Show I The Tho nc- nc I. I A A 8 Z classified In Exchange Ex- Ex or It-or publican will Sell Soil Rent It-Rent change It It costs costs but hUt 10 loi 10 oJ eat each Insertion p I 1 t I I r J li 1 p. p J t. t 1 l' l I t r r I l iii iJ t The Strenuous Life Makes strong demands upon tho the bod body Most people live c the tho sti strenuous life lire these days either cither Ii In a n bu business or social way and under th these Ee conditions nature seeks a restorative and andA A ALight Light Stimulant The desire for or a mild lous bus In n some form Is is ordinarily common to all humanity but under modern pressure high-pressure conditions o of or living it amounts amount almost to a n necessity And the demand is as natural as It is It if properly satisfied fiSHER BEER Meets this demand in a gentle wa way wayt and because of or Its Us very mildness has secured the seal of ot popular approval It contains just enough h alcohol to revive re and animate but not but not sufficient to Intoxicate If It used In any degree degree de do- gree of or moderation It Is fn In reality a temperance drink Not only Is it H a I. I means of ot animation but It is a delightful relish a nourishing food and a valuable tonic Drink Fisher Beer Deer a drink for tor strenuous pe people plc at leading bars and cafes Supplied by the case caso caseby caseby by byA A A. A Fisher Brewing Co PHONE If Yon Get Married This Month or any of your friends do it t will be to your advantage tage age to our Silver lines MAIN ST ST. SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Wedding Rings Specially Made I ll Ii THAW Gets Gets' IR IRon PRES On Iii his plea of I Insanity We need an amendment To the Constitution tion Prohibiting J such people From Marrying If you are paying RENT You should buy a home on the INSTALMENT PLAN We have them from to Instalments same as Rent Also some choice Farms and Chicken Ranches to sell or exchange for City Property THOMSON REAL RA ESTATE STAT CO GO 6 CS 1 2 1 Vest cst Second South SALT LAKE LAUE TURF EXCHANGE LiE fiE ST. ST California and Eastern races Direct wIro for tor all sporting I R. R G. G DUN CO GEORGE RUST General Manager Utah Idaho Won Wyoming ng and Nevada Neada Offices Iii lii Progress Building SALT LAKE LAIE CITY The Oldest na nd Largest 0 IiI Al r lAK I Hill Ill D. D Tonight Nig Night ht L EE S. SATURDAY AY The Thc La Shello Co Submit DUSTIN D US TIN FARNUM In Owen Wister's Famous Story of ot the tho West Vest The Virginian Supporting of Superior Excellence A I 1 Play ln That Thal Wins Vitis In All Hearts Next Attraction AttractIon Week Week Feb 11 11 Ol Olga opening opening- Monday night In Sapho Sale Salo begins begin today k nIn MODERN VAUDEVILLE ALL Mj THIS IS CEI and DOll J red Fred Ed St St. Once Onge Bro Droll Bros EuLlIn Ilono HOlto Arthur I II Richard Co Nellie Hoke Every evening except Sunday The We Wc Box seats LOO Matinee Matinees Dally Daily Except Sunday and Monday Me Oc and 10 lOc Box s seats ts The A. A M. M CO COX rE TONIGHT TI JL EE SATURDAY Y 30 P. P 31 M. The Swedish Dialect Comedy 95 Tilly Olson With Hh Adelaide J Harland a. a as The Tho Funn Funny Suede S Girl Supported by hy a Strong Stron Company Compan Coming Sunday LOST IN LX NEW V YORK l II R sI 0 II CI B D IS EJ B II II M 4 g 8 THEATRE Salt Lake Only Theatre b t l TONIGHT AMONG THE N B a 11 NIGHT PRICES 10 20 O and SOc I IIi Ii I MATINEE TINEE PRICES 10 and Oc I m a L Matinees Wednesday and Saturday Pa a lill ml B a H a n BH 5 SEAT SALE FOR TIlE JIE 7 I OLGA NE ENG ENGAGEMENT GEMENT In This City Will Begin TOMORROW At 10 A. A M. M i ICES I 2 AUDITORiUM Richards Street Largest surface West of or Chicago o. o FREE Ladles admitted free treo mornings afternoons Jf If ou would be graceful learn to roller skate Open mornings 10 to 12 afternoons after 2 to G 5 e evenIngs c s 7 30 1030 held's Baud nt fit all sessions Wo o 0 Solicit the tho Patronage o of or IJ Ladles and nud Gentlemen A chango of or Management With Improvements at atThe atThe The Wasatch Hill Rin k FAIR GROUNDS Also a Change Chango In Prices ADMISSION TEN CENTS Skates Twenty Cents Ladies admitted free In tho afternoon afternoon after after- noon and evening Competent Instructor in- in will give g Instruction In two- two step and waltzing Military lii Band ud Sn Sunday 3 fl afternoon at and lilt evening evening- WASATCH V AMUSE AMUSEMENT fENT CO C. C 1 L. L SOX COL-SOX MANAGER Wo We Desire to Please DRUNKENNESS CURED A po positive and permanent permanent permanent per per- manent euro cure for drunkenness and drug addictions Branch Dranch Par Parent 0 for n t House Dwight IlL IlL Correspondence con con- Y INSTITUTE i W W. S. S Tern St. St Salt Lake Lak City Utah t- t f V If ir i J A |