Show FEBRUARY Y C CALENDAR LENDAR II FOR SUPREME COURT Thirty six Th si cases wore 1 placed upon th the calendar of time the supreme court Thursday for Cor or th time the F February term which begins Monday morning morning The Tho waR ivas complied compiled b by Clerk Cleric Harry ry alit und and I is n as follows Time The TIt state of or Utah respondent vs V William J. J James appellant Feb Feb 11 hI 1 State tate ox cx IX rel mci Jacob Peart ot pt a al plaintiff plain plain- tilt tiff Ir vs ts Third Judicial court T. T D. D Lewis I Lew wIs w- w is is Judge defendant n t. t Feb fel 11 U. In Iii 1 ro me application of or Thomas Marion Marlon- aux for ri a r wrIt wilt of or mandate against state stati board examiner Feb Feli II n. Frank Owens appellant vs San S1 Ped Pedro ro Los lS Angeles A 1 gl 1 es a and I d Salt Rn I 11 Lake Ie nn Railway Rail 1 WU way company respondent I Feb b. b 12 John olm S. S Houtz flouts appellant vs ts Union Pacific PS Railway Hallway company compau respondent Feb 12 A. A 0 O. O Foil Pol respondent 1 vs Union Pacific J Pa I Cinc Railway company appellant Feb FeI 12 12 Salt Si Lake Investment company re respondent rr- rr vs Je Jesse se M. M Fox appellant Fob Feb 13 Lars ChrIstensen appellant vs vo Oscar Os Os- Ocar Oscar car lIeeie sheriff of Emery Emer county count re 11 re- re t Fei Feb 13 J. J 1 P. P ONeill O'Neill appellant vs S Ogdon mi acne aerio No 18 Fraternal Order of Ko- Ko gle glos gies ot et C al ah respondents Feb 13 13 Cora eOa an al Incompetent by Miac I-Miac BIrdsall appellant vs J. J I R E. leI Lea Lea- le- le I 1 et t n al mu I respondents Fob FIb 13 Michael r respondent vs Pacific a Railway company compon appellant appel lant haul Fob Feim 14 H. W. W v. v n. n Call respondent vs Union Pacific Pa Pa- due We Railway company compan appellant Feb jIh I 1 L Christine Pl respondent vs Oregon Orgon Simon Short Lute Line a Railway company compon n appellant l t. t Feb Peb 15 1 Sari San 1 Pdro Pedro Los LOR An Angeles ele Cud and nl Salt Sni Lake Railroad nai company a appellant t. t vs A. board boa r l I of education of Salt Sai Lake Lalee CI City respond respond- on oft nt t Feb Fb 15 John G. G Felt respondent vs S Salt Sal Like Jk City appellant n t. t Feb 15 IS Eugenia et ct al respondents vs 5 s. S Salt Sl l take Lake CI City appellant Feb 1 eL IS 18 IS D. D B. B H respondent vie vs Salt Sal Lake City appellant I Feb eb IS 18 Catherine T P. P fi F. Wilson ilon respondent vs s R. R K Wilson Jr et ct al appellants l Fob Feli h. h IS 18 William et nl nt V. V e North Irrigation company etui el U ruts Fol Yelp 1 1 10 ht Don DOl Farnsworth Je respondent t. t vs I tn nion Pall Coal cal oal company U appellant n tim t. t Fob 19 Lars Lams c C. C respondent v vs s. Bul ul- ul B lion lieu k and amid 11 Clim Mining company cum com pany pan appellant Feb Fel 1 19 Alice AI J. J Kirk Firk ro respondent r vs Salt Lake Iala City appellant appu Feb 20 A I. I Stone Stone administrator of time the the es estate es- es tate of William Murray deceased lI rum TH- vs f. Union Pacific Railway company appellant a ol Fob Feim l eh LU A. A I I. I Stout Stone administrator of time the the os- os tate tato tate of ff James I II I. I 1 WInslow deceased III respondent re rp- re- re vs S Union Pacific Palle Railway a company appellant t Fob lh 20 Charles A. A JOW Jones Jont appellant vs Ogden O Feb Feli 21 city ty mt l t al respondents nl John K B. g Meyers respondent vs S. Kast gast Branch Irrigation imm company appellant I. I Fob 21 I. I Walter L Bryant Brant respondent vim vs N. Mark Kunkel I ot et al nl appellants Fob Fib 21 Charles appellant vs Salt Sai Lake Limico City respondent Fc-b. Fc 25 Sarah J. J appellant f vs J. J G. G ol ot et 1 a al respondents F Feh Fob h. h 25 2 Orchard CO company 1 1 respondent respond 11 ent nt vs Morgan Candy company compan appel cl lant Fob 11 25 J. J R R. Roberts appellant vs s M. M 1 P. P Br rE respondent t. t FE Feb W. W Mrs Irs rN S S. M. M Riddle ot et t al respondent vp vs B. B B. B appellant Feb Ith 20 26 G VI I P. P B J J. J Donovan appellant vs A. A Ilan- Ilan jr jl trust trustee l. l respondent Feb G Nellie Tt-aklo Tt administratrix vs San Pedro Los Lo Angeles and Salt SJ Lake Lk Rail Rall- nal- nal r rand II company l respondent Fob Feb 27 C C. D. D Rogers et l al ah nl appellants vs Rio Grande Western Railway company re respondent re- re Feb 27 J. J D. D Sk leb el appellant vs R. Thomas H. H DrownIng Browning respondent Feb 27 J T 1 S. S Richards appellant vs s J. J F. F Smith trustee In trust etc 1 respond respond- tn enl cut t. t Feb Feh 28 2 |