Show LEGAL NOTICES AND iNI ANI NOTICES Consult County Clerk or Respective Signers for tor Further Information IN TUB TIlE TiE DISTRICT COURT PRO PRO- bate bato division in and for tor Salt Sl Lake COUlty county state staLe of or Utah In the tho mat matter r of or tho the estate of or Peter Adamson de dd- dd ceased Notice The The The petition petton of or Mrs Jane Jano Williams administratrix of or the tho estate of or Peter Adamson deceased praying for an order of sale salo of or real and personal personal personal per per- property of or said decedent t and that all nI persons Interested appear be before before before be- be fore the said court to show cause cuse why an order should not be granted to sell sel so 50 much as shall be bo necessary of or the tile following described real and personal estate of oC said decedent wIt to 1 1 share of ot the Randolph and Woodruff Canal Canul company 1 share sharo of or the Woodruff Reservoir company the west half haU of oC the northeast quarter and the tho east half haIr of oC tho the northwest quarter of or section 32 33 3 township 10 north of or range seven east of or Salt Lake meridian in Rich county count Utah has ha been set for or hearing on Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- urda the day lay of oC February A. A D. D 1907 at 10 o'clock a. a in m. at nt the county court house In the tho court room of or said ald court in Salt I Lake Lako CI City Salt SnIt Lake county Utah I Witness the clerk cleric of or said court with wih the tho seal thereof affixed this day da of January A. A D. D 1907 Seal iSeal Seal J. J U. U ELDREDGE JR Clerk By Uy W. W II 11 I. I Farnsworth Deputy Clerk Johnson ani a Fowler Attorneys for tor Pc Petitioner ti t 10 n en IN THE TIE DISTRICT COURT PRO PRO- bato bate division In iii and for Salt Sal J Lake al e county state of of Utah In the tho matter ol of tho estate of oC Bennion de deceased de- de Notice ceased ceased N Notice 0 t Ice The petition of oC Milton Bennion the administrator of or the estate of William Bennion deceased praying for an order ordon or or- or- or don der of oC sale of oC real and ler personal property property prop prop- erty of or said decedent and that lint all al persons per per- sons Interested appear before tho the said court coult to show cause causo why an order should not be bo granted to sell sel so much muchas muchas as ag shall be bo necessary of oC the lie following described real and personal estate of oC said deceased to wit Beginning at the tue northeast corner of oC the tho southwest quarter of tho southeast quarter of or section sec see tion ton sixteen 16 6 township one 1 south of ran range e two 2 west thence south SO 80 rods thence west iest forty fort 40 0 rods rols thence north eighty eIght SO O rods rols thence east fort forty 40 rods rols containing containinG twenty 20 acres acres Also the north half haU of oC the tho southeast quarter of section twenty four 24 24 township two to 2 south of oC range two 2 west Salt Lake meridian containIng containing contain contain- ing lag eighty SO acres acres Also an Interest in the tho following lOt C. acres acre's acre for which sale certificate No S- S SIs is held hell being Jot one 1 1 and the northeast quarter of oC the northwest quarter and the lie north half haI of the northeast northeast north- north east cast quarter of oC section thirty 30 3 township two 2 south range two 2 west Also lots one ono 1 I two 2 three 3 and four 4 in section twenty nine 29 2 township two 2 south of or range ranlO two 2 west west Also an Interest In the following The southeast quarter of or section twentynine twentynine nine ty-nine nile t-nile 29 township two 2 south ol ci range two 2 west purchase price 12 pet per acre purchaser to have ten ton years years' time In which to pay pa This TIlls homestead was sas relinquished March IS 1895 being represented represented represented rep rep- resented b by contract No 1332 13 state land board Also nn on Interest in the tho lie following Lots Lots' nine 9 ten 10 0 eleven n elc 11 1 twelve 12 2 in section twenty nine 29 2 township two 2 south of ot range two 2 west irest for or this land hand sale certificate No was Issued and the following payments have been made made- 05 and 10 1001 1 Interest to Jan I 1 1 1903 1905 19 Jan 1 1 1905 paid 2007 on principal and 90 Interest Interest Interest Inter Inter- est state land board Also an Interest In tho the following Lot Lt sIx six 6 C of or section twenty nine 29 2 and tho the southeast quarter of or the southwest quarter of oC section thirty 30 3 and the tile southeast quarter of oC section thirty 30 3 township two 2 south range two 2 west for this land sale certificate No was wan Issued and on tho ho sumo the following payments have boon been made GO too principal und und J 1375 1275 Interest to to Jan 1 1 1905 Jon Jan 1 I 1905 2999 9 on principal and Interest to state land board boort 30 Also Alno nn an Interest In the tho following The south half of oC tho the northeast quarter of ot section thirty 30 3 township two two 2 south of or ran range e two 2 west and the tho southwest quarter of oC the tho northwest quarter of oC section twenty nine 29 township two 2 south of oC range two I. I 2 west Personal Property One brown mare more and colt col One Ono black mare and colt col horse Three and ant one half one shares In One Ono old surrey Has Bas been set sot for hearing on S Saturday tile the day of or February A. A A D. D 1907 19 nt at 10 o'clock a. a m. m at nt tho the county court courthouse courthouse courthouse house in tho the court room of or said Raid court In Salt Sal Lake City Salt Lake county count Utah Witness the tho clerk clerIc o of said court with the he seal soul thereof affixed this tills th day dayo o of or Jan January uary A. A D. D 1907 Seal Sea J. J U. U ELDREDGE JR Clerk D By Dy W. W II 11 I. I Farnsworth Deputy Clerk Cleric John M. M I. I Cannon Attorney A torne for Estate IN TIlE THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO- PRO hate bate TIl division in and for Salt Lake county count state of or Utah In the tue matter mater of the estate of oC Jos Joseph ph Davis deceased Notice Tho The petition of Rebecca Davis administratrix administratrix ad ad- petton of oC the estate of oC Joseph Josoph Davis deceased praying for Cor the tIle settlement settle settle- ment mont of or final account of oC said administratrix administratrix adminis adminis- I antI and for or the tho summary distribution ion tion of or the lie residue of or said sold estate to 10 the time persons ton entitled has been set for or hearing hear hear- lag ing on Saturday tile the day of or February February February ary A. A D. D 1907 at 10 o'clock a. a m m. at the lie county court house in II the tho court room of said court In Salt Sl I Lake ce CI City Salt Sal Lake county count Utah Witness tho time clerk of at said court with wih the seal ther thereof oC affixed this 2nd day of February A. A D. D 1907 11 Seal Sea J. J U. U ELDREDGE JR JH Clerk Cleric By fly By W. W II H. I Farnsworth Deputy Deput Clerk George Georgo Y Y Wallace Walace jr Attorney for tor forPe Pe Petitioner t I tion or IN TILE THE TIE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO PRO- bate division In und and ant for or Salt Luke Lake county state stat o of Utah In the ito matter mater of or the time estate of oC Sarah Ann Daft DaC de- de de de- ceased Notice Tile Tho Tho petition petton of Charles IT H. Jenkins ns J. J I D. D Lyon Lon and Eva Fleming Marks executors of or time the estate of SarahAnn Sarah SarahAnn Srah Ann Daft Dar deceased praying for an order r ord of oC sale of or real and per personal onal property property prop prop- erty of or said sai decedent and that all nl persons per per- sons Soils interested appear before beure the tho saul said court and show cause wh why an ord order r should ld ho not bo bu grunted granted to sell sel no so much muchas of oC the time following as shall thaI be necessary described real and auth personal estate of oC said deceased Tho The southeast I extension of tho ho May MayBelle In Belle Dele lode mining claim In Park Parl CI City The SI a anti 11 Fortune mining claims calms In Little Litle Cottonwood mining district district Lots 13 43 and 41 ii 4 block 2 Z Hunters Hunter's subdivision vision of oC block 5 52 plat C Salt Sl Lako Lake City sur c survey Part of oC lot 1 I Mock block U 11 11 plat pint A Salt 81 Lake Jko CI City survey survoy with a room four-room I adobe house commencing commencing at the tile northeast north- north cast east corner of said lot Jot 1 J thence south I t rods west 10 ro rods rOtIS ls north 4 rods cast east 10 rols rods to commencement commencement All Al of lots Jots 9 and 11 1 block 50 60 Kinney and amid Gourley's Gourle s Improved ed City CI plat plat- plat Lots 32 and 33 Lloyds Lloyd's subdivision Part of lot C 5 block 51 Si plat A Salt Sal Lake Luke el City SU o survey Beginning 13 rods of oC said south of the northwest corner corer thence north 40 feet lot Jot and running 0 thence east li feet teet thence south 10 feet thence west ivest l 5 feet to the place of be beginning be- be ginning being tile the family residence Part of or lot 5 5 block 29 2 plat pInt B 11 Salt Sal Lake Ikc City sunI survey Commencing it 10 rods rod north of oC the tue southeast corner 31 at f said sold lot 5 G thence north 2 rods west 10 rods south 2 rods east eat 10 rods to commencement com eom- t. t South half bait of oC lot 8 S block 27 2 plat B 13 I Salt Lake City survey Commencing at It the tho southeast corner cornet of lot 3 3 block 24 plat A Suit Salt Sal Lal Lake CI City survey and running thence north 10 rods west ivest 4 rods thence south 10 rods rols thence east cast 1 4 rods to the tho place I i LEGAL NOTICES PROBATE rnO ATE AND ANI AJ GUARDIANSHIP GU Sn NOTICES Consult County Clerk er Respective Signers nen for tor Further Information of or beginning with wih an ol old brick 11 and adobe house Properly m l shares of oC the tile Oxford Mining do company mpa n y shares hares of tho the Cabinet Gold Gol Milling and Improvement company 18 shares of or tho the Aurora Mining and Milling compan company co note for 2 and Interest from rein June 23 2 1902 10 shares o of the Montreal Silver SI er Mining company compan I shares of or the Mercur City Mining Min ln- ln ing com company pan 1 IW DO shares of the thc Bannock Gold Gol Mining Min Mm- ing company o of Idaho 10 shares of the Ferris Gold Gol and Sll- Sll Siver Si- Si ver yen Mining Mining- and Milling company 1000 10 shares of or the lie General Logan Min Mm- In ing company compan 52 3 shares shar t of oC the New York and Great Western Mining Smelting Smelling and amid Development company compan iO shares shareR of ot the Great Salt SaI Lal Lake e Natural Gas Ga and Fuel company compan 1500 1911 lr shares of or th the New ew American Gas and Fuel company shares of or the thc Electric Mining and Milling company ml 2000 20 shares of or tho the Eldorado Gold Mining Min Mm- bIg ing company compan 2200 shares of or tho the Nail Nan Driver Mining company I shares of the tile Last Chance Mining I co company mn mu fly and 1 16 Milling shares of company the MUrray l lull Hill 11 Mining 3 shares of oC tho the Daly Mining Ining comp com corn p pa pany n y North no th Dalton DaHon Mining company 1 10 shares of the tile Utah Independent company Tins Has las been set t for hearing on Saturday Saturday Saturday Satur Satur- day the tile rd da day of or February A. A D. D 1907 19 at 10 o'clock a. a a in t. t at tho the county count court house In the tile court room of said sold court in Salt Sl Lake City Salt Lake Lako county count Utah Witness the clerk of nf said court with wih time the seal thereof affixed this Rh day day of February A. A D. D 1 1907 Seal SenI J J J. U. U ELDREDGE JR Clerk By fly W. W r. II 11 I. I Farnsworth D Deputy Clerk Elmer llmer B P. Jones and Stephens Smith and amid Porter Attorneys for Petitioners IN TIlE THE TIE DISTRICT DISTRICT COU COURT PRObate PRObate PRObate PRO- PRO bate division In and for Salt Lake county count state of Utah In the matter mater of tho time estate of oC John N N. Eddins deceased Notice The petition of John W. W Hardcastle administrator petton of oC the estate of oC John N. N Eddins deceased for confirmation of oC the sale of tile the following de described real estate of oC the tIle decedent to wit Commencing at the tho southeast corner of or lot 2 section 18 IS township 3 south range I 1 2 cast east Salt Sal Lake meridian thence east chains thence north 10 chains thence west rods rod thence south 10 chains thence east cast CS 68 G rods rols to the tile place of at beginning beginning- Said Sid property Is a part of or the northwest quarter of section 13 twp 3 s. s r. r 1 w. w Salt Sal Lake meridian and i a ri n part of or said lot 2 nil all al in Salt Lake county n i Utah Utah- tu Il For the time sum of or 95 and upon the time following following fol fol- lowing terms to wit wi cash upon confirmation con con- as appears from rom the return of sale ale filed Hel In this court has been set sot for hearing on Saturday the da day of February A. A D. D 1907 at 10 o'clock a. a m. m at tile the county court house In tho tile a court room Toom of said court in Salt Sai Ll Lake e City Salt Lake ee county Utah Witness the clerk cerk of oC said court with the tile seal sel thereof affixed this day of of February A. A D. D 1007 1907 10 Seal Sea J. J U. U ELDREDGE JR Clerk By W. W Yo II I. I Farnsworth Deputy Clerk C. C e E. E Marks Attorney for Petitioner IN THE TIlE DISTRICT COURT COUn PRO- PRO PRObate PRObate bate division lon in and for Salt SnIt Lake county count state of oC Utah In the tile matter of or ortho tho the estate of oC John ohn W. W r. r Fowlks de tie tie- le- le ceased Notice Tiie The Tho petition of oC John W. W Fowlks Jr praying for tho the Issuance to himself of ot letters of oC administration In tho tile ot of leter John ohn W W. Fowlks de deceased teI do- do te- te I c ceased a el has han ho been set et for rot hearing on Saturday tho the day doy of February A I D D. 1907 9 nr tr 10 o'clocK n a. a m. m at the court room roon county court house In tho timo of or said Hald old In iii Salt Sui Lake Luko CJ City Salt Hal Lake Lak county COUlt Utah Lkc Witness the tho clerIc clerk of oC said oll court the time seal thereof affixed this tills day dayI I of February A. A D. D lt 1907 Seal eal J. J U U. JR CI rk By 13 W V. V II H. Deputy Clerk Petitioner Moyle l and Van Cott Cot Attorneys for IN TilE THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT court in ill und antI for tor Salt Sal Lake county count state of Utah Department No 1 In tho time matter mater of of oC tho time estate of at John Hutchison deceased Notice ruie rhe The petition petton of oC James HutchIson Hutchison Hutch Hutch- ison and amid Thomas W. W Champneys pra praying praying pray pray- In ing for tho the admission to probate of at a certain document purporting to be thelast the thelast thelast last will and testament of or John Hutchison Hutch ison wi deceased ane and ond for tor the tho granting of or letters testamentary to James HutchIson Hutchison Hutch Hutch- ison and Thomas W. W Champneys has been sot for hearing on Saturday the day 3 of or February A A. D. D 1907 at 10 o'clock a. a in m. at the court house housein in tim the court room of or said court in Salt Lake City Salt Lake Lako county count Utah Lle Witness CI tho the clerk cerk of or said court with lh tile the seal thereof affixed this day of or January A. A D. D 1907 10 Seal J. J U. U ELDREDGE JR Clerk Cleric CerIc Seal By Dy W. W H. H Farnsworth Deputy Clerk Johnson and Fowler Attorneys for Pc Petitioner t I t ion or IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRObate PRO- PRO bate division In and abd for Salt Lake Lako Iku county couty state of Utah In the time matter mater of oC the lie estate of William Ilam X N. Jones de de- de- de ceased Notice The Notice The petition of oC Emma Emma S. S The Jones executrix of oC the tile estate of Will Will- 11 Iain X Jones deceased |