Show t J i LEE LEE GAMP CAMP EXCITES S SOUTHERN NEVADA 4 ro J Much M uch Excitement Over Rich Roh J- J Strikes Made in New v- v 1 District I 1 I 14 I BIG SIG CAPITALISTS GET I IN J I i i 11 S n Reports folts l h by m Sch Schwab-C v Ln y J 4 son Experts Give o l i First Firl Tip I I J. J t 1 i- i N Nov v. v Fob Feb 7 is II as asI I ch excitement in south southern rn N Nevada i I SY lp the hc rich strikes s that have been beenk k b. b Ul clo In the new ncY toe Lee district during I the the past two weeks s as ns there thoro was oil oh the cS t coast Const during tho the rueh rush to Klondike and amI amII I f Nome oth win when the tue Alaska gold sol fiel fields s I X r. Q Is Js on ly every r tongue and the stories stor stor- los ies of oC rich es grow grov through constant con S I 5 stant slant repetition although there thero Is IsA A X J enough nough foundation ou lation of ti uth in the re- re S 1 to cst capitalists of or t ported l strikes o te Jr Interest t the tho of ot Schwab Guggenheim 1 and jid nd Thomas W. W Lawson I S AVI thin the past four twenty hours r S I t JJ l fifty C outfits have left Las Vegas I and amI Bullfrog for tho i Beatly Beatty i new flew camp caITI and the brOi brokers tire are InI Increasing In In- I 5 cr creasing the upon the town lots I. I In both the towns of ot Leo Lee Nevada Ne and d I Lp k California I t In Lee Ne where cro but a month J ago ngo sex seven sc en tents marked the camp 5 unit font mt sto stoies cs saloons and rc restaurants laurants S atc are springing up UI on every Overy hamS hand ham S Oswald Stein returned from Lee I this this' morning and reported that he hc had s d 25 Hj outfits on the he road southbound south south- 7 hound bound and that signs of or active operaS opera opera- t. t S t. t thins were In evidence on every C land hand I I i The Lee district 11 lies fles 5 25 5 miles south i of or Hh Rhyolite olite in the direct path of ot the tho J Borax Smith extension of tho the Santa 4 Fc e and the country countr already dy has been examined and alid b t I carefully reported by the mining experts sent in by br th the S Schwab h 8 and Guggenheim interests Command Attention S S Until these reports were ere received little lit- lit lItI I L. L tie tle attention was paid to the thc district IS mis there 1 Is little upon th the surface sur- sur S. S and anden face oven en after the big companies a had aa made their thell Investigations and had S. lc begun n fl to bu buy pr property JH rt the rank and antI me file of oC the mining public was not aware of the existence of this rich district until un im- im r L t til UI the report of or Prof Pro Aughey of ot the tho United States Slates Geological survey surey the i J Smithsonian institution ni anti and the 01 N Nebraska was 1 l made public S. S lf t. t I n th rush to the p district to took tok l place i Lack Lack ki of water I Cp o has kepi back bach the gro growth lh J 5 of district fet Water has been de- de c.- c. 1 f within eight miles cities of or the disS district dis dis- S lct however and Prof Aughey's re report report ret re- re t port has ha been ni made de public and antI as asI a a. 1 I 1 the stampede is on c 1 L. L of Boston managing r director of the Trinidad Copper company com coni- T pany Jany of or which Thomas W W. Lawson is president has purchased live properties proper proper- S tl ties s in the Echo Canyon district for his t I iter Interests ts' ts and will begin de developments I 1 I T I work ork at once f S p. p 1 4 Throe Three bI big strikes strikes have hav tep rt d jc S I and assays shown sho within n the pait i. i w week ek all and pd those have hare br tIe the excitement exi ex ex- i 5 J nt to a fever teat heat S r John Tammany and Tack Jack Cox r re returned returned re- re i. i I turned to yesterday with a c. c wagon load of oC rock cut from tho the face faco r oC of their prospect shaft which assays assays assas i. i S I to the Ure t ton n and the corresponding T strike on Combination mine of an I 5 J Inch eight streak of ot ore that assays assas the th i S S same amount has set southern NeS Nei Ne- Ne i S J vatia aua by the ears y t II S |