Show Unlisted lcd Stocks Sloes on Change c. c Copper Glance Glanco was the most active of or the unlisted stocks on thom the exchange cst day 1 1000 0 0 0 shares I having Ing sold oltI at al and several thousand changing hands bands at 27 1 l Thompson was also active c SOo 0 being paid for shares One Ono thy thousand shares of Standard Cop Cop- pox par po found buyers uyel at UW and 1 1 2 and antI United closed 40 bid lOc Ely Witch Itch sto stood bid with 17 asked I cd and 9 c cWt Wt ya for Fod Federal al Ely Kly For Hana- Hana vat pal va a vas bid hid anci amiI nc Ie Keystone s 's 01 cI clo closed ed d with ak c. c I II I |