Show BIG Dili lf SHOW V IS NOLANS NOLAN'S SCHEME Wants to Get Best English and andt t American Boxers Into Battles New York Volt Feb 7 A i.-A A cable dispatch from London today says ny Dil Billy Nolan er of or Battling Nelson is trying to arrange a carnival l oC of championship fights lb Ho 10 proposes to match Gunner toh MoIr against g an American heavyweight Nelson elson n a against tIme the best l' l English lightweight light light- weight who will wIl sl sign n an and the time best bost American featherweight I available against the tIme bost hest l can produce 1 lie has hns deposited 0 with the tho lie SportIng SportIng Sporting Sport- Sport Ing Lifo Life to co cover coer er the lie matches and to be bo used usel as u n Hide side wager r. r If IC his plans succeed succeed suc sue he lie has announced that lint ho will wil enlarge the time side slake stake to suit an any challenges chal chat lenges lengs to Nelson Tor for a round fifteen round battle batte Peddler Palmer has Issued a challene challenge chal chal- lenge lene to Nelson for a o. round fifteen fifteen roune batte battie battle bat bat- tie tle te at 13 pounds Joe Fletcher has also aso challenged cd time the American fighter at 13 pounds and und a n side bet of 1200 1201 l. l and the tho best purse that may be offered |