Show WHAT WUN TilE THE TS FOUIn FOUND FOU In Iii this there thero is no thought of jubilating over the defeat lefeat of an any ally company of young men mon who fare fa far l' l from flom home and anel seek eek to win honors in lit the athletic field Held But nut Buthis this his tour of or tho the Crescent nt basketball team leam from fron the Northwestern North North- vestern western university of Evanston III Is 15 as illustrative as musing amusing Those capable athletes composo compose as tine line a team as could be ho assembled l at Chicago ago They havo played an and beaten the acknowledged hed leaders of the tho middle west I Thc They have o come across the tho mountains j. j into the t territory of the small colleges colleges- into tho the region of supposedly inferior athleticism an and thc thy they have havo been beaten beaten again and again 1 Th re can be no question they have ha had a fair fall trial on every occasion But nul the they haVo lacked tho thu speed the tho accuracy the tho staying qua qualities lit ios the generalship of the men they have havo encountered Thc They have been beaten because there are arc possibilities ties in the West cst that tho older oWer communities can not in development develop develop- provide Thero There aro are opportunities physical ment meat of vitality of ot sustained powers of of retained vigor to which less favored ore l are arc strangers They are re gentlemen In every ovely sense e oC of the tho word and ami are confessedly con con- on- on Casse l superior to opponents In the re relon region lon from which they come But the they can no moro more the men of the mountains than the sand dunes unes o of their lake shore can overtop the Wasatch range When Eastern men come into tho the Utah country they find hind many surprises cs Basketball Is more than an athletic contest It Is the result of growth It Is nn an expression of establishment and Institution It means study and unity of effort and effective training of I discipline and purpose and nerve Th These oIe things the Northwestern college boys bors found toun hero here In Utah It is an honor to have ha met foemen so worth worthy It Is worth even en n more ore than the thu victory o over th them m to have demonstrated in all friendliness friendliness' that that In iii InI I I s tf eo e this West Vest there aro are exponents of oC tho the best qualities and j the best influences that tho the ol older er regions can boast II |