Show SELf DEFENSE IS t CLAIMED BY DAY Murderer Says Victim Threat Threatened cued ened to Blow Him Out of the Alley STATE RESTS ITS CASE CASEI I Testimony III of lc Polio Polio- anti and DC- DC tl t tl Regarding Statements Made Z b by jy X Negro r After rc t. t r i. i In In liT hi his r r opening statement to the tiu Jur Jury riun after the state stole rested Its t r Onse against A. A T. T f Da Day colored charged with wiLl the tho murder of or Horace II H. Voss At aHel hut orney W V. V Little d declared that h ho was prepared to prove that the de tle- aCI acted d In self self Da Day Vent went on tail ln the h. h the i witness stand stad and anil related Ii in detail de do- abuse and threats that had b been en made mude to him h by ly Mathow Edwards the th colored man man whom whoa he struck and andin Yos TV whom m h lie ho shot down Iowa when he ho in placed J i his Ills hand In his hip pocket lOCket as ns if w. w I to 10 pull a revolver rc His Ills statements In lii Ills own behalf conflict with those of or several oral witnesses placed on the stand b by the prosecution In Days Day's cross ex District Attorney Fred C. C Loofbourow o failed railed In his ills attempt to te tear tea down his story Sc o q will be put on the stand by the d defense r l s today todar to corroborate Days Day's statements and refute the tue testimony of oC two witnesses wit wit- J nesses Hes for the prosecution Days Das story was that Voss attempted to bulldoze him Him and threatened to blow him him out omit of oC the alley Ho lIo declared his trouble with Edwards was caused by ge several geral ral disrespectful stories that ha had been heen told about him He lIe claims that he and nud Mrs were encased en-aKed to b be married and that Joseph Weir was hi his rival These stories Da Day says sas were vero started to Injure him and that Weir am and andross Voss ross and Edwards were wee r responsible Co for or them f Sun aw Trouble Following the fight Day had hod with Edwards Ed EJ- wards he lie says that his lIr life was threat threat- cued The Sunday morning before the tin shooting Da Day went down clown to Mrs Yar Yar- hers her's house where ho he was rooming Ui to pack his clothes He Ire said RaM he knew 4 i Hat hA Olt r was pro going I up to be trouble and that he lie had better bettor leave lea He lIo asked Ben Henry 1 Page lage the colored barber barbel to go O with him but Page Pago refused He lIe at attempted ut- ut Lt- Lt 4 tempted to get Jet Dob Bob Hatch another f colored man to go O with him so there P. P would not be le trouble but ho lie also reI refused re refused re- re I fused to mix in the affair Day went vent down clown to his room Just as he entered the house hons came caine at him with a ar r- r club Day had his gun un he declares at that time lime anti and pulled it on Edwards i t Ho Ire ordered him him to get et out of time the hon house c or nr he hc would shoot him If he attempted t t to make trouble When Da Day pull pulled cd hi his hist t 1 j Kim gnu Edwards 1 left the house Day me met mt rr Weir In tho the house talking to 10 Mrs t. Irl-t. Yar Yar- 11 her 1 He lie was anxious to set settle lie affairs affair 1 without all any amy trouble He lie Invited Veir 1 to take tale a drink with himI him I Out lut for or More herr They C wont up iii town anti and had several se glasses I of or beer VeIr 11 went back to Franklin avenue a u n few w minutes before Day Jy oil went to Mrs Ir Yarber's house I i aIn ond Yo Voss Vos caino camu It In and th thiv hl v nl all throe three lJ began gan talking talkIng- about Da Days Day's s trou- trou hile with Edwards While hUe they Lucy were I L talking In Jn Mrs Yarber's house Day Den reI re- re J f I r. r 1 TI Yin Un ii into Juto the room II i rc j cJ t talking tint tind D Day y anil niI Vr Vo rna commenced jin iIii nr II In 11 JeRF rc- rc RF to 10 PRY nv t t Sj JI what hi jo t HV r I I Yo call Lall tl hint Ul hrc i- i n ni l r n a fC j n R R. 1 u to lays lay's statement amid 1 J tSI lu In hi hIs hiM il 11 pocket as It IC to pull pun fi revolver Da Day tired 1 at nt Voss OSS and then ran lail out omit o or ot the Ihu house J. J It II Walker Valker and Eu Eugene enc Gre Green n colored colored col col- col- col ored wore were examined bv hy the time defense Their ll testimony was Introduced to lo show that Day had l a good character and was wasa a steady worker the latt rested rested rest rest- ed 1 Its Us ease several se witnesses ses were CK- CK They riley wf wr-ro wr rG Policeman Police l Fred re Shultz ShullY- Captain John B Ii c am and George na Th Their lr testimony mon mony was In n to th tho arrest st o or of Day nd that lie III said ild ho lw intended t to 1 kill Vo Voss Vest s and amid vint ot nt d for him |