Show GET fET hOOD GOOn VALUES IN INS S ROSEBUD DISTRICT Assays Assay From Random Samples amples Give J H Handsome Values in n Pr Precious Metals That gold and silver siler are arc rc everywhere every where f in at least some of th the properties properties proper proper- ties in Iii the Rosebud district Is indicated indi by assay asa returns returns' received cd yesterday yesterday yes yes- cs by W N J. J Ll Lawrence from a a lol lot lotof of samples from Crom tho the Rosebud Nevadas Nevada's Golden Anchor group grou or Of these samples one from tho the bettoni bottom bet bot tom toni of or the discovery shaft shan shanon on the Golden Anchor now about 20 feet in depth gave values of 40 In gold Jold and 14 H ounces in silver one from cropping back baek of tho shaft shaf returned Ingold Ingold in ingold gold and six ounces in silver while one one one- from the hanging haning wall all wal of or tho time shaft shaf gave save 40 In gold and amid four fOUl ounces in silver Two others from rom ne nearby properties gave values of or ounces in mi silver und anti 20 In gold an and amid 09 ounces in silver and 17 7 i in gold In the time letter transmitting these theo re returns returns re- re turns lurns Limo tho assayer told of a n new property prop PlOP erty being opened up which had Imad just had three samples turned out giving time the following values Gol Gold 00 sil 81 sil- sil vet ver 1315 ounces gold goM 65 silver I IC C 1 ounces gold 17 1729 29 silver ounces ounce Mr 11 Lawrence received cd word that and Case of Tonopah had begun active development work worle on the time Brown Palace group roup and amid were already y meeting with most encouraging results Every Indication In is that lint the district is going soing to make malo goo good with wih some Homo to spare V Ni ORE OnE I BODY IX IN UTAH pAI APEX Good Gooc Vein of Milling I lii l In lii Par Par- I ParS ar- ar S CHIC Tunnel Important developments have haYo been made maUe In Iii time the Parc Par nue tunnel being driven by the ha Utah Apex Anex Alining company com COl- COl pany ny of Bif ham Manager et Walter Valter C. C Orem was advised yesterday mornIng mornIng morn morn- Ing imig Ing that a vein or tf milling ore had h been boen en encountered arid and that the entire face was in in mineral Time Tho vein appears to bo ho following the strike of or oJ tIme the tunnel tun tun- nel but hut mm no nu effort has been manic made to cut cross-cut It I to ascertain time tho wl width lh Mr Orem sa says ays 8 the time existence of fC this thiN vein veinis is not Jn indicated on the sUlaco by iy hence hence- Its appearance lc entirely unexpected It was found I O. O feet loet In from the tho portal The Time values alucs run tun principally in il lead r Tim Tho 10 now tramway has been heen In commission com coin ml mission for Cor two t o or O. O 1 three days tIa's und amid nd i is I giving fair Calr satisfaction I ES EXI EXTENDING J LEASE i Judge c It lb N. N Ba Buskin Miller t Company ml n Should Work Yom Jk k Its Us N Now w York Feb 7 Judge Judge 0 R. R X N. of Iho the supreme court of ot Utah and ono One of the tue originators of or ortho tho time Miller anc Mining company operating lH properties it American an Fork lork oh I is in New York conferring with will his hisa a associates Since the reopening oC or have he been en these old possessions they operated profitably by lessees Recently Re Be- Te- Te tho the lease expired and the judge came to r New ew cw York to antagonize any effort to renew renow It It- it ItHe He He- HeIs Is Is' convinced efort the company itel will wi find It possible to lo begin In the tIme earning of or dividends ufo the I present year ar u und and that It I will vII fn timid It J more lott profitable to dispense with wih th thIc Ic lessee ec At this time ho reports at the time stir sur- faccas many many-as ns s sacks ks of high high- grade silver lend ore ores These aro miro snowed mowed in In ho v will be 1 no outlet for fot them to tho the smelters rg until th the Lie leop reopening I bf bt e the lie roads in June Junc i |