Show GB GENTLEMEN YOU 1 MUST USI BE ng THEISM Let Lot us fa saY gay a temperate wor word about the tho matter of compelling members of the tho legislature tr tl to attend on tho the 1 proceedings of the several overal sessions Ono One or two gentlemen have absented l themselves J from their places and ani have havo resented with a good deal i of warmth the exercised power of ot the tho speaker cr to send for fOl them then But nut the they arc are wron wrong They are arc members of the tho legislature They Tiey have hava been elected by tho the people to there thero transact In the host best possible manner mannel tho the work of or time the people of or the tho tate state They simply must sink private Int rests for the Uie space of sixty days la un and give gho themselves to th the hO service er of tho the state it i We e are told that it has been the habit in the past for Cor members lS l'S to attend if It they can and to stay atay awa away II ir they have any other pressing duties But the tho defense Is Ill not a goo good one If It that has been the custom In the honored In the reach than thanin better past it is a custom In in the observance There h Is no complaint that legislators are arc less devoted devoted de ic voted to their obligations after than titan tho they wore were before election But Dut the fact tact remains They are arc elected And nd they must serve a as member until the adjournment ol oj 4 thereafter af tho the le legislature whenever the legislature JUu and er I mo may nia be b called It IL Is no no defense rense to say say- that say that t If IC a a mcm member lJ r have have- have UL to b bI bi I r I i I Wt t t I j. j e I g L t there at Cl C every session slon anti through every s session ho doesn't want tho Job Ho ITo has the tho job And ho will have hn to attend to It ft If Ie he lie tb do his duty ut An And of course he hc will do his dut duty The state is young oung Many things thing's are aro unformed not because It is Utah but beca because se cr a every overy establishment is a result of or successive acceptances of forums forms This Is Isone Isono Isono ono one of them A rigid dut duty rests rest upon 01 0 every member to tobe tobe tobo be bo in his hits There Thero can be no quarreling with it Unless a member of or either house be excuse excused ho simply must be bo In his place or orall Jail all of or his clearly appreciated duty There is no har hardship In the Iho rule anti no arrogance in its enforcement It Is right Let ail au gUO o It It respectful respect respect- ful Cui obe obedience lence |