are| The too high With a modern method of} ever, ; keeping books, it is stated oa ut the of-]| W258 al the olowing wards he s ays oe‘ that Wh n ‘ signed the accouniants the" = under the contract to submit a state | |ment of the assets and labili- | ee end aie out a systematic thod of keeping the accounts. The} eS by | 4 for The here was. basketball defeated good€ burscay'! to Ill, the finance comcil : Thursday | . Crescent doe JO was he pléced tose'sshe position and. tswhile played form, ' : was as nofi match ce for9 Orr visitors and its star performer, auditing f the auditing 5 o 1€)} department were | 1e West 1ann-Trader yestermannader 1e of St : : Eee tt every ro Pull a revolver. His statements in| Rio,Grande cashier and the Utah Fuel | company; $15 per day for expert ac-| his ee. behalf conflict with those of company offices will either the feountants and $10 per day for assist-| reveral witnesses placed on the stand|second or third floor occupy of the bullding, | ante ; price a new ethod of byae the Ltlon, prosecution. In Day's cross-ex-| the new depor |and Poccme Wocenie Just to ‘be how ai long ced pe District Attorne Fred wi } until to be their erecte quarters a by the in Gould company systematized. this ear 7-The ae there were many beginning of the Mayor. for Wooks SALLE THAT Life lemand upon, the1e demands either . 2L It was ever game hall andling | sta The ha ine the geneine cals was ; Contracts ‘ city's Potheere < ill the of a to cleanest ' -_ ats bat had! l diately east of the corner office, and | cost cannot be estimated, but it will been made to him by Mathew ee igen ered man, whom he struck ar | ie ; Santa ind. a Fe Fe will adjoin the s Colorado rds wil adjoj Color: 7The contract) | be upwards: of : $8 000 s, , 1 shot down when he| } reads that $20 a day shall be paid for} Maced his hand in his hip pocket as if} It is expected that,the Denver &|the services of any member of the} Gi own his story. Several witne pacaila will-be put on the stand by. the ae | today refute to "corroborate Day's statem¢ nts | and the testimony of two wit-| Feb. aon team | wanar on, 24 feet on Main hs adquarters of. | Central have R. > orgs Tonight and TomorrowNig MATINEE SATURDAY, strong strong Makes Makes strenuous a TO Pe i ieee and 'S. agent V. Derrah, assistant gzenjury] eral nt, freicht Twenty-four feet | | its}of = , floor space poe nimmediately e i 3 south. of d ‘ ane on the Side. . Score 24-21. are-now corner: 5 |M.& M, TO ENTERTAIN S tre nuous . into one large room, which shall for the offices of I. A. Benton agent of the passenger depart- | Little "de elar athe it} maining prove that the de-|as the witness Teh ee Nata ind "abuse. t the ¢ to colored at 8, 1907. ants the meas FRIDAY, FEBRUARY Evanston Team Too Swift for) Get Acquainted Meeting With Garden City Youths- ve Music. and Refreshments amerikearns Crowd to Engage Account = High-Priced os Denver. The. the | general statement ae nent t} et statete ursday sday building, Pe UTAH, 5. Y. U. OF PROVO BUTCHERS AND GROCERS rs building. Space, 7 48 s feet on, Main and | Petitions Sp. Considered fee for al and } 68 on Third South Streets will he! Garbage Referred to sen case and ™ dre w floor 'stre ts, prospective ae De- Stat Stateme " = lents ground ‘South completed, | Police of . the Exchange Third }9 tective for SALT LAKE CITY, MONEY HAS GONE New, | : lans | CASE 7 Testimony of Structure Receive Drawings Floor. of Ground ! ened to Blow Him Out RESTS Tenants REPUBLICAN, WONDERING WHERE (CRESCENTS DEFEAT BUILDING PLANS Prospective Murderer Says Victim Threa t- STATE INTER-MOUNTAIN drug ee Branch Pa nee : pare.. | Housuse, ‘ Dwi & nt, ent | Corre spondence confidentialL 834 W. <EELY aren INSTITU iF Tern. St., Salt Taka: City, Utah, |