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Show INTER-MOUNTAIN THE REPUBLICAN, SALT FRIDAY, FEBRUARY LAKE CITY, UTAH, 8, 1907. fee BUILDINGS PLANNED FEARS HER HUSBAND TARIFF QUESTION. MAYORS OF UTAH ELDER REFUSES SENATE DISCUSSES TOOK FOUR SHOTS AT NEGRO THUG TO GET TOGETHER © MILLERS MONEY BY SCHOOL BOARD WiLL SELL CHICKENS SOLVED BY IWDGE IRRIGATION BILL Mrs. Walton Sues for Peck ae ‘So Action Is Brought to Make B. Martin + Wanted to Save Joseph E. Frick Delivers ‘Congested Condition of Ser-| Program Arranged for Meeting | Him Accept Payand Asks for Two InOne Bullet for EmerAddress at the Uni| | vice Demands New to Form Municipal ment. junctions. gency. ee | Structures. League. Sea R. Callister Believes Loaning State's Fund Would Aid | Agriculture. 07, A SUM OF $100,000 NOW IDLE Lis Prese uwvrence0 Presents Measure Is to Recommited Brought gsand leo Objections the: was Beatie chemist Oil aitempt frustrated by ht. for the company. 5 Martin |laboratory corner lthe Be Friday. Up daring bery of of | South streets jnegro on had rob = daylight a _- | John Mautin conunine|FOR MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT ‘ic lin early B Pittsburg just & Salt Lake the| Officers at located the company Tenth and West Fouth noticed he When lthat rey eached a of ., rwo : sot pea Cities a Days' in 5 the Sree Sestion Luke. Rees State in M. equity on j fendants to, Hold) the plaintiff! 1, jblock ; $2,200 cS Salt Miller the 'during brought an to sell to lot contract, the of time him } ; Change and | In naa the of her husband, court afternoon Thursday asking for an injunetion| offidayit s : ai for) | prohibiting entering her} him = fromm Four-| and West Second | premises Others bit | |teenth Unchanged. Are ---_- of Efrects and Trade Free to Tilustrated Are Sclence ana| granted was street South an OF PROSPERITY yg ES al district ler E Wages of Seale Teachers, Primary | threats divoree ila See | | Shigehat the OVERCROWDED jf. acne: Wah ARE et fot addition, taxes all. pay Franklin's In' to was Miller Fearing action Thur day in the te Disag: Henry. Lb. . Bilder elder Th eomplaint s a Jan. 21 902; that -the-d wi contract a ite t entered Protection Political League. It was | order | court also issued a restraining [th propert v f for $1,260. plaintif' was the lo pay | prohibiting him from selling his chickare $60 of per 1 St in installments t lot iN bewomen young and: men ‘Young thi | from) in.cash\ Ren ber drawing ne | ua to are buildings cnool Three or wae rhs a } \ 1 Mant National Commercial « (e r Callister's Senator bill creating re: eT-| The mavement to organize a league! Om October 16,1906, Miller} Sena theo with the not only familiar on | come marriage their months after Four by. the} year next' the within erected defendants the pay to the| of officers ¢efty and mayors of the and pocket ith providing|his and but sites grant land government voir American. the to }of began Walton. 1902, 5). at| Oetobe r tnat due providing balance the of education, whieh 1, de hoard form inthe call}? definite talten bas cate Mel of | ee Sa oe poren fund} present the of illegal, loaning by | are the for refused owas. It Combinations property Ue praeticc ne lite | ite married their. 5 During own 1s her drew . ja 4 quickly will} abuse Martin nouse taxpayers : the office election e ' was , Special en aetion The eeting a defendant the'. mi th in held be to meeting a for the at - for il -} lrevolver -s for his station 2 took ate and O00 parties to private ,400 aes eyf Wy broken be should and: wrong indae on her to Kil threatened, | he has bond de- lauthorize the force issue of $250,000 to the Miller by city,| brought this in Brown, : Willis Judge ak . . ty noticing ashejot =v of the house door a discussion] front raised flourished a revolver |" purposes rigation r night}t <!* al oceasions and ursday in full 1h Thursday Aad aLpassed the amount oO to neeent "a t reso lution the | fendancs announced, Ac 16 and 15 Pep Was] in the door glass dae the so that Soe did ais lasted} that warton yesterday the senate the n Wi titon | and MaAnweY threatening a. in) it was des intelligent Amerdeliver j; at the meeting - the board and property of every the it for power | payme unifor purpose the toward |in the league rroposed ystem, of abuse, ¢ enced broken Lawrence Senator hours of 4) bond | co! two over hb iy: ie asl to | cided deed arrant oa plaintifY the do to : the between. partisans; benefit be j mutual him left. she it until kept up and jher . . t . r not and Ly pity back! votei water of sea jean b the of I ecnuse , the , on bill the vote agninst fight » the led Pelt vote : huinie Kero \ ‘to: licegy call will dane. sy , ‘ a proper Walton' :and ee be . made} Deseret} issue the by held being i Which re.) with stat the of cities Aifferent not could negro the house ade-| of the provide not it did that ground bank } na} National for an election on next Tuesday night} ruary 8, 1907 and threatened -t kill| not be one-man theory worshipers; be impré vernent municipal to gard soon] he so direetion that <Al-; state. tne for securities quate al and: keep the government im when a report will be received fang Ber ir : het is oe lieved tha the lack o though nearly every "outside" senator and Martin opened fire. He control It Is the committee on schoo! law regarding 9 will J be of : the which paths most those years| Ova, and old 2 years 9% | and town talked in favor of the bill, it was |s} hot four times and is of the opinion iesatuninn: unifor mity the. shorts took effect as r ay to ie benefit recommitted and will be brought up!that one of the them.) of Utah regarding ordinances, methsee not could he here 1,; way w : ras \ the,-closing eo were. These conges that Phe reached the crazy was she that ods of procedure in effecting improve-| again today, and will Bere be| the negro fell just as he declared. tle the befor of specch ong g ck' + NG , pyar Bata are tt } have to going was he that build=| aaniabiil three require chools Fa Joseph:Rok 16 | Judge in place. 1er MAY & EB ments, municipal control of publie uti-) FOR SUPREME COURT | Vs passed without se rious amendment | wire fence urrounding the the | next) yyeane of beginning the for ings league selence political asylum within a month and the | the University lities, opinions as to the adequacy of] Senator Callister's bill provides that} With but one nore shot left in his school 'year, It Is Ns necessary, it Is stated, | children even last Utah of, E taken away from he) After Inin University the. of : tate laws relating to munielpaliti Thirts S : the' state may designate, under the} gun Martin allowed the } Vi ‘ ) ‘"eport the 1 A eee n ant x uh ¥ pou eS ane ') these threats Mi Walton. became [39% the itariff.questiol ind other matters, is retarding to the; ie Ve aaa ease ; were. placed. upon supervision of the state on . Se neee a ok stae bathe Ba a aN ‘i Leet ect OUveME) alarmed at his actions and filed a suit} In the judge a he tarted the of development and growth the disposition of the reservoir eye Lee eae the "pra a "i Bay OF the | and iffidavit for a vestraining order| paek to the oarliest history of. tavfft notified and Detecand the promoters of the league hope ; ta St ey erm whien grant fund, upon loans, providing Shannon was sent to the scene of " | hildren ind brought to Sane eabent ma better condition by begins Mondiy eR The: tlendit proper securities ars obtained. ie | tive the third in the southeastern section, Mr sition' Wael eAye PAC old AIL sod IT of when | | tariff SEB trace of the 1 6 was i effecting the organization. | vaen Ce ee ieee Clerke Marry Grilfith money may be loaned to private corthe robbery, but no ; 1}The sehoo!l population increased 1,566 found he was married... From the first Walj t porations and sndividuals ond there is] would-be robber wa he'-jas vO ¥ . rt Hamilton Started by Robinson. |. The Stten.OLw,] pohudent \ a hi last year In the | ton found fault with her in the way she! laid bar pupil ig a provision In the bill that the Joan a i ie . j Williar J. James Meraatinek r 11 Wreng Man Arrested report: of the sulldings ind grounds} attended to her duties as a housewife.) and its avor I W Robinson, of Logan State ex rel. Jacob Peart et ae plainWill become first lien on the property. | committee About noon word was received at ; i tack OMT nee that one | On one occasion he drove her out of * whi hich -1 c was one of the first to jedi the | tiff, vs Third Judicial eourt, T. D. LewThe state now has $100,000 in this eac i ) 6 erected ete each yerearSy aee I sought protection | protect i shoul« yullding Sulllfund, and it is lying idle The father! the station that OMmficer Daniel project and he has been at work on it , Judge, defendant "eb. 11 answering negro a arrested t In ve applleation of Thomas' Marionhad LLCSY the beginning of the next schoo t the home of one of her neighbors. | van loaning; by that for more than a year. tv corre ss aUt.| predicted bill the of |.eaux for i writ) of mandate against supposed buryear The two schools opened last) After she had been there for, several | aac tat : } it upon proper securities it would not the description of the > Snatch dia} the wen in the. western part of the city | hour he came for her He thre: band betrrert £ Fe a pager aah ne a state bonrd (of examiners, Fel 1 sent out to greater proportions, but} glat and the wagon was state have been interested in the move, | . Sat relleved only two districts where the j her life and exhibited a revolver ah in |the net ; re 5am ae at Seis n ¢ it would insure a rapid development bring him in | Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railx ra eects the is Pb ir, refused to give ‘his time | | Ean of the most him with carried he Accord-| prevailed of the arid tracts of the state and reChe prisoner congestion: worst, t LU Aw iy company, spondent, Bebo 12 ing to the report the chools in. the] Mrs ilton state that Walton: has bon 5 ‘a ' Beit PE he had gone out to), eldim thousands of acres of land now) hame and said that councils of the state for theit John \\ ay , Union other. district mentioned are overboul thirty chickeius, four ducks and mr th a aye She eS te Aca e sore the in to fish of town, part that vast Pec company, respondent, farmers adoption, with the information that to open and idle Iving > 2 pero eed: An adc erin of ten rooms is} two turkeys which he: has raised. He] this. ti: that a pee ; re by shown was which river, dan any suggestions from them would be} eb. 12 areas of fertile farming country also asked: for the Franklin school} pas $200 in- the bank and is employed | ‘Ltry ry at Oe ERG vas, not iv partisan number of hooks a lines which were vs. Union PaJ appreciated. Responses have been. re _| ciflALG. Railovas Fell, re spondent, y as well as the enitiramckt ot several | at the Martin When t Smelters at) Murray where h ‘hster's ie poecke in e his ipr re lant found company, . Ss cat € Ss > ‘ . Re : ce i : Unsate, npan Is Security Says eb. Cc. 12 u ak |.other buildings | receives $75 per month Tha: ‘order Webster Views. oe ee ganas oe ca to he we nt arrest of the notified Was Senator} bill the on attack his "e In comp Investment Lake Salt) | speech a In.o. Lieersenient Walton meeting: the restrains tend court identiof the by purpose the fissued for door | the station Tunds, the of open to dep Question people said jt would ella nt | ca et ah Fox, Lawrence M, his Jesse of v any of spondent. | wh Is disposing 5 ff from t he with made been it that find to orly t¥Ying notthe theman, | that| was in proposition, dangerous a o 18 b. whereby railroad h with 1A 1 of trace No negro. same n the report. made by the cormmits| erty. His wife asks for the custody of | #™¥ Siven if ' by those who attend the meeting will relati: fund tensen appellant, vs. O the endanger it woul.) tee the means of raising funds was dis-}] her children, half of his property per-| thei vs with ee Une od offender has been sheriff of Emery county, rea reduced rate on their trip to} ear Beebe, to prive ite par- | the mitting it to be loaned on the ceive cussed The present school tax is one} mManent alimony and attorney's fees tions ih year t tariff are fore police entire the f Salt Lake pondent, Feb, 13 reservotr' establist to. wish tles who.J ,/ and one-half mills. It is held that the 8 a go ie ted ind we ¢ . lookout of the} - Two Days' Program. Davee a AM : eas lla VB: Osder in Salt Lake are at a maximun l , Ins 1832 the we }aerie,, No rr alk Order of Tea - | taxe reservoir companies, he rate now and for. the legislature iS promise act owen Following is the program> outlined| sles, et al, re pane nts, Feb, 13. eurities would not be safe He natd| | COPal-2 3s irds al an incompetent, by raise the tax would be too seve ‘WEATHER NEPA pt CULAR for a graduy TO HSED LVER for the three sessions of the gather- | REY of five or six reservolr comne ; he knew By a Isane Birdsall, Pree vs. J. 16. Leawit was su e aton pan? issu "ould a for ten yeurs : a | test . and -i : failures) ; been 2 Bs Feb 3 had be that only.to I Vilt etal, 1 espondents, will : panies a1 : he ing 0 q cone eh ve San 7 ; named the Bear River and Mt. Nebo Friday Morning, Feb. 15, 10 A. M Ne ; ss thi respondent, \ Michael) O'Lauehlin n tax ori iginal tn is ar hark ian ai iise| aera st 7 ti - the appel terrible. pani« ict led to the as illustrations. FRENGE Address of welcome, Mayor. .Bar: | Union Pacinie Railway company, years thi companies | committee's the Vhen loanMoney by 1 the ruined ; are making a mistake completely ‘We ae which 1837 of Thompson. Lake response Mayon lant, pene eb, 14 me Salt n it we the board before laid was DUT Paente rprises Union private vs. to sone ‘ eden; response respondent, this wg ing A KsW Creer | Mayor ee industrs Z turing BEE ann American eae supervision. stat was no is pepe) Ne the ae where. it "oneere appellant, company, scLiEWwity i os { ; ai eee again ee was Ree Donets however ; Dera industry, American 1849 intact a af adt to be kept . tariff x com-} fund aden eC iw The 1 the s o | DEAS DL ES Ser. Panny ant | 3 s epi Prue raw Christine iitee EM ti vs ‘ respondent, ‘ eniire tims ; ot' ae appoin ee permua- | a Oo n the assouth, or, The of i o mmitttlees W ariry ner and thenete 0 Skies ‘'} Cloudless said oe i Bedthe cae des stroyed, ' grat | eleetion : supporters a : reservoir. «a is the company "T ‘ Railway ne Short Oregon amount of of | and constitution on ant organization, pecial = Unpro an With : stating Barber Greek no Feb has state the |} appellant, Callister fit to estabsaw Senator tariff, ole ‘rede protective oO on credential pr high a Bean p | k t Tem iws, ' issue t bond a SI law by N prese raised the be bl to der 0 money an: Laks law, > present the Angeles and Salt under anid, an Pedro, Los | security, the M on. 2 P. 15, industries Feb. Afternoon, manufacturing Friday' lish 100tS FreIS ame ure pera nounceanie board the was It purposes what plantations loses entirely, as the state land for great and their of vs. board grounds appellant, company, * ake Tiros . rf flee of the board that the condition opinion respondClty, Lake { Salt of ation ving educ of failed reservoirs Laws-j; however fre "State These construct to ailed owing to the fs authorized Reporis of committees; dicted . wey | ‘ this matPartner. that such the of the schools was unless receurse no has nat this state The i c ity attorne : ; Adequate?" the in ae Are exist then age : y of: | ent, Feb. i ree £3 . meralais . te ae Ordé et put through vs. Salt Lake | ler ought to be nt, ital re Felt, G. the John bill Juvethis "The sy discussion; rebuilt. is eh general tii, Bae reservoir and a 4 gain they: advocates in 1 1846. 1e -_- 1546 r ‘le t tee tin was called m special meeting for TuesJFeb. corer 15. City,Moanappellant, to Citles,| f& t special Relationship By nile "Courtand tsCounties," into, effect' the tariff act whicn it brought Tillis it now = ¢ Led on by the state has double the protection ra. | Towns' 7A The financial condition of| Tr ninced day night. Ciraala eee "6. re al. et provided Kcimbalt amply ,Gugenis more ), is «Wallis It sudee enjoys. aunties, ‘ the board requires the bond issue at} yaiting Thurs splendid weather, pre-/is the nearest to,free trade we have irae i Sait-Lake, general. discussion; ) vs. Salt Lake C appellant, EF Two, Greeks, Andrew Bakts and Va j with security. The state aoe land board silios Lekouslotis, who have been run"Sidewalk Paying," LC, Kelsey, Salt D.°: ampstead, respondent, vs. Sal the present time, . The vailing Thursday, the local office Of} ever had. of free labor will insist on a mortgage on the land, Since the abandonment to coneluded. has bureau wenther the Lake City; discussion. ea cS ieee apner int, Feb. 18, the eity school tax Is estimated at $60.SecWest at 555 shop a barber ning 000 a year, and the bond issue would| #1¥e Sunshine and warmth for one more in the south manufacturing industries before loaning the money.' Saturday Morning, Peb. 16,10 A.M. |S sR ror ° rn. respondent, in a quarstreet, engaged South appellants, "It becomes a first Hien on the land," | ond soon be bought up. In the meantime] @@y_ at least. ‘The prediction for today have thrived with remarkable success "Municipal Ownership of Public UtiltFeb Seis inter splated Senator John Y. Smita. rel ‘Thursday morning that came near the schools would be relieved. is for fair weather, «accompanied by} SUIL they are the adyoeaters of low anpellants, ves. ti from Springville; William Geddes et al. pte eine the southern | tar jin eng ng seriously for Bakis. temperatures mer ¥ : I Drouth. Prom ab, Danger 4 company et ae Causes of Brosperity; North Ogden or Uti an.rom eatBing: ricre oe portion of the state. aiscussien. Agents Barred. that Book filet the over arose are trouble 1e G respondents | ¢ on. ? eeere é 1 TG extends " Supposing there {8 2 long period Of} ype: men had invested unequal sums pressure barometric High ; tariff wasnt sects Book ‘From the adoption of the. "resp onde ove nsworth, crests Don with rh ‘ country, "\ th iE vere a orith visit-|across ' bY x4 from agree] barred not ére ened bias ' and : ; jy {he enterprise i Lawrence,| c Senator said Vis: Paeitie ¢ ‘ol company, appell: ine rry oe years dry < ris ng Prohit ) ite Oo Py Union ke Tincipals obey pa Sé Aes aike . =miner, ‘ Tals oe CVC Tae ; Ve ances "the state could not recover. ce A ‘great tne division of, ‘the 4 rece oneraly™ a dank 3 ; ot ae ‘oOSsper 7Years vit h w¢ Mule,e, Wit as er we AtMOAUOEA. BY Scheels ‘ in ‘ t Feauiution respondent, Pete rson, : vs. .BBul- - | Cc e ark res on, Murray, of mayor 3 { License,' High ys. quarre Whe. We ednesday] started They way. that fail ee projects rat ites many . ua thet aan wers Kansas City and Chicago) |!isbt snow at The board ; Byron Cummings. Professor comMining Champion and: lion-Beek general disduasion: business, next meetSeine cee morning but finally pate ne ad up a truce] an om HT. of acres thousands Many barometer ‘lhe however e e: wascate' in ‘truth, rain-at It tariff low.uN for matter the discussed ; Galveston. iD | five.ajand Be b fully Nant, for appe pany, mis~| program, : on committee place, ing sooner| No for the da lasted s whieh through) a eethe é [rist except lois war, reclaimed oT! Mexican be not can | aye' to‘ the Me South oyer, ta os rie the low rish. fet on|' ; nad _ decide to > comparatively Senator ! attempting said in minutes terrations," Salt} vs. c nt, Northwest sponde ivat Ixirk, British J. and Alice coast Pacific they that celaneous, | them "7 Thursday opened the sho some plan to inform had they "a4 --_---_ ~< ----__-_ -< corporation private appe ont, Feb Lake City, ; volution on the continent, Fs the 72" * money~ north-| the quarreling ae over started wave they y e p cold than The jjorning Y|ritory. ‘ should) tne "and Smith, again, the Crimean war and the diseovery of administrator. of the es- were trespassing A [. : Stone, on the principels')eyn half of the country has modified with the be loaned to them for that purpose. again and finally the Greek. deceased, re ate of Willlam > Murray, gold in Ca! ifornia. Then. came the retime It was suggéstea that to write] considerably with temperature at time - Johnson said a_reservolr unpronounceable name left the place in Railway spondent, vs. Union Pacific 12I 2 degrees below "zero over | lapse of 1857 followed .by .the election to ; the publishing firms and inform|orf rep ort 20 Feb. project had been started in Piute appeHant, a high rage e ounce in a short COMMUN: time which Grter 1860 in Lincoln of Vermont, and portions of Minnesota the| be would resolution the of them esof the administrator Stone, I. county and that the company wanted insisted that Bakis either 7 protective the had we This amendcourteous manner. re- | Most tate of James HH. Winslow, deceased. to borrow $75,000. As it is, ne said, sell or buy and thus terminate the Rallway}| ment was voted down, and it was left ane Cae when the tariff of 1 eed Vs Inion Pa eile spondent Bank Clearings-Thursday's - local the company could not borrow at a gaxtnerah{D This Bakis refused to. do to the principals to Lotify the agents The record for the twenty-four hours] pealed followed by the re aumotl in faet appellant, Feb. c ompe iny clearings ae to $842,low vate of interest, and then without a word of warning] t yank when they called ending at 6 p. m. Thursday night was of V875 In 1879 the resumption aet Jones, appellant, vs. Ogden 240.47, as aga $1,009,937.66 for Senators ereuPe and Walton talkPakoustotix drew 2 gun and fired two . 3 specie and enforced vas : OF: 21 : city et Christensen H. D. Superintendent ed in favor of the bill, but it was laid sintum shots at Bakis, who was sitting in i al] the corre ayanding day last year, J Meyers, Seronnent ‘vs. East submitted a seale of wages for teachLEM DONA UIC. St degrees, ed. which has been In effect ever: since minimum temperature, over until today Tae final actio chair at the farther side of the room Branch Irrigation company, appellant, Dramatic Clab-A dramatic evs. It contains a n.inimum and maxiRHC Is 15SS) ‘The next noted tart. bill Wal "the e which degrees, 44 iemperature, . eb. 21 ‘is being organized in the city went-out which bill of 1890 Was Narrow Escape for Gakts, c lub McKinley aceumulated nor pai? nD " grees the] to referred was and wage mum Mark, vs. re aponde nt. Bryant, Walter to present a play in 1894 but was re establishe al of effect tempera of cess school} and teachers of committee The first bullet was imbedded in the| by ©. V . Watkins, 21 Feb, et al, appellants, Kunkel Judge rt entitled "The Negro, Dingley the i 5 ert. the The salaries for teachers in the] iy inches vall only a few from Bakts'| © work. Salt] a on Gillmor Charles < vs, Tect the "Unele Tom's Cabin ure since Jan Lake City, respondent, Fre 25. : first to eighth grades inclusive Is set} cess of Cemper< d, the second entering his clothing |‘ f the humidity, 3 per cent manufacture, ine 1as a negro from Fiji as its central Belnap, apbellant, vs. J. G.} forth with a minimum at $50 per|srees. Relative Frantle Runaway Team Pendangers a nein. the heart .and tearing his No pre elpitation; accumulatat 6 p.m, . wed that in month and maximum of $90 per et al, respondents Widdison side as it passed through his garments. Lives In Main Street. ed excess of precipitation since the first re spondVasatch Orehard company, "or T. N. Bleak-An entertainment month. salary for the neads of T the Finding himself unhurt Bakis jumped month, Lé 1es eae aa aera of the ent, vs Morgay C andy company, appel/ am of horses owned by the Twenty-second the departments is nlaced at $150 or s feet and began a furious strug-| will be given in. the e Oregon California:* state penitentiary ‘ook fright < XL r16 iit ution sine Jan. 1 nu a the gun, in which he was fin-| ward meeting house Friday evening in ". . on individual: merit. M. P.|.2" Increase vs. Roberts, appellant, piece of loose paper in Main of Elder T. Nelson Bleak jr., Braffet, respondent, Feb. 20. rnis' scale increaseg: the salary of) ------ I Utah; honor aa ally suecessful Nobr, Wi yoming do let bari soon to fill a Mormon about 3:30 Thursday afternoon, teachers in the beginners Who leaves the ayerage Lekousiotis immediately Ned <¢ and has] respondent, et ah, Riddle M, & Mrs. -_--| w the remains in the next few ‘moments there practicaily but jepartment but two witne sses| mission in Germany. 26. not been seen since, B. B. Quinn, appellant vs. -sothe congratulated : i= runaway that was marked by NBhy, in the other departments. same : A. Hanap pellant to the shooting John Pou os and And P. J Donovan, : ae S its clety on Silk Factory Next-A Pennsylvania ls|¢ 26. I eb. political for scheme narrow escape jv, trustee, respondent, novel Auer nits ae drew Posos both verify Bakis' account Stations. Approved. capitalist writes the M. and M. associaAction Insurance San vs. administratrix The see dashed wildly down Nellie Teakle, education and urged that it be followed sis of the trouble and say that Bakis oftion inquiring after a suitable . *whole ‘the of betterment the to out tels Main street towards Third South Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt L: ike Raflx fel of fered no cause for the shooting. The action the sanctioned board preceded ! tion. in Utah for a silk mill. The lecture was Wi. hha oe community. |S) 68] ae & 1a] road company, street Near the corner. of Third the committee on buila.ng and grounds patrol wagon driven by Officer Harris Rio vs. appellants, Rogers et siderable money is ready to be frvestC.D. Zora Shay Miss lei& | by a solo from aia South street they struck a wagon ---~---------_ on| of insurance $167,000 made a fast run to the seene of the rewriting re-|in ed in the enterprise, if a suitable locamaton ay Canicane Western Grande owned by the Royal bakery, breakwill spex uk onthe Judge J. H, Moyle 4 AS S| was|Abilene, Tex, ........-+-.-.--| conflict as it was reported to the stainsurance The rate. 90-cent the tion can be procured Feb. 27. spondent, ing the tongue of the prison rig, and D. Skeen, appellant vs. Thomas E.] written in six companies which are ae VINO 2+ -fees } 38) 30} 10) Demoer: tic 21 side of the same questi on l : tion that at least one man had been February 12) 40) 20] ree-[ eeespeenes ss Atlanta To Qulet Tile-Judge John &. insurThe smashing in the end of the bakery under two local agencies. a= 4| Browning respondent, Feb. 27. 8} killed and seve ral others badly wound°10) .| re nee dirt al " reer Booth of Proyo is trying the which expired F. | ance wagon, and at the es time tipping J. vs. --appellant, Richards, : J 4]... "S4] 6... ed in the affr ...\......ae eavees{ } S41Gi 20} .... Boise was) 1 to Garcia. February Message on Police xpired Niels Jensen et al against J. R. Lewis y a c respond-| ete. . trust, Boston jt over in the gutte in per cent on Emith,ev. trustee twenty-five about reduced = ide a thorough seareh The officer: 28: ent, shiek was set in Judge.Charles W. eaheeed Ere thrown to. the each building reinsured Sane tre scenes cere 8} 14]. 6}. .02 Filline Garcia, a -Mexiean "as . were unable to for Lekousiotis, but Thirtdae orse's court: The action was brought Taylor j force of the blow, Officer Gen by thie rested Trl eharced 98i wursday ol benea an Cairo Christensen D, H. were 42]. 4] qs} find him. | aj Superintendent . : Calgary 7" author-| : quiet tithe on a piece of property and both were badly cut around the William J. Newman and Name, Maiden 600 Divorce and tage ness he wie ot ecands 44} 24 |} 98) in Soy Temple and Pighth West body. though neither was Charleston. the of boundaries the to adjust ized de-| was Richardson Jess Mrs. "ALCL Nad .O8) céolen from the Utal List 22; 6) 16) | seriously injured. oconseace ware BO Chics city. the of part western the in schools Rich-| A. Elwood creed a divoree from bakery wagon escaped unht Bn viel Case Up-tThe preliminary That no one was. killed ae injured ee lees an a Bong A. BE. by hearing of Lee Bunch charged by ‘lto an | "t eee ee Datroit the since that office perintendent's of de-| the grounds on court eof the strong's The Dolly Fire fone whey company of Most at the tee company lite short of a coms elev el metecs Ct Sumuel Newhouse with obtaining oe ning of the two new schools many| Dodge They were marrie. on. Jansertion, Salt Lake filed articles of incorpora"ol agi. { na junk yard-where G telnere found Ool oney under false pretense will be a year}children have to cross three sets of} Duluth . a i. sesecesesres! and within 1900, 13, uary sarcla had sold tion Taursday in the secretary of . ool 76) aati. fit." ee) ,,.. ed with pe ople at the take! again Friday in Judge t u fail- railroad tracks to go to school. Their| El Paso has and disappeared Richardson state's office. The company was oreral women who were standing on the ---->--_____ 224 62) 12) 42) «| Diehl's court. The woes Galvestoy the residents and lives are endangered ed to provide for his wife in any way.] genized to develop claims in Utah some time ago, , corner of Second South and Main "ey yot Ask oO} 58] 4). but weer eee Miss Ethel Grand Junction was entered by de-} asked for a readjustment. His appearance county carrying clay and silicia. he Bakery streets barely escaped. The wagon rad Vidney breem Sane a oh bay absence of several of the state's witST AAVTe «ie cerec tree her: contract} from was oe Lane being| ey're the best." service of summons a the fault, bricks and other articles are to tease] 26). 46) 4 anaied the elothing of several of the and FLGIOWA oi) oe ewbocserness nesses Was postponed until today. ainder of the year, Mrs. Richard-|for the _ by publication, made manufactured by the company. The 10)... 18} a | Bie ett au at ladies as it went by. employed was amish "Be Business Boys' Club-Seventy-five son's maiden name, Jessie Lockwood,| Miss Mayne capital stock amounts to $25,000 in -_--______boys, who are employed in daily work, shares of $1. There has been 5,000 "Rat the Best" Vienna Bakery bread. shares set aside as treasury stock. The met at the Newhouse Betterment a Knoxville Petes wee) | 29), 20) home, 137 North Main street, ¢ officers of the company. are Israel ganized the Business Boys' club. The Cole, president; Frank Cole, viceideu of the organization {is to give its president, Harry 8S. Harper, secretary members the benefit of talks on pracand treasurer, and Heber C, Cole, with tieal Business methods by prominent the Saree form the board of: dlMastheny' oor van Weceue cis | *18}. 10] 4| business men. Work has begun on the New Orleans Dua eeree he | 40} 48) 14!.... recto new 40x70-foot gymnasium. The. ie hicago-Utah Copper Mining the poreh front of the | the When pr aching he apMariin saw a revolver from the} from dropping negro drew the insure build- ing wreed: that the for month offered ‘ re ‘ FEBRUARY CALENDAR e in 'the-southern part and') (¢, protect herself and. childre Ky : wR ity, another Wo v ‘ CITY NEWS IN BRIEF ---_____--- MANY NARROW ESCAPES ine Horae, PMAERe INCORPORATIONS OF A DAY | st NIAMONDS Five Carloads of PIANOS OUR- ew Music Hall We ask you look to them call and over, $6.00a Month NO INTEREST. Daynes-Romney MUSIC CO., 25-27 BAST FINST Arm-|Complaints her. was restored to -FOR G. Judge George in crdeon . salary of $45 a month aio ete) ane OFFICIAL INSPECTION Bat 24/16) 2 --| 06] Barrow Bros., Stationers, 15: W. 1st St. cee] BS soel gah: alo. OF COTTONWOOD CONDUIT) Mpdgiin ins eae <...°.cstte OES SOUTH. company filed its articles of incorporation Thursday in the county clerk's office, The capitalization of the company is $500,000 in shares of $1. For development purposes 150,000 shares of stock have been set aside he company owns claims in Morgan counThe officers are Charles Ball, president; J. H Edgerly, vice-president} BE. Howes, secretary treasur The Tictimingo as and Development compa of Farmington Utah, filed its AUHiCten of incorporation Thursday with the secretary of state. The company is capitalized at $400,000 jin shares of $1. Of this amount 180,000 shares of stock have een set aside ‘for dev eloping purposes. Tie company owns several claims in Davis The officers are: W. J. HazelDerby, president; vice- president; Bee Lamb, secretary and treasurer, e Norton-Thomas company of ak Slide, Morgan county, filed its articles of incorporation pee in the secretary of state's office as h a capital stock is $10, 000 in saa of $100 each. The company has a rata of merchandise yolnky 8 t 4,000. The officers of the compa | Norton, president; T. G ora vicepresident, secretary aan treasurer, To Settle Fisher I peake: 3 Toe One peti- tion of James M. Fisher Jr., to be appointed administrator of the aca ta ot his father, James M. Fisher, who died January 1, 1907 ns Salt Lake City, was tiled Thursday in the probate division of the Third district court, The estate ieft by Fisher consisted of real estate valued at $4,000 and $200 in personal effects There are twelve heirs Perens in the petition, < Sold with guarantee full amount them at of three means PERSONALS. Diamonds . Owen Carter has just returned from a business trip to Des Moines, Towa Thomas R,. Cutler, president of the Continental Life, left for the Fast last nignt, to be away about two weeks on a business trip. For : Reference: 28; : : a the can rae Nothing which son to Address Lumber ‘Line, will address the the Big Satardays. in been| New tae BOO Cotton- Uhe York City at dictowane Phoenix ot eres Spre, PSR es ae of inspect ai auek the Tora ota ibe wil 10], I8h4l.; a "0 IMPERIAL HAIR TONIC on ..............2-.....) een [8B 48} -»- a | an Ol 201, | 74h] = | S} al 2 22. he} al 24) iy: teh rn nis rift _¢ STAG coco snncuy ass eee « to 3 ei ent fig p,* Seie © yas ' ngton i 9 Jeweler and Diamond Broker, 175 SOUTH MAIN, Phe Popular Price Jewelry House The lished from. new map L by R. Official oF Salt Lake City id pub&C drawn Co, andbe ready Revokda ~- wy Tr asia *Below Aezero. at Pas cee ai Viel Meet Classified. ads under Help Wantea- Wanted-Situaand Female or It shows all} Male or delivery in a few days. the new streets and ave Fine as wellition classifications are run three times as the recent changes in the names of jn The Republican free. -_-_-- o> -+____-_-__ a large number,of streets as ordered) by the city council.il. It also shows the from: you order bakery mone courts, alleys, ete. Size 45x56 inches' ree ‘The Besst. -! of "T you are assured Price, $1.00, Send in your order for Bakery, Ind. ‘phone 15. line. Vienna ors OLK-Bither a copy & CO a rake amin. 17-620 Sec. & Mer. Dooly aa Fine ‘Jeweler, watch No. repairing. 12 East A. S. Relser, First South and prevents dand the hair from falling out. Cures scalp diseases and keeps the scalp clean and in- NEW Os. ba nkWalker Bros., : G removes Positively ruff ee Mie RDN a Syma Ss Sa gE MAP OF THIS CITY. Re eke ssh 6Rhy BA} 22 ! oa . of have officials From Parley's reservoir the party will state prison, take ‘carriages | to i the take cars to the city. they will where Years Men. The annual convention of oe peer ern Retail ee, T-ealers' Mu 1 association will cld Febr ae 14-16 in Armory hall, w aa tne transportation questlon will be the principal theme for discussion. . A, Reeves, weneral freight agent of the Short oh Milland a tour Be ee wear --- -0 ~~ - Reeves cdndult eity The party will leave the {lson hotel at 9 o'clock on eee morning and take cars to Mu From there the officials will be ieaken to the head o the conduit in Big Cottonwood canyon. Luncheon will be served at the Knud- for Three invitations the vitations. were issued fromthe. city| recorder's office Thursday afternoon, expiration years, you join inspeetion WOOd: ek the paid to official written fst to refun hundred issued complanit wae te eompany. - The DH Bal Ste" secre reb ve have been filed in the su-|GANCMatl > eS a 10 St. vigorated. iat MM op ipaicheet as 3 Clete ba a en Sc aBottle. ee DD Try the celebrated French Sundae drink, only_ 10¢ _-_-___ se ‘HHotvana and, ‘Cold Soda Drinks ¢ WILLES-HORNE ORIG CO. (0. BY THE Deseret MONUMENT. News Bldg. Bell 374-1830; Ind. 374-1578. d |